=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 | ||
=== JanC is now known as Guest1755 | ||
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC | ||
agherzan | Heya! | 16:43 |
xnox | o/ | 16:44 |
jacobmartin | \o | 16:44 |
joseogando | hello | 16:44 |
mhcerri | o/ | 16:45 |
jsalisbury | o/ | 16:45 |
klebers | \o | 16:46 |
imay | o/ | 16:46 |
Esmil | \o/ | 16:46 |
esembee | \o | 16:46 |
philcox | o/ | 16:46 |
john-cabaj | \o | 16:48 |
esembee | This is an adhoc meeting of the Ubuntu Kernel Uploader team. We are meeting to review the application by Jacob Martin (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/jacobmartin/KernelUploadRightsApplication) | 16:49 |
esembee | Would team members make themselves known (o/) so we can confirm we are quorate and to track non-voters. | 16:49 |
esembee | \o | 16:49 |
mhcerri | o/ | 16:49 |
kevinbecker | o/ | 16:49 |
john-cabaj | o/ | 16:49 |
agherzan | o/ | 16:49 |
bzolnier | o/ | 16:49 |
xnox | @startmeeting kernel uploader council | 16:49 |
jsalisbury | o/ | 16:50 |
mdiewa | o/ | 16:50 |
imay | o/ | 16:50 |
scrofelina | o/ | 16:50 |
philcox | o/ | 16:50 |
esembee | Jacob would you introduce yourself... | 16:50 |
xnox | meetingology does work in #ubuntu-meeting now | 16:51 |
jacobmartin | Hi everyone! My name is Jacob Martin, and I've been at Canonical for just under a year and a half, with most of my time spent on Tegra-related kernel work. I look forward to continue helping out with SRU cycles and hope to lighten the load on reviewers with kernel upload rights =) | 16:51 |
esembee | Would Jacobs's sponsors like to say anything... I think we only have one sadly | 16:51 |
imay | I have been reviewing Jacob's kernels since he joined the team. He has shown a strong understanding of the entire kernel preparation process. Whether it be a normal SRU upload, respin or creating a new kernel, Jacob has proven he knows how to handle the situation correctly. He has my full support for upload rights. | 16:52 |
esembee | I think on top of that I also have reviewed a few uploads and cannot remember any comlaints. | 16:52 |
esembee | Anybody have any questions for Jacob? | 16:52 |
esembee | going once... | 16:53 |
arighi | hello everyone | 16:53 |
xnox | Are tegra boards nice to work with? or can they get better? | 16:53 |
jacobmartin | They can and will definitely get better! | 16:53 |
* xnox nods, correct answer | 16:54 | |
esembee | Alright..., calling a formal vote. Would members of the ubuntu-kernel-uploaders please vote now: | 16:54 |
esembee | o/ | 16:54 |
mhcerri | +1 | 16:54 |
agherzan | +1 | 16:54 |
arighi | +1 | 16:54 |
scrofelina | +1 | 16:54 |
klebers | +1 | 16:54 |
esembee | +1 | 16:54 |
imay | +1 | 16:54 |
philcox | +1 | 16:54 |
Esmil | +1 | 16:54 |
bzolnier | +1 | 16:54 |
jsalisbury | +1 | 16:54 |
mdiewa | +1 | 16:54 |
xnox | +1 | 16:54 |
john-cabaj | +1 | 16:54 |
esembee | Congratulations by my count your application has been approved. We will sort out your permissions shortly. | 16:55 |
jsalisbury | congrats, @jacobmartin | 16:55 |
klebers | jacobmartin, congrats! | 16:55 |
arighi | jacobmartin, congrats! | 16:55 |
Esmil | yay, congrats! | 16:55 |
jacobmartin | thanks all! | 16:55 |
kevinbecker | congrats! | 16:55 |
esembee | \o/ | 16:55 |
john-cabaj | Congrats, Jacob! | 16:55 |
mdiewa | Congrats jacobmartin ! | 16:55 |
imay | \o/ congrats! | 16:55 |
agherzan | Nice one, jacobmartin! | 16:55 |
mhcerri | congrats! | 16:55 |
xnox | esembee: apw: let's try this | 17:14 |
xnox | @startmeeting test kernel meetings | 17:14 |
xnox | meetingology: @startmeeting | 17:14 |
xnox | #startmeeting | 17:14 |
meetingology | Meeting started at 17:14:43 UTC. The chair is xnox. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 17:14 |
meetingology | Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick | 17:14 |
xnox | #endmeeting | 17:14 |
meetingology | Meeting ended at 17:14:48 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-kernel/2024/ubuntu-kernel.2024-02-15-17.14.moin.txt | 17:14 |
xnox | #startmeeting kernel meeting test | 17:14 |
meetingology | Meeting started at 17:14:54 UTC. The chair is xnox. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 17:14 |
meetingology | Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick | 17:14 |
xnox | #topic roll call | 17:15 |
xnox | 0/ | 17:15 |
xnox | #topic vote on xnox | 17:15 |
xnox | #startvote vote on xnox | 17:16 |
xnox | #endvote | 17:16 |
meetingology | No vote in progress | 17:16 |
xnox | #vote vote on xnox | 17:16 |
meetingology | Please vote on: vote on xnox | 17:16 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, -1 or +0 in channel (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1|-1|+0 #channelname') | 17:16 |
xnox | +1 | 17:16 |
meetingology | +1 received from xnox | 17:16 |
xnox | +1 | 17:16 |
meetingology | +1 received from xnox | 17:16 |
xnox | +1 | 17:16 |
meetingology | +1 received from xnox | 17:16 |
xnox | #endvote | 17:16 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: vote on xnox | 17:16 |
meetingology | Votes for: 1, Votes against: 0, Abstentions: 0 | 17:16 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 17:16 |
xnox | #topic aob | 17:16 |
xnox | #endmeeting | 17:16 |
meetingology | Meeting ended at 17:16:38 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-kernel/2024/ubuntu-kernel.2024-02-15-17.14.moin.txt | 17:16 |
xnox | esembee: apw : there you go, meetingology is fixed | 17:16 |
ogra_ | xnox, voting for yourself is cheating 😛 | 17:40 |
arighi | at least it's all public :) | 18:29 |
hggdh | xnox: congrats! :-) | 19:13 |
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