
tryfanminimal: The only issue I currently have is with sles.  Cloud-init has been fantastically useful for every other distro.  So much so that I haven't had to modify very much in the years that I've been building new OSes to use with it.00:08
tryfanThe log I sent along did not have resolv_conf enabled, as the module itself states that it shouldn't be used unless editing /etc/resolv.conf manually is the desired way to manage nameservers which is not the case with sles.00:11
tryfanIf the intention of resolv_conf is to switch /etc/resolv.conf to manual, then it is not performing that task either.  Cloud-init simply is not capable of configuring the nameservers in sles in a way that survives a reboot.00:12
minimaltryfan: you should raise a cloud-init issue and tag the SuSE guy00:33
minimalI haven't been near SLES in quite a few years now00:33
minimaltryfan: re the other reasons across distros that you end up putting setting in 2 or 3 different YAML files, if you don't raise issues for those then they probably won't get investigated and fixed in which case you'll have to keep using those workarounds in the future as they'll not be fixed...00:36
minimala self fulfilling prophesy00:37
tryfanminimal: sorry, I wasn't very clear.  I don't have any other issues that I can think of with the other distros.  I'm only trying to make a sles image that we can distribute, so I'm just trying this for the first time.  For everything else, it's awesome 01:22
tryfanI will see what I can put together for an issue and see if I can get something going.  I appreciate the time01:22

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