
Bashing-omguiverc: Running late here - clear now to open 828 for Friday updates ?00:54
guivercyep.  i've not touched it...00:55
Bashing-omopening - bunch to add.00:59
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: Migrating from Cloudera to a modern data hub architecture @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/cloudera-migration01:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: David Mohammed: Ubuntu Budgie 22.04.4 LTS Released! @ https://ubuntubudgie.org/2024/02/ubuntu-budgie-22-04-4-lts-released/01:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Lubuntu 22.04.4 LTS is Released! @ https://lubuntu.me/lubuntu-22-04-4-lts-is-released/01:07
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Released @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/02/22/ubuntu-22-04-4-lts-released/01:07
Bashing-om828 updates done - saved and out.01:39
guivercI'm not a fan of omg listed first under 'Our flavor release..'...  I'd put that last, and likley change "For flavor and other .."  (originally typed out as "Our flavor & other" before I balked at Joey being included in 'Our'..)  lubuntu's can be added there too ^  (no hurry; I can add when I do summaries)01:49
Bashing-omguiverc: Concur - scatter brained me - If you do not make the adjutments - I will next updates.01:58
guiverci'm in no hurry... happy to do when pasting summaries ~tomorrow  (I think..  I'll have to check when next passion.play rehearsal is on.. just to check it's not gotta be later today..)02:00
Bashing-omguiverc: Time sneaks up in us - Passion Play week already :(02:02
guivercyeah I got a rehearsal tomorrow.. will do some summaries [later] today...02:02
Bashing-omOh my Gosh - still a Thursday here - I got a Thurday check to make for UWN yet !02:12
guivercno hurry...   i'll likley not think about it till after walk...02:13
* guiverc will paste something soonish (uwn 828)04:48
* guiverc was out awhile back (sorry forgot to post here)05:01
Bashing-omguiverc: is all right as I am not planning on an access until tomorrow - 1 so far to add :D05:03
guivercyeah but habits helpful.. easier too (should we get others joining) if they can look & see us following what we'd ask them to do..05:04
Bashing-omUh Huh !05:05
* guiverc going in again.05:07
Bashing-omguiverc: LoCo Events: ### Ubuntu Jams Day & 2024 Annual General Meeting ### https://discourse.ubuntu-kr.org/t/ubuntu-jams-day-2024/49352 .05:08
* guiverc out05:08
guivercif you want to add you can... (i'm out, bird feed will likely be my next task..)05:10
Bashing-omack - I add :D05:10
guivercI've reorganized the 24.04.4 release 'extra's'  (flavor then 'other selected posts'... not happy with 'other selected posts' though!)05:10
guiverc(not happy with the current 'Other selected posts :' heading ..)05:11
guivercyour text in issue 800 was "Interested in the flavors? Release announcements as follows: " for flavors, and also included a section "A brief summary of bugs fixed between Ubuntu 22.04.2 and 22.04.3:" which we could duplicate in this issue too  (I recall reading that post earlier today; 3 actually as in parts)05:15
guivercin issue 800 we just sub-listed the others; no title.. (flavors were listed later) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue800#Ubuntu_22.04.3_LTS_released05:16
Bashing-omguiverc: I am not too lazy this issue not to do "Interested in the flavors? Release announcements as follows:" will also add that " A brief summary as [update] as a nice touch.05:19
Bashing-omI am out now --- will re-open soonest i have the link up to edit in.05:21
guiverchttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-point-release-changes/29835/7   (that is part 3..)05:21
guiverchttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-jellyfish-point-release-changes/29835/5   (part 1)05:22
* guiverc guesses Ɓukasz hit the size barrier we hit a few issues back...05:22
Bashing-omguiverc: Looking ^ to see :D05:25
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Released @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2024/02/22/ubuntu-22-04-4-lts-released/05:33
Bashing-omGoing in :D05:37
Bashing-omSaved he edit and out.05:45
Bashing-omguiverc: I set " Jammy Jellyfish Point-Release Changes ' as higher than Flavors or Media attention - OK ?05:47
guivercI've not looked, but I can't see me worrying about order (to me release-point changes for Ubuntu rate higher than flavor... and that's me as a flavor council member hat owner too)05:48
guivercyep thanks Bashing-om , order to me seems appropriate.05:51
* guiverc going to paste some more06:04
* guiverc out06:06
Bashing-omHe is the fastest paster in all of Victoria :P06:10
* guiverc going in, one I'm going to suggest dropping Bashing-om (bnn article written by AI??)06:32
Bashing-omguiverc: Yes ! Had not noticed was an AI generation.06:34
guiverccould also be I just don't 'get' whatever the author is trying to get across.. i've commented my thoughts..06:34
guiverc<!-- COMMENT:  that's the start of the article.. then I'm somewhat lost & disinterested.. reference to OMG article, then to Cosmic desktop, its creation by System76/PopOS & adoption by Fedora??  then challenges of independent publishing?????  I'll suggest drop this, article feels like short sentences rather than any argument/thread, written by an AI ??? -->06:35
guivercthe first bit I summarized starts out great though (being positive)06:35
Bashing-om:) Will attend when I am the sharper tomorrow. 06:35
Bashing-omguiverc: Quite frankly - I have not paid much mind to the AI debacle :(06:37
guivercOn the plus side.. AIs don't make all the typos & bad brain-farts I tend to make far too often...06:38
guivercoops a paste seems to have gone in in wrong spot..  what I do???06:41
guivercpaste moved & out (again)06:45
* guiverc going to add two more..06:54
* guiverc adding a couple more (after quick read)07:21
* guiverc out07:22
Bashing-omOne Canonical to add .07:24
Bashing-omout edit count stands now at 16.07:27
Bashing-omOn a positive personal note - biscuits are rising for tomorrow's breakfast :D07:29
guivercYum !!  on biscuit news :)07:35
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Bashing-omToddling off to bed - dream of sour dough biscuits :P08:15
guiverc:) & sleep well08:15
* guiverc adding some more to uwn 82808:44

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