
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
semWhat size should my Swap partition be on an SSD with a 25 GB / partition? top shows that I have 3652 MiB of Memory18:12
semi found this page which helpfully has a table. It recommends 6 GB for a system with 4 GB ram if you want to support hibernation... Maybe I will forgo hibernation (because i have SSD) and use 2 GB swap18:24
semi am going to install lubuntu 22.04 on a laptop from 2009; if it works ok, I will maybe upgrade my 20.04 partition to 22.0418:49
arraybolt3Hibernation doesn't work all that well on Linux anyway, so no great loss.18:49
arraybolt3Personally I would go with RAM compression rather than a swapfile though. Faster, less wear-and-tear on the disk.18:49
arraybolt3sem: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/enabling-ram-compression-on-lubuntu/332318:50
semthanks for the tip, i'll read up on it18:56
semWhat do you think about the CPU load on a 1.4 GHz dual-core cpu from 2009? Maybe I am better off with the wear-and-tear on the SDD with swap18:58
arraybolt3The CPU load of RAM compression is very minimal.19:44
arraybolt3I'm using it on an old repurposed Chromebook that I reflashed with MrChromebox firmware and installed Lubuntu on it, the CPU is quite slow and yet RAM compression doesn't hardly affect performance at all.19:44
arraybolt3sem: ^19:44
semthanks for the tip20:41

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