
dviererbeHi, I want to trigger autopkgtests for a package [1] in a PPA [3] with python3-defaults/3.12.1-0ubuntu1 (from the proposed pocket).10:07
dviererbeIf I understand the documentation [3] correctly I can do this with the URL:10:07
dviererbeIf I call this URL I get:10:07
dviererbe> You submitted an invalid request: python3-defaults/3.12.1-0ubuntu1 is not published in PPA dviererbe/lp2054133 noble10:07
dviererbeI also tried to to just set pin all proposed packages with all-proposed=1:10:07
ogayotdviererbe: I would usually use copy-package (from ubuntu-archive-tools) for that. There might be better ways though. example: https://people.canonical.com/~ogayot/copying-to-ppa.html10:17
dviererbeThats a good idea, thanks!10:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ahasenackI'm on +1 maintenance this week, and I will focus on the python 3.12 transition, unless told otherwise12:41
* ahasenack sets targets on ansible12:42
=== popey9 is now known as popey
=== JanC is now known as Guest9929
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
arraybolt3Slightly off-topic, but are there any packages that continue to receive updates via the standard update channels for an LTS release even after that release goes EOSS? Or are all updates for EOSS LTS releases served via Ubuntu Pro? Asking because someone on the ubuntu-devel-discuss ML is asking about backporting a tzdata update in Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04, and while I think the right answer here17:38
arraybolt3is "that update will be released but it will be through Ubuntu Pro", I wanted to double-check.17:38
rbasakI'm not sure about tzdata. Perhaps that should be an exception.17:40
rbasakIn general you're correct though. There are some other exceptions, such as the Pro Client (ubuntu-advantage-tools package)17:40
rbasakAh. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#tzdata says "Uploads should also be made to any releases supported via ESM". But is that "(Uploads should also be made to any releases supported) via ESM" or "(Uploads should also be made to any releases supported) (via ESM)"?17:42
rbasakOh, those two are the same.17:42
rbasak"(Uploads should also be made) (to any releases supported via ESM)" is the other option.17:43
rbasakbdmurray: ^17:43
rbasakMaybe relevant for bdrung also ^17:43
bdrungrbasak, the current workflow is that the tzdata upgates go to the standard channel for the non-pro supported versions. the older ubuntu releases (16.04 and 18.04) get updated via ESM.17:55
arraybolt3so "Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 are both still supported via ESM (Ubuntu Pro). They will receive these updates via the Ubuntu Pro repositories, which are free to use for individuals and small businesses, and which can be purchased for businesses who need servers and/or more than five desktops supported." is accurate?17:57
arraybolt3that's my intended ML response17:57
=== pizzaiolo is now known as pizza
ahasenackis doko on PTO?18:50
ubottubdmurray, kanashiro, rbasak, seb128, sil2100, teward, utkarsh2102: DMB ping19:00
mwhudsonahasenack: he's on NZ time20:14
adrienahasenack, mwhudson : not anymore20:25
adrienturns out he's carmen sandiego20:25
vorlonadrien: lol21:13
=== _doko is now known as doko
arraybolt3I played no less than three Carmen Sandiego games as a kid and beat two of them.21:46
arraybolt3One of them I played so much for so long that my computer's CD drive overheated and failed mid-game. There was a very loud noise inside the drive, then it ejected the disk and the game spit out an error. I didn't care, plugged the disk back in and resumed playing, when shortly thereafter it did exactly the same thing again. The second time, the disk came out with a crack all the way through21:47
arraybolt3it from the center to the edge.21:47
arraybolt3Opened up the drive, discovered that some of the "latches" that held one of the circuit boards in place literally melted. I assume the board dropped down and hit the disk while it was spinning, causing it to break.21:48
arraybolt3s/disk/disc/ (because disks are the magnetic things in hard drives and discs are the plastic and metal things in optical drives, I hate that :P)21:49
arraybolt3Not sure if it was actually extended gameplay that broke the drive, more likely it was just that I was using an old computer and it couldn't take the heat of normal drive operation anymore. That computer still works, sorta (though the PSU is on its last leg and needs repaired before I turn it back on again).21:52
arraybolt3anyway, /me stops going off topic21:52
jbichait sounds to me like you beat that game!22:06
arraybolt3yep :P22:19
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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