kanashiro | doko: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redmine/+bug/2054623 | 02:08 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2054623 in redmine-plugin-redhopper (Ubuntu) "Removed from Debian testing" [Undecided, New] | 02:08 | |
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sgmoore | bdmurray: Hi. Again, sorry for my newbness, but I read there our limit is 4.5, I downoaded our ISO to test and it is 4.2 so I am not sure how it is hitting the size limit, uness I am missing something. I sady didn't write down how much it was over ( saw the message to rikmills ) I am going to have to guess here and say 4.7 and in the future if you could ping me as well with anything in regards to Kubuntu :) Thank you!! And thanks for the | 06:31 |
sgmoore | autopackage pings. | 06:31 |
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ahasenack | ubuntu-archive: hi, when someone as a moment, could you please complete the glusterfs demotion to universe? It's showing up in component mismatches already, as a "source and binary movements to universe" | 12:27 |
ahasenack | ttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glusterfs/+bug/2045063 is the demotion bug | 12:27 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2045063 in glusterfs (Ubuntu) "Demote glusterfs for noble" [High, In Progress] | 12:27 | |
ahasenack | it will also move bin:qemu-block-supplemental and bin:samba-vfs-modules-extra to universe, that's expected | 12:27 |
ahasenack | they are also showing up in the report as binary-only moves to universe | 12:27 |
apw | ahasenack, demoted. | 12:31 |
ahasenack | apw: thanks! | 12:32 |
LocutusOfBorg | ubuntu-archive: please kick searx out from noble (Debian bug: #1051510). This will make flask migrate, with Python3.12 compatibility code | 12:39 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Debian bug 1051510 in src:searx "searx: SearX upstream is no longer maintained" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/1051510 | 12:39 | |
LocutusOfBorg | also fava bug: #1031724 | 12:39 |
LocutusOfBorg | debian bug: #1031724 | 12:39 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Debian bug 1031724 in src:fava "fava: frontend is not built from source; missing source" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/1031724 | 12:39 | |
LocutusOfBorg | please kick liquidsoap out, so ocaml can migrate | 13:42 |
LocutusOfBorg | https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1064128 | 13:43 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Debian bug 1064128 in liquidsoap "liquidsoap: FTBFS: Error: Unbound module Pcre" [Serious, Open] | 13:43 | |
jbicha | should we temporarily revert ceph in noble-proposed to 18.2.0-0ubuntu6 since the riscv64 build may take all day? it's a blocker for python3-defaults | 14:10 |
LocutusOfBorg | is it the last blocker? in 10h it will finish build anyway, right? | 14:16 |
ginggs | ahasenack: i've just noticed | 14:17 |
ginggs | Implicit dependency: python3-defaults samba (not considered) | 14:17 |
sil2100 | Preparing for release of .4! | 14:34 |
bdrung | ahasenack, ping for tzdata. we even got an user request. | 14:35 |
LocutusOfBorg | ginggs, apw samba-vfs-modules-extra should go in universe? | 14:35 |
LocutusOfBorg | new package automagically accepted in main looks lilke | 14:36 |
LocutusOfBorg | *like | 14:36 |
LocutusOfBorg | this should make samba migratable | 14:36 |
apw | LocutusOfBorg, if it was automatically put in main it must have existed before me thinks. | 14:36 |
LocutusOfBorg | apw, its a binary provided by src:samba | 14:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | not a standalone source | 14:37 |
apw | LocutusOfBorg, oh then the default is to match the source disposition | 14:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | so, new binaries in main are automatically accepted in the same pocket? :) | 14:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | yes | 14:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | that one! | 14:37 |
LocutusOfBorg | this is why probably demoting that binary is ok | 14:37 |
apw | component-missmatches will let us no. | 14:38 |
apw | know | 14:38 |
LocutusOfBorg | Binary only movements to universe (ubuntu-server) | 14:38 |
LocutusOfBorg | qemu-block-supplementalqemu | 14:38 |
LocutusOfBorg | samba-vfs-modules-extra | 14:38 |
LocutusOfBorg | yeah | 14:38 |
apw | indeed. there we go. | 14:39 |
LocutusOfBorg | thanks! | 14:40 |
