
ticklemypixelsHello folks,14:48
diogenes_Vx15_!hi | ticklemypixels 14:51
ubottuticklemypixels: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:51
ticklemypixelsI'm helping a neighbor with their Xubuntu jammy on an Asus Viviobook. The system has serious wifi issues. Networks are correctly detected, but most will not connect (after 15-30s of attempting to). Some will connect, but their speed is not reliable.14:59
ticklemypixelsIve tried digging into journalctl but I'm not so familiar with the networking stack15:01
ticklemypixelsXubuntu jammy is up to date15:02
diogenes_Vx15_ticklemypixels, run: lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999915:02
diogenes_Vx15_share the url.15:02
ticklemypixelsNot gone, the laptop has a spotty connection but my phone is fine15:09
diogenes_Vx15_ticklemypixels, try this kernel: https://xanmod.org/15:10
ticklemypixelsdiogenes_Vx15_ can you explain why? I'd like to understand the reasoning before swapping out the kernel15:13
diogenes_Vx15ticklemypixels, Because i has custom settings and new features. Built to provide a stable, smooth and solid system experience.15:15
diogenes_Vx15and people reporting they have better luck with xandmod running wifi.15:15
ticklemypixelsOk I'll give it a go15:15
=== pikapika is now known as militantorc
Linux-BeginnerI need some help22:30
Linux-Beginneranyone online?22:30

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