
SuperLagholman: the next issue is that ansible-pull doesn't seem to be working. I created a repo-specific token. I can do "git clone https://oauth2:<my_token>@github.com/my_repo/my_repo.git" from the bootstrapped node, and it works.00:17
SuperLagthat's straight from the cloud-init examples for the ansible module00:20
SuperLagadapted to suit00:21
SuperLagand ansible *is* getting installed on the node00:21
minimalSuperLag: did you check /var/log/cloud-init.log to see what is happening?00:43
holmanSuperLag: minimal asked what I would09:04
holmanAlso never tried with oauth so I'm not certain that will work09:04
holmanBut haven't put any thought into it09:04
SuperLagholman: I know *what* it is now, but I'm not sure (yet) how to fix it.15:57
SuperLagholman: we have all of our Ansible stuff for one customer in its own repo. There's already an inventory file that exists for that customer, and the ansible.cfg points to that inventory file. But for the playbook I'm running, I'm trying to run it only on localhost.15:58
SuperLagI'm having a hell of a time just trying to get the NVM install script to run from cloud-init.19:01
minimalSuperLag: again I'll mention about logs, there's no really point in mentioned issues/problems if you're not going to provide logs for people to look at to try and help you19:22
SuperLagI got 'em… sorry, just trying to get 'em somewhere to read19:34
SuperLagit seems to have ran everything together for that piece, rather than one line at a time like other stuff in the same log19:36
SuperLagI updated it to add the Ansible that it's running… https://paste.centos.org/view/5658b05419:39
SuperLagugh, I can't even paste right19:49
minimalwell it is running the ansible-git command with appropriate options (both defaults and what you specified) so that's why it's such a long single command19:53
minimaldoes the same ansible-git command work manually?19:53
SuperLagI'm not sure how to run that manually. I know it's not the oauth issue, as that works fine.19:55
minimalwell the log shows the exact command being run as user "root": "ansible-git ...."19:56

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