
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-seed:: desktop: Drop dependency adwaita-icon-theme-full @ http://git.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/xubuntu/commit/?id=4cd79836183b5465e785fc694ea748eee5ce6e94 (by Sean Davis)02:51
bluesabreRelated to https://hexchat.github.io/news/2.16.2.html ... should we drop hexchat in noble?03:04
bluesabreAlso of note, thunderbird may be switching to snap-by-default in noble: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/thunderbird-beta-snap-built-from-source-call-for-testing-and-next-steps-for-noble/4229403:05
bluesabreFlutter installer progress continues... we now have our installer on snapcraft. Going to hopefully test and get some bug reports submitted this week. https://snapcraft.io/xubuntu-installer03:07
bluesabreWill https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/-/tags/xfce4-settings-4.18.4 be packaged in debian, or should we just pull it in for Xubuntu?03:25
JackFrostI couldn't remember if we needed -settings or -session. :P04:36
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