
bdmurrayI see gnudatalanguage and eccodes being a blocker now00:12
bdmurrayRetrying amd64 tests00:13
bdmurrayactually arm64 and ppc64el too00:13
bdmurrayRight, I can't read and 4-1build is greater than 1-4build so retrying didn't help.01:20
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tjaaltonrelease team, check the logs at https://code.launchpad.net/~p-pisati/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/+merge/461043 and hopefully accept it :)07:36
tjaaltonblocking kernel 6.8 migration07:37
LocutusOfBorghello ubuntu-archive please kick out liquidsoap if possible, ftbfs and blocking ocaml migration (debian rc bug is open 1064128)07:40
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tjaaltonginggs: hey, mind having a look at the the merge request above?08:44
ginggstjaalton: i can take a look in a bit09:02
ginggstjaalton: so dracut/amd64 and initramfs-tools/s390x both passed, so no need for a hint for them10:06
ginggshowever, all the linux-meta* packages seem to be failing with glibc that just migrated10:07
ginggsis this just a matter of retrying with the right triggers?10:08
ginggsi'll leave a comment in the MP10:11
tjaaltonI've retriggered for amd64, see how it goes10:13
juliankI guess britney is extra super slow now11:39
ahasenackugh, where did https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#gnudatalanguage come from12:06
ahasenackneeds a rebuild, since eccodes 2.33 was removed12:14
tjaaltonginggs: meh, still failing12:24
tjaaltontrying to find ndbm.h12:25
tjaaltonhmm not that12:33
tjaaltonginggs: arighi ran the glibc tests on a vm and it passed fine12:50
bdmurrayahasenack: What's the status of gnudatalanguage now?16:45
ahasenackbdmurray: built some hours ago, waiting for britney16:46
ahasenackone rdep test still running (in excuses)16:46
ahasenackthere is a missing build on riscv64, but it's not new, so shouldn't impact migration16:46
ahasenackah, actually two rdep tests running16:47
ahasenackcoyote and mpfit16:47
bdmurrayriscv64 did build16:47
ahasenackcorrect, n/m then16:48
ahasenackcoyote/ppc64el is running still16:48
bdmurraylooks like mpfit just passed16:48
ahasenackcoyote/ppc64el running for 2h already16:50
ahasenackbut the last line of the log says 425s16:50
ahasenackI guess the "running for" also includes time waiting for a vm?16:50
bdmurrayrunning for is cumulative IIRC16:51
bdmurrayI did see a lot of ppc64el failures in the KPI so will dig16:51
ahasenackthe log hasn't moved since we started talking16:51
bdmurrayahasenack: could you retry poetry w/ all-proposed for noble/ppc64el as I also saw that as a blocker16:51
ahasenackpoetry? let me check, I didn't see that16:52
ahasenackoh, unter pytest16:52
bdmurrayI see it under python3-defaults too16:53
ahasenackbdmurray: "server error"16:53
ahasenackforgot one parameter16:53
ahasenackpoetry started on ppc64el16:56
ahasenackI see live logs16:56
ahasenackcoyote still stalled at 425s16:56
bdmurrayYeah, I'm connected to the instance and its stuck waiting for something16:57
bdmurrayI'm gonna kill it16:59
ahasenackok, it's running again, and alive17:02
bdmurrayWhy is ginggs pass for coyote wildly different than the failures?17:04
ahasenackone of the fails is a timeout17:05
ahasenack263s % Compiled module: CGERRORMSG.17:05
ahasenack10262s autopkgtest17:05
ahasenacksee the time delta17:05
ahasenacklooks like it was stuck, maybe just like what was about to happen to that job you killed17:06
bdmurrayYes, but look at https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/results/autopkgtest-noble/noble/ppc64el/c/coyote/20240129_094213_cfe37@/log.gz17:06
bdmurrayCGERRORMSG doesn't show at all17:06
ahasenackthat's from a month ago17:06
ahasenackpoetry failed :/17:07
ahasenackthat looks like a network error17:08
bdmurrayAre they in the same dc? bos01 vs bos02?17:09
bdmurrayNo, it looks like the poetry failures switch between DCs17:10
ahasenack561s DEBUG    urllib3.connectionpool:connectionpool.py:1053 Starting new HTTPS connection (1): upload.pypi.org:44317:10
* ahasenack checks other arches where it pssed, if they try that too17:11
bdmurrayThe firewall rules should be the same for s390x and ppc64el. (Mostly for arm64 too.)17:11
ahasenackeven on ppc64el it passed before17:11
ahasenacklooking at test_publish_returns_non_zero_code_for_upload_errors explicitly17:11
ahasenackbut the ppc64el history isn't good, just one green?17:12
