[00:30] right-click + "open with other application" doesn't have an option to select a default.. shouldn't it? [00:31] wrong approach, open file, properties, gives the default option to set [00:31] nshirelaptop, ^ ^ [00:32] ah right [00:32] used to the windows ui [00:33] have fun! === preson1c is now known as highrate [01:20] is Wayland backed by windows? [01:20] are they same thing [01:20] no they just both start with a w [01:20] i mean similar protocol compared to X11 that separates client and server [01:57] hi. i tried 'sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop' on my ubuntu server 22.04 but nothing happens. how to install the default desktop gui on it? thanks [02:01] is gnome-desktop a replacement for ubuntu-desktop in tasksel? [02:03] why not ' apt install ubuntu-desktop' ? after apt update [02:03] sorry i have never tried installing a gui on server edition and all tutorials for 22.04 i have been reading so far suggests using tasksel === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:04] you might need to run 'sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target' after that, and reboot [02:05] i am trying to install a gui in my rpi4 (headless) but since ubuntu desktop edition does not come with ssh >:( i need to get around it by installing the server version first [02:07] there are images for the pi4 https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-desktop-on-raspberry-pi-4#1-overview [02:08] ubuntu desktop does not come with openssh server so i cant do anything without a monitor [02:08] i even browsed the sd card after installing it with rpi imager and it does not even have sshd configs [02:10] ssh is an option in the advanced options https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-ssh-into-raspberry-pi-remote/ [02:10] does not exists if i use desktop version. it only exists in server version thus i am using the server now [02:11] start again on an other machine.. [02:11] is 2 pc enough? bc i tried [02:12] ubuntu desktop for rpi is just broken [02:12] * with the official rasppi manager, not server [02:12] i am using raspi imager [02:12] openssh server isnt even available idk what else they omit [02:14] lmfao https://askubuntu.com/a/1324038 [02:14] maybe starting with server, and including the option ssh works too [02:14] ... yes, laugh [02:14] good luck! [02:14] "most users dont need it" [02:23] Hello guys, Pressing Alt, Control, Windows_Start, Shift, Arrow_up/down/left/right deletes the currently selected text/cells in Firefox and Libreoffice-Calc but not in Libreoffice-Writer. and it only moves the cursor to the first character of the selection without deleting in Google Docs on Firefox. and this bug does not happen when firefox is running on X-wayland... Does anyone have any clue on how [02:23] to fix it? sway 1.8.1-2 is downloaded from Ubuntu. the version of ubnutu is 23.10. [02:23] My first impression about the bug is written here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1438491#an [02:23] s/#an$// [02:27] hi Gunwoo [02:28] i read that tread, and answer https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1438491#answer-1634764 gives a fix >> GDK_BACKEND=x11 [02:29] why are you still on x11? [02:32] hello [02:40] oerheks: Hi, well, I seldom launch firefox on x-wayland [02:40] I would like to fix the bug, not to avoid it... [02:50] I couldn't save nano file, perhaps because there wasnt a file name. By mistake I closed it [02:50] Is there a way to recover what I have written in it? [02:51] mzoku: extundelete or photorec you could try [02:52] mzoku: but if you didnt save it, prob wont work [02:52] extundelete - inm y case I didnt save it [02:52] I was thinking if its stored somewhere in temp or buffer [02:53] it was like 5 mins ago no reboot yet [02:53] think its lost mzoku [02:53] :/ [02:55] so no .save file is ever created?" [02:57] no, I started the file with nano only, didnt name the file [02:57] then closed the terminal without saving [02:58] then no. [02:58] ctl + o gave me "cancelled" and then after ctr + x ... I immediately hit the X [02:59] ok === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === coc0nut_ is now known as coc0nut === five6184809 is now known as five618480 [06:20] Am on 20.04LTS, and I've never turned UFW firewall on before. I'd like to, but will it interrupt my Firefox web browsing or Evolution mail or anything nuisance like that? [06:21] I'm not SSH-ing or anything. Just a desktop at home. [06:23] ahc: firewall rules are at the kernel level [06:24] ufw is a mess and it might break something, but it won't be from some mac-like process that requires resetting all interfaces [06:25] I've read the Man page. Just disable it if its all too complicated for me to drive. Don't want to be adding exceptions enabling ports for my daily operation. [06:29] prior to systemd, linux didn't typically listen on ports unless you installed something that