blackboxsw | ahasenack: I think if there is SRU review time today cloud-init verification has been complete for a while on 23.4 and it's aging again but it doesn't seem represented on the SRU trello board | 14:57 |
tsimonq2 | Hi QA Tracker, did you fall asleep? :) | 14:57 |
tsimonq2 | "Hey, you, you're finally awake" | 15:14 |
juliank | ubuntu-release can we force migrate glibc? The remaining tests don't look all that bad and then we can land the move to /usr today even | 15:22 |
juliank | There's a weird regression with timezones in perl but it doesn't look like it should be a blocker | 15:23 |
juliank | autopkgtest for liblocale-gettext-perl/1.07-6build1: amd64: Regression ♻ , arm64: Regression ♻ , armhf: Regression ♻ , ppc64el: Regression ♻ , s390x: Regression ♻ | 15:23 |
juliank | These are the only ones | 15:23 |
* arraybolt3 stumbles into room | 15:28 | |
arraybolt3 | ok how close are we to release? | 15:28 |
arraybolt3 | I have a release announcement to finish writing and need to know how much time I have. | 15:28 |
arraybolt3 | (Was up until like 2:30 AM my time getting Lubuntu's tests finished up.) | 15:28 |
LocutusOfBorg | apw, what about kicking liquidsoap out to let ocaml migrate? | 15:39 |
LocutusOfBorg | with it I can't see if anyhting is blocking still | 15:40 |
ginggs | juliank: ack, hinting glibc | 15:49 |
ginggs | may as well do python3-defaults too | 15:51 |
ahasenack | blackboxsw: the board is only about unapproved packages. For packages already in proposed, the report is https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/pending-sru.html | 16:01 |
ahasenack | blackboxsw: and today there is still an SRU freeze. It might be lifted today still | 16:01 |
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juliank | thanks ginggs | 16:08 |
juliank | ginggs: how's your britney knowledge | 16:55 |
ginggs | I know britney is a harsh mistress | 16:57 |
juliank | ginggs: I'll upload base-files and glibc soon, and they need to migrate together. But they don't need to be upgraded together, and I don't want to complicate upgrades by mutual depends/breaks, so I'm thinking I'll just mark them block-proposed in a bug; or we set direct block in a hints file | 17:07 |
juliank | Because arguably if they should migrate we probably want to use explicit unblock | 17:07 |
juliank | If one migrates before the other because we missed something hidden somewhere debootstrap breaks | 17:08 |
juliank | Well let me add the bug tag when I upload and it's going to be fine | 17:10 |
juliank | skipped: glibc (95, 137, 3) | 17:21 |
juliank | got: 41+0: a-3:a-7:a-1:i-26:p-1:r-1:s-2 | 17:21 |
juliank | * arm64: libdsocksd0, libnss-db, libsocksd0, libsocksd0-dev, unscd, zzuf | 17:21 |
juliank | Ugh ginggs, it did not migrate | 17:21 |
juliank | I can't read that | 17:22 |
juliank | The others also should be ready to migrate | 17:23 |
LocutusOfBorg | no ubuntu-archive around to help ocaml? | 17:27 |
arraybolt3 | juliank: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration "The update_output.txt file is completely unreadable!" :P | 17:30 |
arraybolt3 | but... wow, a-3:a-7:a-1... we really need some way of identifying architectures other than by their first letter. | 17:31 |
ginggs | juliank: I can have look at glibc again in a bit | 17:34 |
juliank | ginggs: I'm running install in apt trying to figure out which dependency is failing :D | 17:35 |
juliank | ginggs: but this is all awkward :( | 17:37 |
juliank | ginggs: One thing to say is new glibc drops the libc6-prof binary and conflicts with the old version | 17:38 |
juliank | maybe it really is that and it complains about libc6-prof becoming uninstallable or something, idk | 17:41 |
ahasenack | bdrung: hi, about tzdata (my first time reviewing this package) | 17:50 |
ahasenack | bdrung: the sru docs have a whole section on it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#tzdata | 17:50 |
ahasenack | they talk about zdump and other checks | 17:51 |
ahasenack | is that part of the autopkgtests, or is it expected to be done manually, per sru? | 17:51 |
athos | Hi ubuntu-archive. Could you please remove phpdox from noble (LP: #2054727)? | 18:42 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2054727 in phpdox (Ubuntu) "Please remove phpdox from noble" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2054727 | 18:42 | |
ahasenack | ricotz: I think you have some copy&paste typo from previous libreoffice srus: | 18:44 |
