
Haris_Hello all10:41
Haris_my apache2 server software is randomely exiting on focal. not putting much in log10:42
esvnothing in /var/log/syslog? 10:42
esvhave you looked at journalctl 10:43
Haris_nothing that gives a clue10:50
Haris_just a basic two liner with FATAL error and exiging10:50
Haris_(2) I have issue with nsswitch config. when I make changes to /etc/nsswitch.conf do I need to restart/reload any/relevant service for that change to take affect? I'v changed hosts: file dns myhostname to hosts: file dns. my ssh login was first giving the possible break-in attempt owing to PTR record not being there. but then I changed UseDNS no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. now it just keeps thinking forever on ssh login attempt10:52
Haris_https://dpaste.org/knL9G <== output of journalctl -u apache210:58
Haris_not giving a clue on why this happened10:59
Haris_(22)Invalid argument: AH02027: Failed to release SSL session cache lock10:59
Haris_getting repeat of this error10:59
Haris_guys, anyone around?11:06
Haris_looks like a cache config issue for ssl?11:06
Haris_guys, anyone around?12:37
=== TheCaptain7 is now known as TheCaptain
Haris_what's the default config w.r.t Mutexes on focal for apache2?15:11
Haris_for my error ===> By one wonder or another, it seems that once your start using SSL certificates, this configuration line is somehow "ignored". Thus, Apache fail to find the lock dir for the mutex file.  \r\n   Just adding (remove comment) this line into /etc/apache2/apache2.conf isn't working either.15:37
Haris_You have to specifically create a configuration file and enable it. Else it won't solve the problem. <== is this also it?15:37
Haris_I'm on focal15:38
tewarddbungert: do you know if the fix has been landed in subiquity yet?19:59
tewardi know it was fix-committed19:59
tewardbut i'd love to see the netplan fix before the .4 images come out19:59
dbungertteward: the permissions thing?  Yes, that's on the .4 branch20:00
tewarddbungert: yeah i was ambiguous, thanks.  I was gonna ask for testing but as I haven't seen Fix Released yet on the bug I thought I'd prod :)20:00
dbungertteward: the 22.04.4 candidate isos have been built with a candidate 24.02.1 of the subiquity snap, if you're interested in testing this fix20:06
tewardyeah, i'll be testing it.  I might've misplaced the link though if you have a link.  Or are those just on cdimage.u.c like the development ISOs are?20:07
dbungertyea, cdimage20:08
dbungertspecific instructions can be found at https://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/451/builds 20:09
tewardgot it i'll run BIOS and UEFI VM tests20:10
tewardalso dbungert fysa Firefox and Chrome both whine that the download link is unsafe because it's not on HTTPS20:10
tewardmight be something to look into whether IS can put up a cert just to allow HTTPS links on cdimage base system20:11
tewarddbungert: confirmed the permissions are proper in the .4 branch and submitted the BIOS test results against VMware Workstation 17 compat.  Doing a UEFI test in a bit to do extra testing but that's a passed for both the permissions issue on netplan files, and a passed on the standard bios install test.  UEFI is up just for test thoroughness22:52
tewardbut confirmed subiquity is good to go on that permissions issue22:53
dbungertteward: Thanks!22:53
tewarddbungert: unusual discrepancy observed between BIOS and UEFI22:56
tewardUEFI prompts for "install with HWE kernel"22:56
tewardBIOS doesn't22:56

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