
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
sgmooreI need someone with fancy upload rights to upload kongress, angelfish, skanpage, tokodon, qmlkonsole, neochat, merkuro, ktrip, ksanecore, kpublictransport, kosmindoormap, kopeninghours, kio-admin, itinerary09:37
sgmooreAll pushed to git with tags09:38
sgmooreremove ksanecore from that list it was sponsered10:22
Guest93Why is 23.04 still in the download list if it is no longer supported?11:49
sgmooreRick is working on revamping kubuntu.org. A great many things are wrong/outdated currently.12:12
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> I'll take Scarlett's request, no worries Aaron :)12:19
Guest93sgmoore: thanks12:50
BluesKajHi all13:34
mparillo23.04 removed from the main download page.17:42
mparilloAnd from the alternative downloads page17:44
valoriesgmoore: what's the best email for you? CC'd you on my reply to the LFNW email but scarlett.gately.clark@gmail.com bounced19:30
valorieI figure you have a new one but I don't have it19:31
tsimonq2valorie: Replace clark with moore and that will work :)20:00

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