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lubuntikhello world04:10
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centrix_I am using this script https://dpaste.com/BT4T5HFQ3 to clean out the SW installed for icinga2.07:30
centrix_However, reinstall cannot be done for various problems. Mainly with PHP.07:30
centrix_Eg.: https://dpaste.com/E75354FV307:32
centrix_Before reviewing the script - it's been written quickly. No art. I need to clean out to install again a FULLY working Icinga.07:33
centrix_I am testing at a VM with a snapshot where only OS was installed.07:33
centrix_Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. ISO downloaded at Feb 12. 2024.07:34
centrix_There are many brutal removals due to the fact that uninstalling the packages a HOST of leftovers are still at the disk.07:35
CosmicDJcentrix_: man apt, search for purge07:36
centrix_CosmicDJ, I've just issued the apt purge command and "find / -name "*php*"" still delivers php related files.07:38
CosmicDJcentrix_: dpkg -S /path/to/php/file to check which package this file belongs to07:55
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GunwooAlt, Control, Windows_Start, Shift, arrow_up/down/left/right deletes the currently selected text/cells in Firefox and Libreoffice-Calc but not in Libreoffice-Writer. and it only moves the cursor to the first character of the selection without deleting in Google Docs on Firefox. and this bug does not happen when firefox is running on X-wayland... Does anyone have any clue how to fix it?12:27
Gunwoosway 1.8.1-2 is downloaded from Ubuntu. the version of ubnutu is 23.10.12:27
GunwooMy first impression about the bug is written here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1438491#answer-163660312:27
PeGaSuSI hate cross posting but I've been trying to get help on #ubuntu-server and I couldn't get any. so, when compiling UnrealIRCd, I'm facing this issue on one of my machines: /usr/bin/ld: error: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1: file too short12:32
PeGaSuStried to reinstall `libkeyutils1` and `libkeyutils-dev` to no avail. ideas?12:33
ogra_PeGaSuS, sounds like filesystem corruption (the .so is only in the library package, not in -dev FWIW)12:44
PeGaSuSI find it weird because all was working before updating the system12:49
PeGaSuSI just did `apt update && apt dist-upgrade`, rebooted the machine, tried to recompile UnrealIRCd (it compiled perfectly fine before) and hit the error12:50
ogra_also /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1 is actually a symlink, does the target file exists and does the file command correctly detect it as ELF object ?12:57
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PeGaSuS`ls -l /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1` returns: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Feb 13 13:24 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1 -> libkeyutils.so.1.913:26
PeGaSuS`file /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.9` returns: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libkeyutils.so.1.9: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=ff27227afa5eeddccab180dd29bd7fcff94aea7c, stripped13:26
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PeGaSuSI guess I'll have to reinstall the system?13:43
BluesKajHi all14:10
PeGaSuShello BluesKaj :)14:11
BluesKajhey PeGaSuS14:23
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lotuspsychjePeGaSuS: usualy apt knows what to do in case it spits out errors14:53
PeGaSuSwell, I tried to reinstall even libgcc, etc. reinstalled the system and I'll see what happens next14:54
PeGaSuSthere was only UnrealIRCd running there, so no big loss14:54
ogra_PeGaSuS, you could just use an lxd container for building, it is trivial and wouldnt taint your host then ...15:05
leftyfbmmmmmm containers ......15:07
ogra_leftyfb, did you see https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/access_ui/ yet btw ?15:08
ogra_well, turned off by default ๐Ÿ™‚15:09
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PeGaSuSisn't a VPS already a container? :P16:00
plastikmanits a VM16:10
leftyfbit could also be a container16:23
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centA question off the topic - I ahve a ubuntu ISO I want to install onto a dell server. Is it possible to UPLOAD the ISO into the iDRAC "space". Not map a REMOTE ISO, but to have that locally available. Thanks.18:20
centSome sort of the "iDRAC has kinda memory chip you can use to store your files" thing.18:22
centThank you.18:22
leftyfbcent: no. Not unless you have the sd/microsd card flash module installed and write the iso to that18:22
leftyfbI've been running into this issue a lot lately. The iso is apparently just big enough to be a little too much to be mounted over the internet to some locations18:23
plastikmanWhy not just setup MAAS or Cobbler (yes its redhat, but it works with ubuntu), or FAI (is that still a thing?)18:39
leftyfbplastikman: that's not what they were asking for18:41
plastikmanI know....but like, the real way to deploy servers is with a deployment tool :)18:46