was expected to run. If it's not designed to be publicly reachable, the default configuration typically listens on a local socket, so the "firewall" is just an extra that doesn't offer all that much ... unless you also download/run random stuff without having any idea what it's doing, then it'll help a lot. [06:32] My opinion ... ditch ufw and try just about any other option, so long as it does not rely on xml and lots of magic fluff. Something like ferm is infinitely easier to understand and maintain. Most people can allow inbound port 22, tidy up ssh security, and trust the rest to defaults (with most tools) [06:36] Hi, im trying to do sudo su, but ill get this msg: [06:36] su: cannot open session: Cannot make/remove an entry for the specified session === P1ro___ is now known as P1ro [06:37] But i can sudo reboot [06:37] or sudo nano root-files [06:39] MTecknology, thank you. Just being paranoid. I look at my logs from time to time. Put Privacy Badger add-on into Firefox. [06:44] So i created a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications, and it shows fine in the desktop, but when i start the application, it shows as a cog [06:44] any ideas? [06:48] Hi [07:15] ahc: noscript and ublock are helpful [07:15] also i can only login tru ssh [07:16] cannot login with terminal/keyboard on that machine === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === Dhag0r is now known as Dhagor [08:44] i want to use a central password database for my user accounts, instead of having this directly in /etc/passwd [08:44] basically because i'm dealing with a cluster of machines that are all serving the same purprose. they all are backend servers behind a load balancer [08:44] what are my options? [08:44] ldap? nis/yp? ad integration? something more future-proof as oauth2? [10:08] zamba: Kerberos. LDAP is not good for "secrets". [10:09] zamba: anyhow you need to have at least one admin account in '/etc/passwd' for "rescue" purposes, so you ought to distribute '/etc/passwd' and '/etc/shadow' via some conf. man. system. [10:10] and don't let services/daemons run as ldap users [10:12] CosmicDJ: not services/daemons, this is just for user authentication for an sftp service [10:12] Walex: how do i run kerberos as user backend? [10:14] zamba: to do that also look at 'libnss-extrausers' and PAM 'pwfile' [10:16] zamba: if it is just for 'sftp' your options depend on what that daemon supports. Most will use the system auth service (PAM/NSS). [10:19] yes, this will use pam [10:19] but i'm more wondering which user auth backend i should go for [10:19] you say not ldap? but instead kerberos? [10:20] with kerberos, i still need to maintain the user accounts themselves. so i will still need ldap or similar [11:19] Hi there! DOes anyone knows good download manager for linux with firefox integration and opensource? [11:19] axet: uGet... [11:20] uget doesn work with firefox, at least anymore [11:21] i tried it. it may support direct links, but mega (and maybe other sites) failed to catch by uget [11:24] axet: wdym by firefox integration? you could install a dl manager in firefox like downthemall, but that doesn't help outside firefox, which i guess you want? [11:25] right. I want simple good app with ftp/http/block information and logs, not firefox plugin. [11:25] i've spend whole day yasterday looking for any opensource download manager, turns out here is none. [11:26] we lost it [11:27] freedownloadmanager - has it, but its closed source, i didn't even try it. [11:27] multiget - last update 2008 [11:27] uget broken. and discontinued [11:29] https://alternativeto.net/software/uget/?license=opensource&platform=linux [12:00] Hi! Is Ubuntu 22.04 supported on 32-bit machines? It's not, right? Asking because the download page doesn't mention it isn't [12:01] cousteau: 18.04 was the last ubuntu release supporting 32bit i think [12:02] Thanks :) That's what I thought [12:03] cousteau: so if you really need it, 18.04 esm could be still an option? [12:04] 22.04 is supported on 32bit arm (armhf) but not on intel (as lotuspsychje said) [12:04] It's a pity though - so many machines no longer supported, but I guess it was time to move on (plus, I bet many apps are dropping support for 32b). And there are other distros for such old machines anyway [12:04] ogra_: cool, that was gonna be my next question, if armhf was 32 or 64 [12:06] So, if some maintainer of the website sees this, please consider adding that info to the website just in case :) (or I can head to #ubuntu-devel or similar) [12:08] ogra_: actually I was looking into supported archs and went to the downloads site to see if they explained what armhf was there - the x86 support question was a "side quest" :) [12:09] one of the main issues of dropping i386 was security BTW ... there are simply no fixes for things liek spectre or meltdown available for that arch anymore [12:09] https://canonical.com/blog/statement-on-32-bit-i386-packages-for-ubuntu-19-10-and-20-04-lts [12:10] well, 32bit arm is armhf ... 