=== JanC is now known as Guest4738 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [03:49] did anyone ever run a Launchpad instance other than launchpad.net? [04:16] https://quickbuild.io/ is the only other one that I know of but I don't think it is actively used [17:32] Hi, I just registered on launchpad (again.. I guess I was inactive for too long and the account was deleted). I was asked to create a ubuntu one account, which I did. I validated the email and now all I get is an error message when I try to login. Is there any other way to log into launchpad (I wanted to post on a bug report) [17:33] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/knqBby3bHP/ This is the error message (also note that I successfully used the ubuntuone account to login into ubuntu for using the notepad.. so the account seems to work) [17:37] myrti: email that error message to feedback@launchpad.net and somebody should be able to fix up your account [18:16] LP Git seems to be quite slow but still functional. git clone works, attempting to browse the code of a Git repo times out. [18:16] Any ideas? [18:17] *git clone works, but takes reallllly loooooong before it manages to get to the "remote: Enumerating objects" stage [18:18] also seems that it gets pretty stuck as "Counting objects" and takes a long time to iterate through everything [19:44] I have also noticed git.launchpad.net being really slow recently, cgit included. [20:58] ditto [20:59] meh, it worked well enough for me to get some Calamares migration patches in flight, so that's all that matters for me.