
mfosudip, yes, just timestamps. as you mentioned the behavior is different with -updates/-proposed enabled for you, I imagine it might be a coincidence and the timestamps have changed in some other operation?  I recall building in LP in 2 diff PPAs with -updates and other with -proposed, and both had the same behavior.00:50
sudipyeah, it might just be a coincidence that the timestamp changed in my local build, and the debdiff which I uploaded to the bug wont have it01:00
mforight, it's very hard to realize (and it's _definitely_ not the kind of subtlety that package building is expected to rely on)01:05
sudipwe will see when its in the -proposed.. thanks mfo for working on that :)01:08
mfosudip, happy to help, and thank you for all the work there too; it's always teamwork. i'll be out for a few days next week, but hopefully i got the incremental fix right and it may be accepted, and the SRU will just move forward.01:09
* sudip will keep an eye on the bug if thats moved to verification-needed01:11
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sudipa newbie question, how do I request a rebuild of a package in Noble ?10:30
ginggssudip: do you mean like a binNMU ?11:16
sudipginggs: yes11:17
ginggssudip: file a bug, attach a debdiff (only change being "No-change rebuild for xx" in the changelog, request sponsoring11:17
sudipahhh.. ok.. same process then.. thanks ginggs11:18
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dannflocutusofborg: did you have any feedback on that cmake/jammy SRU? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/712737254/cmake_3.22.1-1ubuntu1.22.04.2_source.changes18:44
locutusofborgdannf, sorry I can't find any debdiff20:27
locutusofborgchecked it from your ppa, fine for me :)20:29
dannflocutusofborg: thx! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HyXgnCPk6T/ fwiw20:30
locutusofborgyeah found it via https://launchpad.net/~dannf/+archive/ubuntu/test/+packages :)20:30
damonlynchWhere can I find documentation for how to configure git-ubuntu?21:29
damonlynchSomething is wrong with my git setup: running "git-ubuntu clone" ends with "fatal: remote error: Repository '~USER/ubuntu/+source/REPO' not found."21:30
damonlynchIn my .gitconfig I have "[url "ssh://git.launchpad.net/"]21:36
damonlynch  insteadOf = https://git.launchpad.net/" (and lpuser is correctly configured in [gitubuntu])21:36
adriennot sure but it might be "git config --global --add gitubuntu.lpuser $yourlaunchpaduser"21:50
damonlynchadrien, that was set by git-ubuntu itself21:50
damonlynchin other words, it's already been set21:51
adriendoes it really say USER or did you edit that?21:54
adrienI think that routinely happens and is harmless; but you can use the remote to push later on21:55
adrienif it really says "USER", then I don't know and it's too late for me to dive into this21:55
damonlynchsorry to be unclear, but I substituted USER for my username and REPO for the repo21:57
damonlynchthe actual error is:21:58
damonlynchfatal: remote error: Repository '~dlynch3/ubuntu/+source/rapid-photo-downloader' not found.21:58
adrienis it really causing issues? I think you can just ignore it (but later you will have the remote set up so that you can push to it for review)22:19
* adrien goes to bed22:19
Eickmeyerdamonlynch: o/ Didn't email you back, but uploaded rapid-photo-downloader!22:43
damonlynchEickmeyer, thanks, I saw that!22:46
damonlynchnow I'm trying to figure out how to upload to a PPA22:46
damonlynchthe documentation is either ancient or missing22:47
damonlyncheven very simple things like how to configure dput22:47
Eickmeyerdamonlynch: As long as you've created a source (debuild -S), dput ppa:{username}/{ppa-name} {changes file} and it'll upload everything.22:47
damonlynchEickmeyer, I have git cloned your deb src for rapid-photo-downloader. I assume make a private copy of that repo and make my changes for PPA upload in that?22:52
damonlynchor is there a better way?22:52
Eickmeyerdamonlynch: Not exactly. I, personally, don't use git-ubuntu. If I were you, I'd use pull-lp-source.22:53
EickmeyerFrom there, you can use "debuild -S -d -k{your-gpg-key-email-address}" to build the package and then dput it to your ppa.22:54
EickmeyerThe -d just keeps it from needing dependencies to build the source package.22:54
damonlynchEickmeyer, that debuild command also runs dput itself?22:55
EickmeyerNo, it doesn't.22:55
Eickmeyerdput is a separate step.22:55
damonlynchOne thing I'm missing is the high level overview: I assume I need to get a local copy of your work, make changes to it (deb pkg name, a new src tarball etc.), and the upload it22:57
damonlynchif this is true, do I make my changes in a git branch? Use cp to make a local copy of the entire dir?22:58
EickmeyerWell, when you do pull-lp-source, that will include my work. Ubuntu packages are collaborative, meaning there's not one maintainer.22:59
EickmeyerQuestion is, what kind of changes do you need to make?22:59
damonlynchfor PPA, my understanding is at minimum I need to give the DEB a new name23:00
damonlynch2nd, I'd like to make new releases using my own tarball between Ubuntu releases23:01
damonlynchso I can release new versions, and development versions for testing23:01
EickmeyerNah, that's not true. A new version, perhaps (in which case, just run dch and it'll spawn an editor with a new version from there), but you don't need a new package name.23:01
damonlynchyes, that's it, the version23:02
damonlynch"add the suffix ppan (where n is your package's revision number"23:02
EickmeyerSo, however you version it, we append 0ubuntuX to it to indicate our package versioning.23:03
EickmeyerYou can version it however you want since you are the upstream.23:03
damonlynchsorry for the confusion, what I'm trying to say is that the PPA process has it's own PPA version name schema which I am mandated to use23:04
EickmeyerThat's all done in the debian/changelog file.23:04
damonlynchaha. That's what I mean by me making changes to your work23:05
EickmeyerWell, you're not going to run into version conflicts *inside* the PPA. I'd go with {version}+ppaX for your own purposes, but that's up to you.23:05
damonlynchI need to make local changes to the debian/changelog file23:06
EickmeyerWhen you run dch, it does a changelog update.23:06
EickmeyerFormats it correctly and everything.23:06
damonlynchI'm trying to understand how to make those local changes and at the same time being able to pull whatever changes you make23:06
EickmeyerIt makes the release name "UNRELEASED" in which case you'll have to change it to a proper Ubuntu release codename, such as "noble" or whatever.23:07
EickmeyerThere are arguments in dch that you can use to change that automatically, though.23:07
damonlynchwould it be easier to talk on skype or zoom or something? or is here better?23:08
EickmeyerI, nor anyone else, is going to make any changes unless you release a new version or a no-change rebuild is required for a new dependency.23:08
EickmeyerI'm, sadly, not available right now (my son is waiting for me to play a game with him), but perhaps sometime Monday I might be available.23:09
damonlynchokay go play with your son!23:09
EickmeyerHaha! Ok, thanks. :)23:09
damonlynchMonday (US time) sounds good23:09
EickmeyerExcellent. I'm US Pacific.23:09
damonlynchI'm NZ UTC+1223:09
EickmeyerOh, so I'm 4 hours ahead of you, but behind you by a day. :)23:10
damonlynchwe'll confirm by email23:10
EickmeyerSounds good!23:10

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