centleftyfb, rhanks. That is what I suspected. To your additional note, I do not use large ISOs as I take care to have the Inet access to a repo off of which I can install packages etc..18:47
centBu that ISO location would be neat to have.18:47
leftyfbplastikman: the real way is using the tools and resources you have available to you and those that fit your workflow and abilities18:47
centLocation, storage18:47
plastikmanleftyfb: fair.18:47
leftyfbcent: you asked about Ubuntu. The latest 22.04.3 iso is fairly large and in my experience across dozens of deployments, it's become and issue mounting it remotely using the iDrac18:48
rodney_Hy all, please, it's my first time here and I'd like to know how to check through terminal in ubuntu if my hardware supports avx - I installed vinegar to run roblox in ubuntu, but roblox is not opening.19:25
rodney_I'm using 22.04 version19:25
leftyfbrodney_: I typed: linux "avx" into google and got "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37480071/how-to-tell-if-a-linux-machine-supports-avx-avx2-instructions19:26
rodney_Fine leftyfb, I gonna try it now, thank you :)19:27
bpromptrodney_: grep avx /proc/cpuinfo   <--- at the console, ** shamelessly taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37480071/how-to-tell-if-a-linux-machine-supports-avx-avx2-instructions **19:27
rodney_bprompt, thank you very much !19:28
leftyfbit's the same link I already posted19:28
bpromptheheh, notice that, that just means we're fast typist =), and yes, it was the 1st link in the results19:29
rodney_Please leftyfb and bprompt, I'm confused with this output: https://paste.debian.net/plain/130723119:31
leftyfbrodney_: if you got output, it means it found it19:31
rodney_I really can't understand through this information if avx is supported or not by my computer19:31
leftyfbrodney_: grep -o avx /proc/cpuinfo19:32
leftyfbrodney_: grep -o avx2 /proc/cpuinfo19:32
oerheksthat means you have 8 cores19:32
oerhekserr 4 cores, i have 819:33
rodney_leftyfb and bprompt and oerheks, it has returned avx2 four times after typed 'grep -o avx2 /proc/cpuinfo'19:34
oerheksThat sounds good.19:34
leftyfbrodney_: yes, your CPU supports avx and avx219:34
rodney_Ok, thank you. I really can't understand why roblox is not opening - I installed vinegar and made the configuration in the configuration file according a  tutorial that explains how to install it in ubuntu.19:36
leftyfbrodney_: you'll have to seek support from the vinegar project19:36
leftyfb!wine | rodney_ you can also try this channel:19:37
ubotturodney_ you can also try this channel:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:37
bpromptrodney_: I'd like to point out there's a #vinegarhq channel19:38
rodney_thanks leftyfb and ubottu - First of all, I'd like  to get any irc channel for vinegar19:39
rodney_bprompt, is this channel found in libera.chat ?19:39
bpromptrodney_: from what I can see, yes19:39
leftyfbrodney_: type: /join #vinegarhw19:40
rodney_Ok, I'll check it around there, thank you very much :)19:40
leftyfbthough it doesn't look very active19:40
rodney_Yes, there is anyone over there19:41
rodney_Is there anyone how have installed roblox in ubuntu here successfully ?19:41
oerhekssome use flatpak / grapejuice https://flathub.org/apps/net.brinkervii.grapejuice19:43
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rodney_Does grapejuice works fine in ubuntu ? Some people have related several issues with grapejuice19:44
heyeyeydoes anyone know why firefox is extremely laggy on startup? this only happens with ubuntu. I usually have to close it and reopen it for it to be normal again. I'm using ubuntu 20.04 lts21:01
kawalyou have a dual boot system?21:04
heyeyeyno, normal boot with ubuntu21:05
kawaltry to flush firefox cache, or start with a clean config double check you didn;t install bad extensions.21:05
kawalmaybe your hardrive is getting slower.21:06
heyeyeybut why would it work again until I turn off my computer? Once it works, firefox works perfectly until I shut down my computer21:07
heyeyeyyeah maybe it's an extension problem21:07
leftyfbheyeyey: it's more than likely due to just being a snap21:07
leftyfbsnaps have an issue on the very first boot21:07
heyeyeyfirefox is a snap?21:08
leftyfbonce you open the app, it should load fine after until you reboot again21:08
heyeyeyyep that's what happens21:08
heyeyeyis there a way to install it normally?21:08
leftyfbit is installed21:08
kawalleftyfb is snap the only available firefox now? or .deb package still around?21:09
xanguaThere's an official Deb repository around now21:10
leftyfbnot from the official ubuntu repos. Mozilla has a package, but it's not supported by the Ubuntu community21:10
leftyfbxangua: it's not official from Ubuntu21:10
heyeyeymaybe i'll switch to debian than21:10
xanguaBy Mozilla*21:10
heyeyeyit's a shame21:10
leftyfbheyeyey: are you constantly rebooting?21:10
heyeyeyyeah basically everyday21:10
kawalonly the snap is ubuntu official firefox then.21:11
oerheksit is lagging at 1st startup .. because you did not run updates first, properly, after boot21:11
