=== JanC is now known as Guest4738 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === itu is now known as Guest8361 [01:29] Hello [01:29] OwO [01:34] (`・ω・´) [01:36] Have people [01:36] ? [01:39] ←_← === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === michel_c13 is now known as michel_c12 [04:09] hi [04:35] hola [04:36] awa [04:36] I am using ubuntu 22.04 pavucontrol works to control my audio. But if I run systemctl statud pulseaudio.service it says no pulseaudio service. [04:37] how to restart pulseaudio [04:38] or is uvuntru 22.04 using pipewire with some pulseaudio compatibility layer or something [04:38] pulseaudio --check [04:38] try it [04:39] thayt returns n othing both as root and as home [04:39] but pacmd works so I am confused [04:40] oh [04:40] It is possible that the thayt command may not be recognized or installed, resulting in no output. And pacmd is a valid command for PulseAudio control. [04:40] pacmd stat says no pulseaudio daemon running [04:41] so not sure how pavucontrol is controlling my audio fine withoput pulse ruinning [04:41] pulseaudio --start [04:41] pacmd stat [04:41] not sure how my uvuntu system is managing sound now [04:43] i have pulseaudio config files etc but no PA running [04:44] try "alsamixer" [04:45] wait [04:45] as regular user it is running I think though pulseaudio --check says nothinh [04:46] Maybe you should ask ChatGPT. [04:46] can try that [04:47] I use a Linux system that I made myself. [04:52] cool :) [05:00] Bro Can: [05:00] Maybe you should ask ChatGPT. [05:35] hello Ubuntu === pat is now known as pbblaster === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === u_oopsa28 is now known as u_oopsa2 === u_oopsa20 is now known as u_oopsa2 === Strykar_ is now known as Strykar === fl1nt is now known as kowal === kowal is now known as kawal === EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [10:54] I'm looking for an APP that is available in Ubuntu 23.10 that can tell me about my HDD's health. Like its health and how many days powered on. A bit like CrystalDiskInfo. [11:01] Hi. I've got a NUC that had 22.04.3 LTS installed, but the SSD failed, and I'll replace it with a new one. The only forms of backups I had were an old Clonezilla image that is still under 20.04, and weekly backups of /home and /etc. What would be the most optimal way to restore the system to the new SSD - install a new version and then restore /home and /etc, or restore the old Clonezilla [11:01] image? [11:02] mandem0110: gsmartcontrol [11:05] fauxpride: you should be able to mount the clonezilla backup [11:06] ravage: just what I wanted!! thanks [11:07] may be a little manual fiddling. actually did a clonezilla partition backup 20mns ago [11:07] i can check how to do it 🙂 [11:07] but its not a full disk backup. that may be a little different [11:08] i have nvme0n1p6_crypt.ext4-ptcl-img.zst for example [11:09] ravage: is it that risky to just copy over /home and /etc? [11:09] over a new install? [11:11] how to force auto-fsck on next bootup on ubuntu focal? [11:12] fauxpride: i would not copy everything. do a fresh 22.04 install and copy over what you need to your home dir [11:12] usually you only need a few directories [11:13] i see. thanks. [11:34] Hello, is there a way for apt to patch up to a certain date in Ubuntu? for example, I test an ubuntu installation and i want to now signal to the customer that they can do the install as well as it has been tested. [11:34] same for upgrades [11:35] the only mechanic i saw was to set up your own apt repository and manage that [11:35] but i'd prefer to avoid handling even more infra [11:52] Hi guys, I'm a bit confused. I have a ubuntu server (dedciated server) my host has sent me an email saying my server is doing an going port scan on an IP address in south korea... I'm not aware nor doing anything like this so I think it's safe to say the system has been hacked to some degree. how can I find out exactly what it is/where it is, so I can prevent this happening again? I intend to [11:52] format and reinstall OS but I dont want to do that without knowing what allowed this to happen in the first place? === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:07] John2005: do you have a remote log host? i.e. is syslog sending your logs somewhere safe? [12:07] no :o [12:07] Did not know you can do that :S [12:08] I can access the logs now but I see where you're going with this, its possible they've been altered to cover up things [12:08] What sorta things would I be looking for in that log? [12:11] John2005: