
tsimonq2sgmoore: For the record, I tried Solid when I first wrote this, didn't end up fitting. Great thought though. :)02:57
santa_hi everyone10:50
santa_sgmoore: welcome back10:51
sgmoorehi santa_ , thanks!11:02
santa_I guess you got already faimliar with KA, right?11:03
santa_* familiar11:03
santa_that's nice, I hope you noticed the evolution, a couple of comments just in case you don't know:11:34
santa_- docs are online here: https://kubuntu-automation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ (it's just a build of the sphinx docs which you can build yourself)11:35
santa_- from time to time I'm doing test rebuilds here: https://tritemio.org/11:36
santa_I hope to allocate some time to do some test rebuilds these days (but I'm in a complicated situation atm)11:37
sgmooreok, yeah I built them locally, good to know11:37
sgmooreno worries, take care of yourself, we'll be here when things are less complicated :)11:38
santa_regarding the infra of tritemio, I have been doing some puppet code so you could replicate that infra at home11:39
santa_that's WIP and not finished yet, but some day it will11:39
BluesKajHi all14:42
RikMillssgmoore: please join #ubuntu-qt16:52

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