
mwhudson(fix here https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/VBwVhxZvXr/)00:00
mwhudsonsent it upstream here fwiw https://github.com/Blosc/c-blosc2/pull/58800:08
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Pull 588 in Blosc/c-blosc2 "Change blosc2.c:set_values to always call memcpy if BLOSC_STRICT_ALIGN" [Open]00:08
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utkarsh2102I am doing +1, if you need anything, let me know o/07:40
ginggsutkarsh2102: o/ r-cran-rcppparallel, r-cran-tmb and r-cran-openmx look like similar failures in the maintainers sed magic, that might an easy win to forward to debian07:47
utkarsh2102nice, will take a look o/08:00
pushkarnkutkarsh2102: Can you please sync python-django-bootstrap-form? They have some new fixes, might fix the autopkgtest failures09:01
utkarsh2102pushkarnk: sure thing! can it be a sync? I see there's an ubuntu delta09:03
pushkarnkah, ok :(09:04
utkarsh2102but if you tell me it's something that's already there in Debian, then I can just  sync it09:04
utkarsh2102   * Move away from distutils, use packaging (Closes: #1062980)09:04
utkarsh2102debian does have your changes09:04
pushkarnkThe debian maintainer said they fixed the problem that I and ahasenack saw09:05
pushkarnkoh, yeah09:05
utkarsh2102then I can sync, no?09:06
utkarsh2102looks like it, at least09:07
pushkarnkhow does it work? Will ahasenack's delta be overwritten? In that case, I am not sure :/09:09
utkarsh2102it will be, yes09:11
utkarsh2102I've sync'd it09:11
utkarsh2102let's see, otherwise I'll re-introduce it later this week09:11
pushkarnkutkarsh2102: thanks, will test it asap10:07
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ginggspandas has circular dependencies, so I am bootstrapping it with the 2.1.4+dfsg-4ubuntu1 upload, and I'll follow up with a 2.1.4+dfsg-4ubuntu2 upload once it has published10:30
ginggsmwhudson _doko : i've uploaded c-blosc2 with mwhudson's fix for armhf11:15
ginggsit seems many of it's rdaps through pytables are already not available on s390x11:15
ginggsso i think we can just remove s390x binaries, i'll file a bug11:16
ginggsthe dependency in pandas was only for tests and documentation, so i'm taking care of that11:17
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waveform@pilot in12:11
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: waveform
bastifIs is normal that currently the update from Debian unstable don't enter Ubuntu?15:57
rbasakbastif: autosync is currently disabled to help complete some transitions15:58
bastifok, thanks. Will it be enabled before the feature freeze (the one that freeze updates from debian)15:59
rbasakI'm not sure. Hopefl16:06
rbasakHopefully someone else can answer that. But note that it's possible for an Ubuntu developer to sync a given package manually if required, which should be fine if it doesn't interact with those transitions.16:07
waveform@pilot out16:09
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
bastifrbasak: thanks16:15
rbasakbastif: I'm implying that you should ask about a specific package here and maybe someone will sync it for you :-)16:15
bastifThe packages are not extremely urgent. Maybe I can wait a few more days if autosync comes back.16:23
rbasakOK. Thank you for caring for these packages in Ubuntu! I think if you ask here in a few days if needed you should get a timely response.16:24
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sdezielHello, I noticed the package geoipupdate is licensed as Apache-2.0 or MIT yet it is in multiverse. Shouldn't it be in universe?17:48
rbasak guess it ended up there because it's in Debian contrib.17:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 768979 in wnpp "ITP: geoipupdate -- MaxMind GeoIP/GeoIP2 database updates" [Wishlist, Fixed]17:52
rbasak> since the only purpose of this package is to fetch17:52
rbasakpaid, binary databases from MaxMind, it will uploaded to the contrib17:52
rbasaksection of the archive17:52
sdezielrbasak: I can understand the choice of contrib for Debian but for Ubuntu, it feels like it belongs to universe like some other maxmind bits like this https://packages.ubuntu.com/jammy/mmdb-bin18:01
sdezielrbasak: also, it allows pulling the free of charge DB so you don't need to pay MaxMind18:01
sdezielrbasak: this is also mentioned on https://packages.debian.org/sid/geoipupdate: "These may be MaxMind's paid products, or their GeoLite variants that are less accurate but provided without charge."18:04
arraybolt3OK, tricky question - what is the "ultimate" tool in Ubuntu that builds ISO images? I'm trying to find the component that generates the grub.cfg file on ISOs.19:15
arraybolt3so far I know it's not casper, livecd-rootfs, or live-build.19:15
arraybolt3or if it is, the info I'm looking for isn't where I expect19:15
bdmurrayI just happen to be looking at an old debian-cd MP modifying kernel parameters in grub.cfg19:20
arraybolt3bdmurray: nice, thanks!19:35
arraybolt3woohoo found it!19:46
arraybolt3bdmurray: I just did the same thing as that MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/debian-cd/+git/debian-cd/+merge/46040219:57
arraybolt3sorta anyway19:57
arraybolt3alright, now off to patch casper19:57
arraybolt3and boom: https://code.launchpad.net/~arraybolt3/casper/+git/casper/+merge/46040320:06
arraybolt3so now we just wait for NEW review and we should be good.20:07
arraybolt3vorlon: apologies if I'm accidentally spamming you because of the debian-cd merge request, I cannot figure out how LP works with replying to diff review comments :P20:48
* sudip wonders whats happening with LP: #204503421:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045034 in libvpoll-eventfd (Ubuntu Jammy) "vpoll-dkms FTBS with linux 6.5 in jammy" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204503421:04
mwhudsonarraybolt3 is after the forbidden knowledge i see23:10
arraybolt3indeed I am23:10
mwhudsonwell maybe not forbidden. cursed23:10
arraybolt3hey, someone's gotta hack the scrolls in order to get things to work, and I signed up for it, so... :P23:11
mwhudsonyeah i know, i am somewhat torn between wanting to write better docs for all of this code or going all in on being able to throw it all into the sea23:11
dbungertis the sea big enough for what needs to be thrown in?23:12
arraybolt3I couldn't make heads or tales of most of the runs, but the bits I was after made pretty good sense23:12
arraybolt3I'm decent at reverse-engineering things if I just know where the start point is, so if you feel like documenting, just say "abandon all hope ye who enter, if you enter anyway at least enter here for your sanity's sake"23:13
EickmeyerI sea we want to pollute the Pacific Ocean with that code.23:52

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