logins, maybe exceptions/errors/crashdumps from internet-facing applications, firewall changes, etc.; but editing/removing logfiles is easy once you're in... [12:12] check https://attack.mitre.org for a list [12:16] do you have any recommendations on things like anti virus kind of programs that could scan to see if it finds any malicous things? [12:18] you can run rkhunter from time to time [12:19] i would not recommend running any anti virus on demand scanning [12:19] unless required by some policy [12:21] John2005, ESET Endpoint Antivirus dla Linux ? [12:24] CosmicDJ: auth.log shows nothing unusual around the time of the port scan, same with syslog. the syslog shows crontabs and so on running every 1 minute and the same things that ran were the same things logged consistently throughout the day so nothing odd here too but again they could of covered this up I guess. [12:24] is it possible they could of triggered this portscan without gaining full access? [12:25] ravage: thank you, I was thinking of running an anti virus now to scan for anythign malicious and once its found it, I'd be better equipt to stop it after I reinstall OS but I wasn't intending to keep it going 24/7 kind of thing unless it didnt impact too much === Guest8361 is now known as itu [12:26] John2005: what else is running in your server? [12:28] ESET Endpoint Antivirus has a virus database after installation, but it does not download updates without a license === lubuntu is now known as myfjr [12:30] !info lynis | John2005 a nice scan for your system/server [12:30] John2005 a nice scan for your system/server: lynis (3.0.8-1.1, mantic): security auditing tool for Unix based systems. In component universe, is optional. Built by lynis. Size 222 kB / 1,617 kB [12:32] also blocks known windows Trojans from running [12:44] CosmicDJ: I run a few things, like game servers and a web server apache2 etc [12:47] Bugies: thank you so if I install it and run it, it will have the most reecnt database/uppdate but it wont let me update [12:48] lotuspsychj3: thanks I will try this too, if I can get as many scanners scanning, (one by one that is. not at all once lol) then something must be picked up surely [12:49] yes it has some virus database John2005 [12:51] so far rkhunter is saying warning for "backdoor ports" (probably certain ports are open that it doesn't like?) , Checking for hidden files and directories too [12:51] everything else was green and "ok" [13:35] I want to set a screen resolution as soon as X starts. Right now it is automatically set to the highest resolution, which i don't like. I'm using Ubuntu Studio with xmonad window manager (if it matters). I put my "xrandr" command into /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc but that doesn't seem to do anything. In fact, it isn't run at all because i also put in "echo $(date) > /home/myuser/startup.log" and the file wasn't written. How can i [13:35] set the resolution? [13:35] i was hoping to avoid xorg.conf because it's not 2005 anymore [13:44] So I ran the various scans and evertyhign comes back clean. I went back to the original report from the host for any clues... the "outgoing port" they mentioned. I checked this, it relates to a game server (Killing floor 2 server). I wonder if this game server is actually doing something "normal" but is being picked up by the host as a "port scan".... [13:45] Not sure exactly how to block "outgoing UDP" traffic on a specific outbound port if players joining that server need UDP protocal hmm [13:52] John2005: you can use either "firewall" or iptables (which are now called nftables [14:03] weedmic, it will let you block port scanning outbound wise? hmm i will have to research,t hank you :) [14:05] i generally block all and then open the ports for the type of traffic I wish to allow with nftables - there is a man page, but you can get examples off the web. some computers only have like 3 lines of nftables. i never got used to the graphical one. [14:10] weedmic: ahhh yeah that sounds like the most secure way of doing it, block by default. I'll end up blocking myself out no doutb though lol [14:13] well, by default ubuntu does not open any ports to the outside world, ports only get opened by packages you install, since only root can install packages normal users can usually not open any ports [14:13] if i were you i'd rather remove whatever package the user installed to actually get that gameserver running [14:13] (and take away their sudo privs) [14:15] a port blocker (it isnt really a "firewall", thats rather a