
=== JanC is now known as Guest4738
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
PeGaSuSso, suddenly I'm facing this: /usr/bin/ld: error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1: file too short05:32
PeGaSuSreinstalling `libkeyutils1` and `libkeyutils-dev` doesn't solve the issue05:33
Haris_I am housed on 20.04 LTS on a local cloud provider. Got a disk corruption or file read error from mysql on this machine. I'm trying to re-install mysql, that also stopped half way while its unpacking a pkg. How to recover from this case?06:31
Haris_Feb 11 23:56:15 machine-host-name kernel: [997694.960335] nvme nvme0: I/O 127 QID 3 timeout, aborting08:46
Haris_Feb 11 23:56:15 machine-host-name kernel: [997694.960439] nvme nvme0: Abort status: 0x008:46
Haris_what does this mean08:46
Haris_this is from syslog on ubuntu focal08:46
Haris_does it mean disk vol became unavailable to the VM?08:48
Haris_(2) what does snapd do?08:49
Haris_how to force auto-fsck on next bootup on focal?11:08
PeGaSuSso, suddenly I'm facing this: /usr/bin/ld: error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1: file too short12:15
PeGaSuSreinstalling `libkeyutils1` and `libkeyutils-dev` doesn't solve the issue12:15
tewarddbungert: you might want to expand the subiquity bug with invalid perms to the cloud images (like those used by LXD) as well, starting to hit those in LXD when updates to netplan.io happen17:59
tewardthough that might be a different section of Server team's duties17:59
tewardcc rbasak and bryceh who might know where to route that17:59
rbasakteward: context please?18:04
tewardrbasak: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/2052524 - discovered in subiquity server installed and triaged via foundations, but cloud images suffer the same insecure permissions flaw18:04
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2052524 in subiquity "INSECURE permissions for Ubuntu Netplan YAML on installer execution" [High, Triaged]18:04
tewardbasically, updated netplan.io requires *stricter* permissions than 22.04.3 and cloud images produce/have on install for the yaml files18:05
teward(and yes i say updated because it's in -updates for jammy, etc. that introduce the warnings)18:05
rbasakAh, OK. There's an LP project for cloud images I can add.18:06
tewardrbasak: ack.  it's the same flaw, just instead of subiquity it's in the cloud images / LXD18:06
tewardblah stupid keyoard18:06
tewardBLAH can't type >.<18:07
tewardrbasak: thank you kindly :D18:07
Haris_on focal I'm getting a lot of multipathd errors in syslog. I added config to log it to a separate file. still I'm getting it in syslog20:26
Haris_:syslogtag, isequal, "multipathd" /var/log/multipathd.log20:27
Haris_& stop20:27
Haris_is that wrong config?20:27
Haris_on sshd configured exit for a session, a screen session also ends?20:56
PeGaSuSso, when compiling UnrealIRCd, I'm facing this issue on one of my machines: /usr/bin/ld: error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1: file too short21:23
PeGaSuSother machines with the same Ubuntu version have no issues whatsoever21:23
PeGaSuSreinstalling `libkeyutils1` and `libkeyutils-dev` doesn't solve the issue either. ideas?21:24
Haris_time to get some sleep21:42

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