64bit is arm64 [12:10] Oh, interesting [12:13] Wasn't there something called aarch64? [12:18] that is the compiler name for arm64 ... on the dpkg side it is called arm64 [12:19] (like 64bit x86 is not called x86_64 (compiler name) but amd64 (dpkg name)) [12:20] Oh, OK [12:20] Maybe Debian packets are called like that too [12:21] yes, we share that with debian (would be hard to manage the archivce if we did not 😉 ) [12:21] *archive [12:24] hey, testing 24.04 I came across https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/2046844 while trying to run a script requiring bwrap which obviously failed now that unprivileged namespace creation is restricted to only things with apparmor profiles, how does one deal with this when e.g. the script will never be packaged? [12:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2046844 in angelfish (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, In Progress] [12:24] ogra_: ah no, I meant the opposite (Debian calling it AArch64) [12:25] !next | deathmist [12:25] deathmist: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [12:28] cousteau, nope, on the package level they are called arm64 in debian too and since we import a large portion of the archive from debian it would mean to patch about 30k packages to have another architecture string [12:29] Yeah, that makes sense. I can't imagine the horror if you had to rename everything you import from Debian... [12:30] But on the Debian website I saw a mention of "AArch64" so I thought that was the identifier they used. Apparently not. [12:31] nope ... in blogs and text they are largely interchangeable though ... but on a technical level they are not ... [12:36] Is arm64 also "hf" technically? [12:37] (as in, hard float support) [12:38] are you talking about how it handles decimals? [12:40] purely technical, yes [12:41] well, now I know the english for non-floating point - tyvm [12:44] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61114429/aarch64-linux-hard-float-or-soft-float [12:45] Thanks :) (yeah maybe I should have googled that instead) === lflare is now known as Guest6600 === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === Thumpxr6 is now known as Thumpxr === Thumpxr5 is now known as Thumpxr === ctraven is now known as sotaoverride [15:26] Hi all [15:35] dead chat? [15:36] this is not really an idle chat group. this is a support channel. join the offtopic room for idle chat [15:36] also, dont ask to ask....just ask. === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [16:46] Hi. I'm trying to modify an lxc container's config file, but it doesn't save the changes. I checked that to edit the config file outside of lxc requires a path of some sort to an lxc container conf file. Can anyone explain to me where this would be? My ultimate goal is for GPU passthrough and I'm following the following tutorial: https://theorangeone.net/posts/lxc-nvidia-gpu-passthrough/ [16:47] golden_ticket: you might try #lxc [16:47] thanks === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk [17:22] ; === tomaw is now known as Guest5055 === tomaw- is now known as tomaw [17:37] yo [17:51] Greetings everyone. I'm using 6.5.0 kernel along with 22.04 LTS. Is there any way to prevent cpu P-states reducing clock speed? I want my CPU to run at nominal clock speed all the time [17:58] can disable in the bios or can set the governer policy to performance [17:59] Howdy! [18:00] hello, deskwizard [18:01] Hi juan, how are you? [18:01] and everyone else. i hope you're having a good day [18:01] deskwizard: i'm having fun setting up znc after not using it for a while [18:02] and kvirc. i love it [18:02] neat :) [18:02] it is a really comfortable client [18:04] I'm quite fond of quassel myself, mostly for the server/client, I have some small SBC hooked up so I'm always somewhat lurking everywhere hehehe [18:04] oh yeah i remember quassel [18:05] i remember being amazed at how it's able to scroll up forever [18:06] stops me from repeating myself too much, sometimes [18:06] does it still get some maintenance? [18:07] oh interesting it had a release in 2022 [18:09] recently-ish [18:15] Question about ubuntu 23.10 , will the app gnome-tweaks be implemented into the system settings user interface, or will it stay as an independent app? [18:17] gtoyman22, independent, AFAIK [18:17] also in the next 24.04 LTS [18:18] hmm, oke. thank you. [18:21] and what about the "hot-corners" function in settings, i find it a bit minimal, e.g. not being able to choose which desktop corner does what. Stuff to work on imo. [18:23] zamba: You can also achieve the same using configuration management. It's a bit silly to make the requirement "cannot use /etc/passwd" instead of "centralized user management" [18:25] gtoyman22, do not expect huge changes with LTS, aimed to be stable [18:25] lol ... [18:26] LTS just means "we'll focus updates here for a while" ... it's not stable, especially not if you keep HWE [18:26] oerheks, indeed, not in the first LTS. [18:27] oerheks, to those working on the non-LTS versions should add those to their planning imo. === pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk === thelounge224 is now known as cambam === sudip_ is now known as sudip [18:43] https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4167/custom-hot-corners-extended/ [18:43] oh he left === docmax_ is now known as docmax [19:27] I've been using Ubuntu server 20 ISO and installing nvidia drivers on it - all smooth. [19:27] Lately I started using ubuntu server 20 cloudimg instead to avoid manual setup and it just doesn't work [19:27] is there some known large differences between the two installation types or is it my skill issue? [19:28] oh no, i see there is a ubuntu-server chat, i should've messaged there, sorry. [20:08] Has anything changed with Gnome's remote desktop sharing service in the past 2 weeks? I am trying to connect via Guacamole to a session, and it keeps failing - but, I have not made any changes to either the configuration of Guacamole or Remote Desktop. I have only done apt upgrades. [20:09] I can connect using RDP just fine with the same credentials. I have actually noticed RDP sometimes freezing which didn't occur 2 weeks ago as well. :/ [20:23] This pretty much replicates my issue: https://lists.apache.org/thread/7ddjzojfzgz0t8lyqwps8ygvc4btxv9w [20:36] what does %eno1 mean in the last bit of an ipv6 address? interface? [20:37] for example "Last login: Tue Feb 13 22:31:26 2024 from fe80::*censored*::dfff%eno1" [20:38] eno: Names containing the index numbers provided by firmware/BIOS for on-board devices, example: eno1 (eno = Onboard). [20:39] https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Predictable_Network_Interface_Names [20:39] and there are; ens enp enx eth [20:39] it is a systemd feature https://systemd.io/PREDICTABLE_INTERFACE_NAMES/ [20:40] I'm really confused as to how I got an ssh login from an ipv6 address on there [20:40] my isp doesn't support ipv6 [20:42] the other last-login notifications all come from a local ipv4 address and there isn't an interface listed [20:42] no idea there [21:09] false alarm my desktop started using the link local ipv6 address for some reason [21:10] maybe your router does, internally [21:13] it's unifi so not likely [21:14] what's the default "retention policy" on auth.log? seems pretty short. although it does get filled with a lot of "session closed for root" spam so [21:14] not sure if the system logs all follow the same log rotation policy [21:17] check out logrotate configs [21:24] https://lists.apache.org/thread/7ddjzojfzgz0t8lyqwps8ygvc4btxv9w, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-remote-desktop/-/issues/183 [21:24] Are there plans to pull down a more recent version of libfreerdp into Ubuntu any time soon? :( Seems like this might be breaking my guacamole issue. [21:24] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 183 in GNOME/gnome-remote-desktop "Connecting from Guacamole to Gnome-remote-desktop" [Closed] [21:29] !latest | polymorphic [21:29] polymorphic: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [21:40] leftyfb, I would say that the inability for clients to connect via the RDP protocol to Gnome-remote-desktop is a high impact bug based on those two links above. [21:41] polymorphic: did you file a bug or check to see if one exists for the package in ubuntu? [21:41] Perhaps you need to raise a bug on launchpad or if there is a bug ask about it backporting this patch [21:41] That is what I am currently trying to go though at the moment. [21:41] !bug | polymorphic does this help? [21:41] polymorphic does this help?: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [21:48] Yeah, will take a look through all of that. [21:56] for whatever reason htop doesn't quit when I hit f10 over ssh, I think it's getting intercepted by something [21:56] hit q [21:56] however I can easily still select the htop process and kill with itself by using f9 [21:56] that works too [21:57] and is probably a more elegant solution [21:58] though I guess that is the same signal as f9 - sigquit .. doesn't matter much I suppose [21:58] nshirelaptop: https://askubuntu.com/a/1035980 [21:59] menu accelerator, is that the equivalent of hitting alt on windows to access the file menu? [21:59] looks so [21:59] will definitely turn that off though [21:59] nshirelaptop: you should give terminator a try [22:00] +1 terminator [22:03] I'll give it a look [23:48] Hey guys [23:48] i need some help [23:48] ddamoah: Explain more [23:51] I want to find a IRC server or channel with life insurance agents [23:51] !alis [23:51] Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [23:52] as such is not a FOSS project, search for other IRC services?