
=== N3X15_ is now known as N3X15
dreamhawkHello! Got a quite specific issue. But listening to music (youtube or radio streams) is horrible with bluetooth headset (Bose QC35). I guess if i only play music and nothing else, it works fine. But as soon as i start work with the computer, fire up a webpage or coding in pycharm, as soon as the cpu has to work, there's crackling in the sound. I dont experience it with other devices. Is this known or07:32
dreamhawkso? Worked flawless in 23.10 came out, but has since reappeared07:32
nxfHi! I am considering trying a tiling window manager on my Kubuntu 22.04 system. My questions: 1) Is it relatively safe to install another WM on Kubuntu (will I be able to switch between Plasma and the other WM upon logging in)? 2) For some reason my KDE system uses X11. Should I try i3 or Sway?09:56
guivercnxf, I'll answer but this is somewhat generic advice & not tailored for a Kubuntu install. You can install many WMs, and you can select what session (DE/WM you login with) at your greeter/DM (sddm for Kubuntu).. My own system has multiple WMs installed for example.11:54
guivercI have experienced hardware that always logs in using X11 (even using Ubuntu Desktop/GNOME).. very common with nvidia but I'm actually referring to non-nvidia hardware in this too..11:55
nxfThanks guiverc, I understand it is generic, just wanted to make sure there wasn't anything in Kubuntu that specifically prevented (or made difficult) the installation/selection of additional DEs/WMs. This system has Intel graphics, not Nvidia.12:05
guivercI'm not aware of anything (i don't have kubuntu installed on this box; it's Ubuntu but not Kubuntu, but I have Kubuntu on other boxes of mine - they too have multi-de/WMs installed)12:07
guivercI can't advise on X11/Wayland sorry.. I just noted in QA that one+ box of mine always uses X11 where most default to Wayland.. as it was consistent I just ignored it (not part of the QA testcase anyway)12:09
=== TomyLobo2 is now known as TomyLobo
BluesKajHi all13:18
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== rkratky__ is now known as rkratky
Guest43hello, impossible to copy and paste a sentence from a text file, in order to rename a launcher shortcut17:28
=== jcea1 is now known as jcea
IrcsomeBot<r_1ot> I know this group is about KDE and NOT gnome but is https://extensions.gnome.org working with yall?20:17
IrcsomeBot<r_1ot> Because its not working for me20:17
mparilloYou would probably have better luck in #ubuntu23:32
oerheksinstall the extention/addon for your browser, then chrome-gnome-shell > https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/install-gnome-extensions-on-ubuntu23:36

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