ahasenack | " * Version 7.6.2 is currently released in mantic. For a list of fixed bugs compared to 7.6.4 see the list of bugs fixed in the release candidates of 7.6.5 (that's a total of 94 bugs):" | 18:44 |
ahasenack | mantic has 7.6.4 | 18:44 |
ricotz | ahasenack, sorry, I hope this was the only issue | 18:47 |
ahasenack | still looking | 18:47 |
ahasenack | diffing libreoffice is not for low-end machines :) | 18:48 |
ahasenack | even LP didn't produce a diff | 18:48 |
ahasenack | /dev/mapper/vg0-root 336G 294G 25G 93% / | 18:48 |
ahasenack | uhoh | 18:48 |
ricotz | ahasenack, yeah :\, the LP diff would not be worth anything against 7.6.2 anyway :( | 18:49 |
ricotz | ahasenack, I am using a tmpfs for this beast | 18:49 |
ahasenack | down to 21G now | 18:50 |
ahasenack | I might do this elsewhere | 18:50 |
ricotz | ahasenack, I might be able to provide you a diff | 18:52 |
ahasenack | I think it will work | 18:52 |
ahasenack | what I'm doing | 18:52 |
ahasenack | still 20Gb free :) | 18:52 |
ahasenack | my nvme might be losing a few years of life, but heh | 18:52 |
ahasenack | :) | 18:53 |
ricotz | I am like hammering the RAM instead :) | 18:55 |
ahasenack | ricotz: you have fix-riscv64-bridge.diff and fix-riscv64-bridges.diff, that could have been avoided :) | 19:04 |
ricotz | ahasenack, I am aware :\, fixing the naming would create conflicts with debian | 19:07 |
ahasenack | aha | 19:07 |
ahasenack | yeah, not worth a delta for sure | 19:07 |
ahasenack | hopefully these can be dropped next time | 19:07 |
ahasenack | (if merged upstream) | 19:07 |
ahasenack | ricotz: have you used debian/watch recently? It doesn't seem to be finding the upstream releases | 19:08 |
ricotz | ahasenack, these patches are part of 24.2, but I guess they will need to be kept around in 7.6 | 19:09 |
ahasenack | maybe because they removed 7.6.5 from https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/pre-releases/src/ apparently? | 19:09 |
ahasenack | I see | 19:09 |
ahasenack | hm, pre-release? | 19:09 |
ahasenack | also | 19:09 |
ricotz | ahasenack, correct the tarball got repacked | 19:09 |
ricotz | https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/src/7.6.5/ | 19:10 |
ahasenack | yeah, that has .2 | 19:10 |
ricotz | tracking the pre-release is preferred | 19:10 |
ahasenack | do they just drop the older ones? Where is 7.6.5? | 19:11 |
ricotz | yes, there were two different tarballs | 19:11 |
ahasenack | I'm talking about 7.6.5 | 19:11 |
ricotz | the RC revision stays part of the tarball name | 19:12 |
ricotz | https://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/pre-releases/src/libreoffice- | 19:12 |
ahasenack | you linked again | 19:13 |
ahasenack | are you saying is the official 7.6.5, and that the .2 just shows that it was 7.6.5RC2 before? | 19:13 |
ricotz | yes | 19:14 |
ahasenack | why not call the version in d/changelog then? I'm confused | 19:14 |
ahasenack | I'm trying to match what is in unapproved with what upstream published | 19:14 |
ahasenack | since I can't really go over the huge diff | 19:14 |
ricotz | because this is not how upstream is labeling it officially | 19:15 |
ahasenack | so in unapproved I see a 7.6.5 orig tarball | 19:15 |
ahasenack | I was expecting to find a 7.6.5 tarball upstream | 19:15 |
ricotz | because it is the final release, and this is how it works for years | 19:15 |
ricotz | this release was a bit special while there were two tarballs | 19:16 |
ricotz | due to a hotfix change | 19:16 |
ahasenack | so if I download from upstream, it should match the 7.6.5 orig tarball in unapproved, is that it? | 19:16 |
ricotz | https://cgit.freedesktop.org/libreoffice/core/tag/?h=libreoffice- | 19:16 |
ricotz | yes, this one https://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/src/7.6.5/ | 19:17 |
ricotz | the one from pre-release is different | 19:17 |
ricotz | ahasenack, the tarballs are signed and can be checked with the provided *.asc | 19:18 |
ricotz | the main tarballs at least, -help, -translations, -tarballs are generated by me | 19:19 |
ricotz | ahasenack, https://people.ubuntu.com/~ricotz/libreoffice- | 19:28 |
ricotz | ahasenack, https://git.launchpad.net/~libreoffice/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/log/?h=wip/mantic-7.6 | 19:29 |
bdrung | ahasenack, i (hopefully) answered your questions in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tzdata/+bug/2052739/comments/9 | 19:36 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2052739 in tzdata (Ubuntu Mantic) "tzdata 2024a release" [Undecided, Confirmed] | 19:36 | |
