
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
=== JanC is now known as Guest9448
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
lilo_booterJanC: yeah - i realised after i posted that that i could get it from the log, but was already on my way to bed :)09:24
lilo_booterafaict, the device is reported as 1106:3044 - via technologies vt630709:36
lilo_booterhttps://linux-hardware.org/?id=pci%3A1106-3044-1106-3044 - shows as failed with kubuntu 22.10 there 09:39
JanCseems like there is a problem with a combination of AMD Ryzen + vt6307: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/204390511:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Launchpad bug 2043905 in linux (Ubuntu) "VT6307 IEEE1394 card causes reboot loop" [Undecided, Fix Committed]11:16
JanCthis should be the upstream patch for it: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/ac9184fbb8478dab4a0724b279f94956b69be82711:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu-kernel- Commit ac9184f in torvalds/linux "firewire: ohci: suppress unexpected system reboot in AMD Ryzen machines and ASM108x/VT630x PCIe cards"11:17
JanClilo_booter: ^11:19
JanCif you have (or create) a Launchpad account, you can add yourself as affected by it by clicking "This bug affects 1 person. Does this bug affect you?"11:28
lilo_booterah - nice - thank you JanC :)11:41
JanCit should be fixed in 6.8 kernel11:46
JanCand maybe they will backport it to 6.5 Ubuntu kernels? it seems like a simple patch as it is to a driver that doesn't change much11:46
lilo_bootervery good to hear :) - 6.8 is the kernel which 24.04 will release with - i guess the current daily 24.04 isn't using this yet then11:48
JanCah, you tried that one?11:50
JanCnoble still has 6.6.0 it seems11:51
lilo_booteryeah - but didn't check which kernel version it was on11:51
JanCaccording to https://packages.ubuntu.com/linux-generic11:51
lilo_booterah - ok11:52

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