
StudioUser77Please guide me for mannual partition18:13
EickmeyerWallpaper competition? Sure! https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-studio-24-04-wallpaper-competition/4252820:09
acoustic_mirrorEickmeyer: That was fast, Erich! :) (Submitted one idea. Working on another one now - might take a couple of days or more.)20:12
Eickmeyeracoustic_mirror: It was already in my head to do this week, so when you asked I was like... "Uh... uhm... 👀 no comment." 😂20:13
arraybolt3I'd join (and I might still), but I think probably almost noone likes my fractal wallpapers except me :P20:17
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: You'd be surprised. Eylul is one of the judges and she's into abstract.20:19
acoustic_mirrorarraybolt3: I remember some very, very nice fractal wallpapers from the 16.04 (?) competition? I'm all in for more procedural wallpaper work. (Right now, I'm generating Shephard tones and working with visualization. Will submit, if it works out well.)20:19
Eickmeyer16.04.. that was 2 years B.E. (Before Erich), so I wasn't involved, but they're in the ubuntustudio-wallpapers-xenial package.20:20
EickmeyerAnything older is in ubuntustudio-wallpapers-legacy.20:22
arraybolt3I had submitted this one to the Lunar contest IIRC: https://i.imgur.com/Tbd8df9.jpg20:23
EickmeyerNot bad. Not sure it'd go with Studio's whole color scheme, but not bad.20:23
arraybolt3Studio is like gray and blue right? That's the impression I always got from it.20:27
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: You'd be correct. If you look here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserShowcase and scroll down you can see the official colors. (man, that page needs some updating as it's outdated with the new logos.20:28

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