ahasenack | ricotz: accepted, unsure why the bot didn't say something | 19:42 |
ahasenack | bdrung: I'll get back to it later today | 19:42 |
ricotz | ahasenack, thank you very much | 19:43 |
bdrung | ahasenack, thanks | 19:47 |
bdmurray | sgmoore: It looks like Kubuntu shrank with in the limits again as I'm no longer getting emails about it being oversized. | 19:59 |
sgmoore | bdmurray: great :) | 20:01 |
ahasenack | do riscv64 builds block migration? | 20:14 |
ahasenack | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/18.2.0-0ubuntu7 is still building for riscv64, and it's on the list of things blocking python3-defaults | 20:15 |
bdmurray | ahasenack: yes | 20:19 |
ahasenack | "Started 20 hours ago | 20:19 |
ahasenack | " | 20:19 |
ahasenack | let's see how long the previous one took | 20:20 |
ahasenack | Finished on 2024-02-07 (took 1 day, 4 hours, 15 minutes, 1.0 seconds) | 20:20 |
bdmurray | "Issues preventing migration:\n "missing build" | 20:20 |
ahasenack | so 28h and change | 20:20 |
ahasenack | 8h more | 20:20 |
bdmurray | almost there! | 20:20 |
ahasenack | glass half-full | 20:20 |
ahasenack | bdrung: one last question, if you are still around. How is debian/icu/* populated? | 20:46 |
ahasenack | or rather, updated? | 20:46 |
bdmurray | ahasenack: see update-icu in debian/rules | 21:08 |
bdmurray | ahasenack: basically its from here IIRC https://github.com/unicode-org/icu-data/tree/main/tzdata/icunew | 21:09 |
doko | bdmurray, ginggs: please can we stop autosyncs until python3-defaults migrated? looks like we get some unwanted syncs delaying the migration. and I saw that glibc just migrated | 21:45 |
ahasenack | we are so close | 21:45 |
ahasenack | last I checked we were just waiting on a riscv64 build | 21:46 |
bdmurray | doko: I can turn off autosyncs but for how long should I do that? I'll be around for 3 hours or so and could come back later to reenable it. | 21:46 |
doko | bdmurray: well, for the perl migration, they were turned off for a few days. maybe watch until python3-defaults migrated? | 21:47 |
doko | it shouldn't be longer than the weekend | 21:48 |
bdmurray | vorlon, sil2100: FYI ^^ | 21:48 |
ahasenack | hm, this is in the way of python3-defaults too I think: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ucx | 21:48 |
ahasenack | missing build on ppc64el | 21:48 |
ahasenack | bistro/bistro.c:83:5: error: nested extern declaration of ‘ucm_bistro_patch_lock’ [-Werror=nested-externs] | 21:49 |
ahasenack | cc1: all warnings being treated as errors | 21:49 |
bdmurray | Is there anything dependent on that though? | 21:49 |
ahasenack | I can look at that tomorrow... | 21:49 |
ahasenack | I arrived there via "adios2" | 21:49 |
ahasenack | Implicit dependency: python3-defaults adios2 (not considered) | 21:49 |
ahasenack | I think it's just that and ceph now | 21:50 |
ahasenack | and ceph is the riscv64 build that takes 28h | 21:50 |
ahasenack | I see no reds under python3-defaults in the current excuses page | 21:50 |
ahasenack | it also failed in debian | 21:51 |
ahasenack | (ppc64el build of ucx) | 21:51 |
doko | yes, looking at removing that, and restoring the previous adios2 build | 21:51 |
doko | we have to wait for the ceph build | 21:52 |
ahasenack | adios, adios2 | 21:52 |
ginggs | :) | 21:56 |
ahasenack | ah, someone got it | 21:56 |
doko | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adios2/+publishinghistory | 21:57 |
doko | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ucx/+publishinghistory | 21:58 |
ahasenack | ah, the power | 21:58 |
ahasenack | 7h for the riscv64 build to finish | 21:59 |
bdmurray | Is it worth waiting for that build? | 22:00 |
doko | what else do you suggest? | 22:00 |
bdmurray | Oh, I guess we can't hint builds. | 22:02 |
doko | I could remove it. ok let's do it. sorry pushkar | 22:02 |
bdmurray | Yeah, let it build again over the weekend. | 22:03 |
doko | I'll be afk most of the weekend, but will read backlog in the evenings | 22:04 |
doko | so adios2 -10 failed to build on s390x. removing adios2 instead, and demoting paraview. that can be undone by restoring the ucx and adios2 builds later | 22:09 |
doko | done | 22:12 |
doko | lets wait ... | 22:12 |
jbicha | ceph's noble riscv64 failed with no log so I suggest a temporary revert since a build takes a full day | 23:20 |
jbicha | oh never mind, ceph was already reverted | 23:21 |
bdmurray | I thought doko said he did that | 23:21 |
bdmurray | ;-) | 23:21 |
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