physical device splitting two networks, but microsoft kind of marketed into being a thing on desktop computers 😛 ) will just cure the symptoms after all [14:15] [citation needed] [14:21] tykling, just install windows XP ... before it had "firewall" in its system settings, the term was clearly defined as a network device hanging in your datacenter, splitting your network from the internet (or from another network, or building a DMZ with two firewall devices) [14:23] Hi all [14:25] ogra_: what absolute nonsense, software firewalls existed before windows xp and what a weird thing to be gatekeeping about, just stop it lol [14:26] tykling, dunno, in my times working in datacenters these things were called port blockers until XP showed up and MS marketed them as firewalls [14:26] it was a noticeable change and a running gag between DC admins back then [14:28] but as you like ... doesnt fit here anyway (bettwer for #ubuntu-discuss) and wont contribute to fixing the problem ... (though i wont stop calling them port blockers, sorry ...) [14:38] https://dpaste.com/BVGNYA7D8 [14:40] i have an issue with standby while nvidia driver are enabled, i wrote everything here https://dpaste.com/BVGNYA7D8 [14:42] i have an issue with standby while nvidia driver are enabled, i wrote everything here https://dpaste.com/BVGNYA7D8 [14:44] funny how there are 1080 people here and no one answer [14:44] !patience | salva_tore [14:44] salva_tore: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [14:50] i have an issue with standby while nvidia driver are enabled, i wrote everything here https://dpaste.com/BVGNYA7D8 [14:50] salva_tore: please stop repeating [14:53] I installed k9s from snap, but it seems like a symlink wasn't created in /snap/bin, so it's only in /snap/k9s/current/bin - is that normal? should i just manually create a symlink? [14:53] hi [15:04] really? no one? [15:07] cat /proc/acpi/wakeup what's in this file ? [15:09] salva_tore: sleep is always trucky, i had a case open for almost 10 years before it was resolved in the kernel. You are expecting that someone will fix your issue right now, but its not really like that. [15:09] If ACPI tables are still a thing you probably need to inject a new ACPI table into your bios [15:10] Bugies: https://dpaste.com/HD4WZ5EJ7 [15:12] plastikman: yes but i read that someone having my exact same issue resolved by booting with some flag in grub_command_default, so i thought it would be similar. link to the thread https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2492237 [15:12] Bugies: i ran a test to see if s3 is supported and it is, https://dpaste.com/4XAEVPG9T [15:21] salva_tore: did you do the settings taht were recomended? [15:22] no because i have an intel cpu, those are for amd [15:23] salva_tore, from what you can see in /proc/acpi/wakeup some devices could be disabled PEG1,PEG0,RP05,RP07,RP08... [15:24] Bugies: what i need to do? [15:25] Bugies: do you think if i disable those devices standby should work? [15:26] https://askubuntu.com/q/404537/881336 salva_tore [15:28] ok i'll procede to disable everything [15:30] ok, just not everything, turn off PWRB, PS2K [15:31] sorry not everything PWRB, PS2K is ok [15:32] do wybudzenia potrzebne jest PS2K,PWRB chyba [15:33] I think you need PS2K or PWRB to wake it up [15:35] Bugies: nope it didn't work, i re enabled everything [15:36] i think you are trolling me because it didn't wake up from sleep, i closed and opened the lid and it woke up but i have the same error [15:36] so, not funny, didn't laugh [15:36] Bugies: [15:36] I would recomend opening a bug either upsreteam or at ubuntu bugzilla for the i915 module [15:37] alright, thanks [15:37] I am not sure that there will be someone with knowledge for this specific issue in irc [15:37] okok thanks [15:38] salva_tore, i'd try mantic from livecd, i think it's a kernel issue [15:38] ok before opening a bug issue i'll give a shot to mantic [15:39] thanks ioria and plastikman [15:39] salva_tore, or try a newer kernel (like 6.6+), if you know how to manage it [15:39] not to Bugies [15:39] ok :) no my language [15:39] ioria; i tried but i'm not that skilled, the headers are missing [15:40] salva_tore, just for reference : https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/unstable [15:40] and i don't know how to install the dependences [15:40] ioria i used mainline kernel from kappelican ppa [15:41] i'll try updating the kernel thanks for your help [15:41] salva_tore, ok === remy_ is now known as Remy [17:13] OwO [17:16] hello [17:17] hola [17:17] OpenLinux21: hello. What can we help you with? [17:18] Can ubuntu run binary files compiled from systems using the musl C library? [17:20] perhaps with musl and musl-tools https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=musl [17:22] thank you === jfsimon1981 is now known as jfsimon [17:30] you can still run your bin in a VM if Ubuntu cannot. [17:57] I would assume it would so long as other deps are there. just ldd the bin, you can see any other deps [18:54] Gents greeting i want to report an issue considering my HP pavilion all in one Desktop after installation of Ubuntu for desktop last version the integrated speaker crackling in window 10 sound work perfectly without any problem [19:06] you got crackling in Ubuntu? [19:09] The sound driver is probably not the best for your hardware, here is some tests you can do: change the bitrate from the driver like 48000 / 411000 but it depends of the kernel module config it can be annoying, but kernel driver parameters... OR try another Live linux USB and test if the sound is good, it it works good with mint or another...then checkout what driver and what settings it is loading... [19:10] 41000* or other. [19:11] last thing if you cannot get it to work properly with ubuntu, but really want to use ubuntu anyway, you can get an USB soundcard compatible with Ubuntu. [19:11] guest_: of course it has to be the drivers installed, the one packaged at installation time is not working or not compatible for your model, you couldl try this driver from RealTek's site -> https://www.realtek.com/en/component/zoo/category/pc-audio-codecs-high-definition-audio-codecs-software [19:13] guest_: you could also try troubleshooting with an audio tool like "hdajackretasking" [19:13] actually i half fixed my self after google searching [19:13] half way [19:14] mean now is crackling only during the startup [19:15] guest_: He who is outside his door already has a hard part of his journey behind him. ~~ Dutch proverb ~~ # hehe [19:15] after login works super [19:16] guest_: well, if it's during startup, then you're alrite, unless you're don't want to miss the "boot startup melodies" from the POST symphony [19:19] i added those two line to /ect/modeprobe.d/blacklistoss.conf #fix for hp-pavilion aio 27 xa0013ng blacklist snd_hda_codec_realtek [19:19] i just want to report that for better ubuntu experiences [19:22] same issue in opensuse tumbleweed but i didnt fix it until now [19:23] so my believe was with linux logic because it works fine in windows super [19:26] my logic from the first time the issue with linux installation [19:26] i believe linux must take this in considerations for future release [19:27] guest_: well, as you'd know the issue being driver support, and for windows realtek issue drivers, however the same thing happens in windows btw, for a out-of-the-box installation windows uses prepackaged drivers in a database to load after probing the hardware, if none found, it uses generic, which may give you issues after which one downloads and installs the proper model's driver [19:30] guest_: so is not that windows installations always install the right drivers, it may have it in its database or it may not have it, in which case one has to get it, so hmmm in this case it just so happen that for this model it loaded that, nothing "unexpected" per se [19:31] sure, undesired, but not unexpected [19:32] honestly i had so many laptop and desktop different kind i never face similar issue on my hole life [19:33] by the way i love windows and linux [19:35] guest_: well, I've installed windows on many machines, 90% of the time I have to get at least the "video" drivers, often I get the "audio" and "wlan" drivers too for the model, that's about the 1st thing I do after installation, these days I try to get them before I even install, so I have the drivers in a usb-stick ready if needed [19:35] honestly i had so many laptop and desktop different kind i never face similar issue on my hole life with windows all version [19:36] guest_: but many times the "generic driver" provided in windows works for many folks, and to be honest the realtek drivers prepackaged in the install .iso works decently well, at least in windows10 and windows8 too [19:37] i had this issue with wlan after windows installation but not sound [19:37] guest_: however, you can tell the difference from the "generic" to the "actual proper" driver for the model, in windows once you want to use an advanced feature in it, then you notice it may be missing in the generic [19:38] problem with the sound scary