
enychrrm, I've worked out  Cinnamon screenshot reprogrammable for output path and filename, no problems there.  Looks like  printer-driver-cups-pdf  can do something similar, no problems there --  i.e. so Cinnamon screenshots and 'general printing'  can default to Properly Dated files in same directory.14:02
enycBUT -- it would THEN be amazingly helpful to have some 'container' or 'alternate file browser / PDF viewer'  that can be set to 'default to actual physical printer'  from the point of view of handling the files in resultant directory  (or indeed pdf files generally)14:03
enycany $ideas especially on  PDF viewer that can be set for a different default-printer to the system-wide default, etc ?14:03
enycSeems that this fundamentally boils down to:  Do the various GTK/ print dialog / etc  libraries ahev some mechanism/adaptable  so you can arrange specific programs (especially picture viewer and pdf viewer)  to use a different default-printer to others, or similar ?14:15
* enyc meows in Eickmeyer 's direction 18:56
* Eickmeyer blinks18:57
Eickmeyerenyc: So, you're looking for something that can be set as the system-wide iviewer for PDF files or... I guess I'm not quite understanding?18:58
enycEickmeyer: I'm looking for pdf-viewer (and, preferably image-viewer)  that can be set as default viewer   *AND*  use a *different* default-printer  to the system-wide default-printer20:06
enycEickmeyer: i.e. i'm trying to fudge things so "most" printing (and screenshotting) is usually to dated PDF files [by setting cups-pdf as default printer], and its' only when you open pdfs and images  the default-behaviour is to "actually print to real printer"20:07
Eickmeyerenyc: There's a few options. What have you found when searching? We have evince, okular, and others readily available in the repositories.20:08
enycEickmeyer: i've used many many different pdf viewers;  what I'm asking for some careful-input from somebody more knowledgeable about the ecosystem as a whole is   "is what im asking sensible/achievable"  and  is "different default printer for different programs"   achievable in some GTK / library / etc  area somewhere in the chain of command?  etc20:09
enycI can certainly "just go experiment" with a whole LOAD of programs,  but I'm asking a slightly subtle question and  interested if somebody suggest a different way of going about this.20:11
enycI'm fairly sure I can reconfigure  both cinnamon-screenshooter and cups-pdf  to do what i want in terms of autodating  stuff sent to them; thats' not the problem part.20:12
EickmeyerOk, yeah, you're not likely to find that in this chat. The people in #openprinting *might* be able to point you in the right direction, though.20:12
enycEickmeyer: what can you tell me generally about shared-libraries etc for dialogs for "printing" in gtk, gnome, other toolkits  generally  ?20:13
EickmeyerI honestly can't. I'm not a GTK programmer.20:13
enycare those shared-dialogcs for "opne fgile"  "print something"  etc in other libraries20:13
enycok no problem =)20:13
enycthankyou for answer20:13
EickmeyerYw. #openprinting handles cups stuff and they also work closely with the Ubuntu Desktop people who know a lot about GTK.20:13
enycEickmeyer: given no overlap of nicks between them I've actually asked both #cups and @openprinting  politely20:18
enycEickmeyer: thankyou20:18
Eickmeyerenyc: #cups doesn't *really* handle what you'd think is cups that is used in Linux anymore. #openprinting handles that. #cups is what is used on macOS pretty much exclusively.20:19
enycEickmeyer: also some of these channels are now primare on OFTC last i checked20:19
enycEickmeyer: anyway, asked a bit, amy look forther later.  Thankyou for pointers!20:20
Eickmeyerenyc: You're welcome. I got my info from https://openprinting.github.io/contact/ and am friends with the head of OpenPrinting.20:20

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