oerheksit checks online21:11
leftyfbheyeyey: and 2-5 seconds is too long to wait for the first time to load an app once your computer boots up?21:11
oerhekscan do 10 seconds, or 25?21:11
heyeyeyit's not 2-5 secs, it's like a constant lag that doesn't go away until I restart the program21:12
heyeyeyit can go on for a long time21:12
leftyfbheyeyey: ah, then that's not likely a snap problem21:12
oerheksa lag .. per new page? how much ram do you have?21:12
heyeyeyi have modern specs, it's not a computer problem i think21:12
heyeyeyand it doesn't even use more ram than usual neither does it use cpu21:13
heyeyeymaybe it's a firefox bug21:13
heyeyeybut what makes me suspicious is that i've used many distros and ubuntu is the only one with this problem21:14
heyeyey*where i have this problem21:14
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cdriscollIs this the correct channel to ask how to remove/disable the default Firefox snap package from the 22.04 desktop ISO (so it's not installed as a snap upon initial login) ?21:40
leftyfbcdriscoll: sudo snap remove firefox21:41
cdriscoll@leftyfb: Heh, but I want it removed during install.  I'm already preseeding a 22.04 Desktop install, but all of my attempts to disable the snap haven't worked :(21:42
leftyfbadd the command to your autoinstall script21:42
cdriscollAdding something like 'in-target sudo snap remove firefox --purge' to the ubiquity/success_command section?21:44
leftyfbI don't know, I don't have a need to remove firefox. Also, all my customizations I do through ansible after Ubuntu is installed21:44
leftyfbyou can try it21:45
cdriscollI did.  It doesn't work.  I want it to not be installed during OS installation.21:45
leftyfbwhy not just remove it after?21:46
tanathjust do oem install21:46
leftyfbor just leace it21:46
cdriscoll@leftyfb: I don't want users to have to run a script or command to remove the snap post-install.  I just want the snap to not be there.21:47
tanathcdriscoll: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview21:47
leftyfbwhy not just let the users have firefox?21:48
cdriscoll@leftyfb: I have Firefox installed via the Mozilla repo.21:48
tanathyou can set it up how you want, then prepare, and image the disk21:48
tanathassuming you want an image you can replicate21:48
leftyfbcdriscoll: or you could just leave it installed as a snap by default21:48
cdriscollI could, yes, but I need disk encryption setup during install.21:48
tanathor if you just want the one system you're done21:48
cdriscollI don't want the Firefox snap.21:49
cdriscollDoes it matter?  It's a preference.  I can look into the OEM setup.21:50
leftyfbcdriscoll: you're spending all this effort because you "prefer" to not use snaps? You know firefox works, looks and acts exactly the same either way right?21:51
cdriscollI want the .deb package installation method, seems pretty easy to understand.21:51
tanathleftyfb: it's needless bloat though, duplicating dependencies. it's not like there aren't good reasons to avoid it21:58
leftyfbtanath: half-truths21:59
oerheks you need some trickery tricks to add the official firefox repo keys ..21:59
oerheks* with correct priority21:59
cdriscoll@oerheks: I'm currently extracting the ISO, unsquashing the filesystem and customizing packages there, which is where I'm adding the Mozilla repo keys and apt preferences, etc.  I just don't wasnt two Firefox packages installed (snap and deb).22:00
leftyfbcdriscoll: you have yet to give a valid reason to add a 3rd party, unsupported repo and install a duplicate package already installed on the system by default22:02
cdriscoll@leftyfb: Nope, I'll just ignore your unhelpful responses.22:02
MenzadorI mean, "I don't like snap" is a valid reason, sure, but deb isn't the only solution22:03
tanathcdriscoll: if you want an example, here's one for mint, but would be same for ubuntu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0uY24H1o5k22:03
Menzador(I don't like snap either; I install and self-support a Flatpak instance myself)22:03
MenzadorThe reason people are getting mad is most likely because the snap is the officially supported way to install Firefox22:04
MenzadorEverything else, ymmv22:04
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oerheksMenzador, and the mechanism, after 1st boot snaps check themselves.22:09
greenleafI just installed a cli terminal termux on my android device22:10
leftyfbgreenleaf: you might be looking for #android22:10
tanaththere's a #termux channel22:11
oerheksHow is that ubuntu support related?22:11
greenleaf^ no way a termux on this server?22:11
greenleafthank you fo4 telling me!22:11
greenleafim using irssi and weechat on an old android tablet lol it rocka22:12
tanathyou're using both? ๐Ÿคจ22:12
greenleafbeats carrying a laptop around22:13
plastikmantake it to a general22:13
leftyfbgreenleaf: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic22:13
bpromptgreenleaf: well, using a laptop beats "tying with one finger" on a keyboard covering half of the screen real state22:20
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