
Bashing-omUWN: Friday updates done :D00:46
* guiverc is about to add some summaries (shortly, after quick scan of em)... Bashing-om you may want to review my 'real ale train' one.. 03:11
Bashing-omguiverc: Ack - will do :D03:11
* guiverc out03:15
guivercfor some reason my 'summary' is too much marketing type bs.  (popey's ale one)03:15
guivercthat chart probably just 'tickled' me the right way ... & my brain was off wherever..03:16
Bashing-omacessing :D03:24
Bashing-omDone - guiverc so far so great :D03:34
guivercjust did another where hairs-on-back-of-neck are irking me.. (did i miss something? etc) . kernel optimation one, so could add that now (only 2 extra thus far)03:36
Bashing-omguiverc: I am versed in curring raised hairs when you do the heavy stuff :P03:38
* guiverc going to add 3 (post-quick-scan)03:42
* guiverc out03:44
Bashing-omguiverc: Lotus raises a good point = we should include the passing of Gunnar . Me thinks.04:03
guivercI agree with that.. I wasn't sure how to though 04:03
guiverc(search of prior uwn's may reveal way if correct keyword was used maybe)04:04
Bashing-omguiverc: Been looking for an obituary - not found one yet, I can make up something.04:06
guiverclotus pasted something on -discuss, alas was graphic only & not in english so I didn't far04:06
guivercBashing-om, https://minnessidor.fonus.se/memorial_page/memorial_page_ads.php?order_id=4263326&set_site_id=2&cat=ads&sign=11384f3c513e1fec8d11f0eb7671cb72 is what I meant/was thinking of04:08
Bashing-omguiverc: Now I do not know - Buried: January 16 , 2024   1:30 p.m // so this now is old news ??04:14
guivercmaybe a way to include is just post https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/in-memoriam-gunnar-hjalmarsson/4228404:15
guiverc(that was only posted ~3 days ago... the membership expiry that had me start looking was only ~day before)04:16
Bashing-omyeah - proper we do something. 04:16
guivercthat discourse post ^ could just be included as normal in hub section..04:17
* guiverc in review for a few... will then paste 04:25
* guiverc out... my ubuntu-studio summary is rather 'opus' like... but I'm moving on.. 04:29
* guiverc going to add two more (shortly)04:49
* guiverc out04:52
Bashing-omadding Gunnar's article.04:58
Bashing-omguiverc: Out - Maybe not the best - but done. Sad sad.05:04
guivercs/Gunnar (gunnarhj) Hjalmarsson/Gunnar Hjalmarsson (gunnarhj)/  I suggest05:05
Bashing-omdone - out05:09
guiverc& thanks Bashing-om  (Gunnar's ~honorarium..)05:25
Bashing-omguiverc: Can not justify moving up to General - so guess the Hub is the best placement we can do :(05:35
guivercwhere it's placed matters a lot less than inclusion in my opinion.. 05:36
* guiverc going to add two more (shortly; after my usual quick scan)05:36
* guiverc out05:41
=== user03 is now known as gchound
Bashing-omUWN: Accessing 826 - do the Saturday thing - will be a spell or so.22:03
Bashing-omUWN: Saturday wrap-up completed - saved and out - edit count now stands at 18.23:33

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