
=== JanC is now known as Guest9448
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
cart_manHey everyone. I have Ubuntu-mate installed on my SBC. I am trying to figure out how to force the screen to switch off via bash?18:55
superkuhxrandr --output *monitorname* --off19:11
superkuhxset dpms force off19:11
superkuhEither, the first is more flexible.19:12
cart_mansuperkuh: although now it does not seem to switch on when I ask it to by moving the moues or the keyboard etc19:23
cart_mansuperkuh: I did the following ->  xrandr --output *monitorname* --off; sleep 5;  xrandr --output *monitorname* --on 19:24
cart_manBut it does not switch on after 5 seconds19:24
cart_mancan also not switch it on using SSH19:24
superkuhI assume you didn't actually use "*monitorname*" and put your monitor name there?20:51
superkuhJust type $ xrandr     by itself to get a listing of the monitors.20:53
superkuhThen use the name from there, not *monitorname*20:53
superkuhIt'll be something like VGA-0 or DVI-D-0 or HDMI-A-0 or the like, and it'll say, "connected primary" on the line.20:55

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