
mandem0110Afternoon.... :D12:33
semlet's discuss chatting14:08
semback in my day, ubuntu forums was for posting your hard problems and you'd probably get a good answer but it would take awhile14:09
semand IRC was for you to post your easier problem, and people would try to help you in real time14:09
semNow in 2024 we still have ubuntu forum and IRC, but also Matrix, Discord, AskUbuntu, (any others?)14:10
semoh, i forgot. Back in my day the wiki had a lot of information, but it could be out of date14:11
semin today's day and age, what are the different platforms for?14:11
jeremy31I didn't see a lot of activity on Discord for Ubuntu after a week or so14:20
jeremy31But activity has dropped drastically on ubuntuforums, askubuntu and in #ubuntu in the past 7-10 years14:22
arraybolt3the Ubuntu Hideout discord community is unofficial, and I don't use Discord so no comment there (though I hear good things about them). Nowadays Matrix and IRC are kind of like the catch-all for support questions but generally have questions of an easier or quicker nature, and Ask Ubuntu has the harder ones. The Ubuntu Forums... I wish they were more visible *and* easier to use. I used to15:44
arraybolt3be "into" them, but the difficulty of getting logged in and interacting was enough to push me away, and now I'm too busy for them most of the time :P15:44
arraybolt3were it up to me we'd spin up a Discourse instance in their place that had all old data migrated over, all accounts seemlessly migrated in, and all features and more still present, but that has probably about as much chance of happening as there's a chance of the sun exploding in the next fifteen seconds, so...15:45
arraybolt3and we can't just gut out the forums and replace them with an equivalent Discourse instance since Discourse doesn't have all the same features I don't think, and definitely won't end up with all the same community.15:46
jeremy31arraybolt3: Difficulty logging into ubuntuforums?  I only get logged out on my phone15:48
arraybolt3the trouble is it automatically logs me out all the time, I don't notice I'm logged out, I click on an interesting category and post, I go to reply... and then realize I'm logged out. So I click the login button, I do the SSO dance, I get redirected back to the forums... and now I'm on the home page and have to figure out where the post I was on now is, which I may or may not remember how15:49
arraybolt3to get back to.15:49
arraybolt3so then I leave the forums since I now no longer remember why I was there, and go do something else. Then I come back to the forums one day and find an interesting post, only to discover that I'm logged out 😅15:50
jeremy31Sounds like IP address is changing or a cookie issue15:50
arraybolt3I figured there was just an auto-log-out feature.15:50
arraybolt3(The above vicious cycle doesn't *always* happen obviously, sometimes I remember right where I was at and go and interact, but it takes like thirty seconds from "oh let's reply" to "finally typing reply", and that gets old fast.)15:52
jeremy31I rarely get logged out on a laptop, probably happens a lot on my phone.  I get logged out on my phone when I switch from cellular and connect to wifi at work15:52
jeremy31With my old cell provider I could get logged out while replying to a post15:53
arraybolt3It could be my ISP then, I'm on a Calyx Institute mobile hotspot.15:53
arraybolt3which is basically unlimited T-Mobile internet15:54
arraybolt3inb4 someone says "get a real ISP", I tried, even DSL doesn't want anything to do with me thanks to where I live15:54
jeremy31I am in a similar situation, it is either cellular or satellite15:55
arraybolt3the other day I was in a Google Meet session with my boss while sharing my screen, and did an Internet speed test in the middle of the meeting. He said, out loud, "oh that's horrible" XD15:56
arraybolt3I actually am happy with my speeds, but... yeah, it's not the fastest thing in the world, and not always the most stable either.15:56
jeremy31I might see 15 mbps down on a good day15:58
arraybolt3mine is usually closer to 24 mbps down on a good day, between 8 and 16 normally. Upload speeds are like 500kbps or worse.15:59
arraybolt3better than nothing though, I've lived with a *lot* slower.16:00
jeremy31I looked up my IP addresses on the forums and had used over 1000 different ones16:00
jeremy31And my hotspot device uses totally different IPs than my phone, the only difference is that the hotspot is a prepaid account16:06
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