ahasenacktime for migration-reference/0?17:12
ahasenackoh, poetry was failing everywhere17:13
bdmurrayOh wow17:13
ahasenacklooks like it was just that one lucky green that reset the status on ppc64el17:13
ahasenackmaybe while the firewall was too open? :)17:14
athosHi ubuntu-release! Could anyone please take a look at LP: #2054843 and add a few hints so we can complete the PHP transition as we did last time?17:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2054843 in php-defaults (Ubuntu) "Please force php-defaults 93ubuntu2 in nn" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205484317:16
ahasenackbdmurray: look at this list of test exceptions: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poetry/tree/debian/rules#n717:16
ahasenackbdmurray: coyote/ppc64el passed17:18
bdmurrayahasenack: coyote - really? I think I'm still looking at the log file17:18
bdmurrayOh I see jbicha queued it too17:19
ahasenackhttps://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/coyote/noble/ppc64el shows a green run at the top with gnudatalanguage build217:20
bdmurrayYeah, I found that too17:21
ahasenackpoetry's migration-reference/0 failed too17:25
bdmurray\o/ for a failure?17:25
bdmurrayI wonder if we should hint coyote since jeremy's request is hung17:25
ahasenackwhere was that? ppc64el too?17:26
ahasenack27min running, 303s in logs17:26
ahasenackit's not all runs that hit that, just a few17:28
ahasenackI count 4 in all the history of https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/c/coyote/noble/ppc64el17:28
ahasenackyou can see the large duration17:28
ahasenackall around 2h51min17:28
ahasenackshould closely match the autopkgtest timeout17:28
ahasenack(my guess)17:28
juliankAFAICT python3-defaults should migrate with the next britney run due to the pass on coyote17:29
ahasenackI see bos01 and bos02 in the failures17:29
bdmurrayI don't want britney to interpret the jeremy's run as a failure though17:29
ahasenackcan you kill it?17:30
bdmurrayIt'll get requeued17:30
ahasenackit might pass then :)17:30
bdmurrayKilling and removing it from the queue requires great luck17:30
ahasenack(or not)17:30
ahasenack32min 303s, that one is definitely going to timeout at 2h51min17:30
juliankbritney is fine, it already has a pass and it ignores later fails17:30
juliankIt just needs one pass for the version17:31
bdmurrayack, thanks juliank!17:31
juliankI reran so many tests today it's fun17:31
juliankSo I expect base-files, glibc and the entire python3-defaults chain to migrate today17:32
juliankThen things will be so much nicer :)17:32
bdmurrayuntil the next thundering herd17:32
juliankpython3-defaults may need some massaging with `hint` hints with all the implicit dependencies in it in case britney goes down the wrong path17:35
ahasenack1h since the last excuses report, it's close17:35
ahasenackbut I don't think it will migrate now, when the next report is published, but the one after that17:36
juliankI'm not sure it will be this one17:36
ahasenackyeah, it's running on data 1h old17:36
juliankWe might get more britney runs though17:36
juliankIt runs up to twice an hour afaict17:36
juliankIt's just too slow right now17:36
juliankthe current run started at :51, about 47 minutes ago17:38
juliankso exciting17:38
juliankresults are in17:39
juliankImplicit dependency: python3-defaults pyvkfft (not considered)17:39
juliankDepends: pyvkfft nvidia-graphics-drivers-535 (not considered)17:40
juliankWhy would a no-change rebuild of a python library depend on a new nvidia graphic driver17:41
juliankah versioned depends17:42
juliankOK um it has no reverse depends, let's demote pyvkfft to proposed?17:42
juliankubuntu-archive: let's demote pyvkfft to proposed, it depends on new nvidia driver, has no reverse {build-,}depends and block python3-defaults17:43
julianki.e. remove the version in release17:44
vorlonjuliank: looking17:48
ahasenackwhy did pvkfft show up just now, it was uploaded a month ago18:07
juliankbritney doing britney things18:20
juliankahasenack: So what happens I believe it may have given up earlier trying to determine a transition set, until we hinted it, and then it failed first on the other one, and now this one18:21
juliankglibc migrated so update_excuses will be bit nicer now :)18:26
vorlonjuliank: pyvkfft removed18:28
juliankvorlon: thank you!18:30
ahasenacksomething started happening...20:00
ahasenacksamba migrated20:00