man first thinking your pc will burn [19:38] guest_: but all that comes with the territory, when it comes to installations of any OS [19:41] i also thinking i may got wrong copy of ubuntu [19:42] че это такое? [19:43] fine i wish ubuntu work on it [19:44] that's all === JoeBk_ is now known as JoeBk [20:26] on focal I'm getting a lot of multipathd errors in syslog. I added config to log it to a separate file. still I'm getting it in syslog [20:28] :syslogtag, isequal, "multipathd" /var/log/multipathd.log [20:28] & stop [20:28] is that wrong config? [20:33] Haris_: are you utilizing multipathd? [20:33] do not know yet [20:34] Haris_: you would know. Just remove it [20:34] its installed alright [20:34] lol [20:34] Haris_: it wasn't a joke [20:35] Haris_: is your filesystem spread out over multiple storage devices? [20:35] I'm on a cloud provider [20:35] this is a VM based on a vmware based cloud [20:36] it's still unlikely to be utilized [20:47] https://dpaste.com/7FS9PEAFX [20:47] this is repeating in syslog [20:55] hi everyone. is it possible to disable ufw at grub "edit the commands before booting" screen? [20:56] why at grub? just systemctl stop ufw; systemctl disable ufw; systemctl mask ufw [20:56] on sshd configured exit for a session, a screen session also ends? [20:57] screen? like the command screen or a local terminal or X/Wayland session? [20:57] trying to get into my virtual private server that i am pretty sure i changed the ssh port but forgot what port [20:58] oh wait lol [20:58] but if you can get to grub, that means you have serial access.... [20:58] you just remembered it? [20:59] i still don't remember the port number i changed it to so disabling ufw wouldn't make a difference even if it's even on in the first place lol [20:59] changing the ssh port is meaningless [20:59] ? [20:59] portscan will show the diff ssh port, and you will not be any more secure [21:00] well i mean too late i already changed it i am pretty sure [21:00] i have serial access i believe [21:00] it is a vultr.com VPS [21:00] so then boot into single user mode [21:01] how to ? [21:02] add "single" without quotes to the kernel line [21:03] when you are at the grub menu, hit "e" to edit the "ubuntu" line [21:04] the command screen [21:04] then navigate down to the line that says "linux /boot/xxxx" and at the end of that "linux" line add the word "single" without quotes and hit ctrl +x [21:05] ok thank very much plastikman [21:05] Haris_: you mean a local session tho, not a ssh session [21:05] yes [21:05] if that is the case, the logout setting only applies to ssh not local or x11 or wayland [21:06] my ssh session window shows I openned a screen session in it. but it is no longer available [21:06] the command I was running under that screen session is still running [21:06] then you need to re-connect to your screen session [21:07] its been a LONG time since i uave used screen, i am a tmux boy now. [21:07] I think screen -ls will show the running session [21:07] then you can screen -r ptxxx [21:10] it was. its not showing now [21:10] screen -ls comes up empty [21:10] screen -rd says its no longer there [21:10] were you as a diff user? [21:11] nope [21:11] I mean, if the system reboted the screen session would be dead [21:11] ps -eaf | grep screen | grep -v 'grep' [21:14] not there [21:21] then the screen session died [21:24] how can that happen [21:25] truthfully i have no answer, unless the job finished. you can try reptyr [21:25] if the job is stuck in an orphan pty, you can use reptyr to force the job back to your terminal [21:26] its actually proceeding [21:26] yes. its pty is gone [21:26] apt install reptyr [21:27] pgrep process [21:27] reptyr pid [21:30] ah, it ended before I could check [21:30] reptyr is a nice one [21:30] does not work all the time, but many times it does [21:30] hmm [21:32] hello [21:32] hi [21:32] hey [21:32] whats up baddie sauce [21:32] np king [21:33] <3 [22:48] hiiiii [22:48] alguien [22:55] ??? [22:56] NO ENTENDESHION [22:56] nadeshion [22:56] en espanishion [22:56] lubuntu_: stop, just ask a qustion if you have one [22:57] no entendeshuion [22:57] por eso digoeshion [22:57] expliquenmeshion [22:57] plastikman [22:58] ya me voyeshion mejor mejor dijera la juana de acapulco [23:05] hi === jam_ is now known as pal_crystal === The_Vibe is now known as edlin === edlin is now known as The_Vibe === The_Vibe is now known as TheVibe === TheVibe is now known as The_Vibe === The_Vibe is now known as TheVibe === TheVibe is now known as The-Vibe === The-Vibe is now known as The_Vibe