ahasenackand I think it was waiting on python3-defaults20:00
tjaaltonvorlon: hi, do you think the linux-meta glibc fail could be hinted to let it migrate? arighi tested it locally on a vm and the tests passed fine. the MR is at https://code.launchpad.net/~p-pisati/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/+merge/46104320:04
tsimonq2Looking forward to https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/log/noble/2024-02-23/19:28:36.log updating which will show exactly what packages ;)20:04
tsimonq2yup Python migrated \o/20:05
tsimonq2And so did Qt \o/20:06
ahasenack@5pm on Friday20:06
tsimonq2Sounds like it'll be a productive weekend ;D20:06
tsimonq2(For me, at least)20:06
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athosHi ubuntu-release! Now that could anyone take a look at LP: #2054843 and add a few hints so we can complete the PHP transition as we did last time?20:45
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2054843 in php-defaults (Ubuntu) "Please force php-defaults 93ubuntu2 in nn" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205484320:45
bdmurrayI'm gonna re-enable autosync if python migrated20:48
bdmurrayvorlon: ^^20:48
athoss/Not that/Now that python migrated/20:51
juliankbdmurray: Oh autosync got disabled again?21:04
juliankI thought it was on21:05
juliankI'm so happy we managed to migrate python :D21:06
juliankPHP too sounds awesome 😎 👍21:06
vorlonbdmurray: yes please21:10
vorlonathos: hints added21:13
bdmurrayjuliank: I disabled it 21 or so hours ago per a discussion with d_oko21:18
vorlontjaalton: hi, so I don't understand why a new linux-meta is causing the glibc autopkgtest to fail; it doesn't look like a flaky test, it seems to consistently fail with new linux-meta and pass with new versions of other userspace packages.  So I'm reluctant to hint this21:19
vorlontjaalton: something changed debug/tst-fortify-syslog result from 'unsupported' to 'fail'; same for elf/tst-dlopen-self-container, elf/tst-dlopen-tlsmodid-container, elf/tst-glibc-hwcaps-2-cache, elf/tst-glibc-hwcaps-cache, elf/tst-glibc-hwcaps-prepend-cache...21:24
vorlonschopin: ^^ glibc autopkgtest regressing with new linux21:25
vorlon3052s error: test-container.c:1136: could not create a private mount namespace21:25
sarnoldvorlon: wild-guess time! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/204684421:26
-ubottu:#ubuntu-release- Launchpad bug 2046844 in angelfish (Ubuntu) "AppArmor user namespace creation restrictions cause many applications to crash with SIGTRAP" [Critical, In Progress]21:26
vorlonsarnold: how would that regress as a result of a new linux, vs a new apparmor package?21:29
sarnoldvorlon: because the "you don't get capabilities inside a usernamespace without an apparmor policy" is enforced by the kernel21:30
vorlonok but I thought this had all landed already in the release pocket, to great consternation?21:30
sarnoldgood point :(21:31
LocutusOfBorghello ubuntu-archive please kick out liquidsoap if possible, ftbfs and blocking ocaml migration (debian rc bug is open 1064128)22:15
LocutusOfBorgvorlon, ^^22:15
LocutusOfBorgalso flask can migrate if we kick out fava and searx from noble... both rc buggy22:19
tjaaltonvorlon: hmm ok.. I don't see apparmor being installed on the test instance though?22:19
tjaaltonunless it's already on the base image22:21
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vorlontjaalton: I would definitely expect apparmor to be present on the base image22:45
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: liquidsoap removed22:47
jbichaare you able to restore ceph 18.2.0-0ubuntu7 and its binaries to noble-proposed to save LP build time?22:52
bdmurrayI believe the riscv build was cancelled22:53
jbichayes, but can you restore the other architecture builds?22:53
vorlontechnically anyone with upload rights can do a self-binary-copy back to -proposed22:55
vorlonanyway yes we should restore it22:56
vorlonriscv64 build wasn't cancelled, but failed because it was "for superseded source" when it finished22:57
vorlonI've done the copy-back and also retried the riscv64 build22:57
bdmurrayvorlon: what would the command for a "self-binary-copy" look like?23:07
vorlon$ copy-package -b --force-same-destination --auto-approve -y -s noble-proposed --to-suite noble-proposed ceph -e 18.2.0-0ubuntu723:07

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