
RjGloaded question... is there an updated guide for 23.10 or a tool to convert an existing swap part on a secondary drive to an encrypted swap that will automount on system boot?00:22
VoidwarperWhy kernels are used by 23.10, and 22.0400:27
RjG23.10 uses 6.5.0-17 atm00:31
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic jammy00:32
ubottulinux-image-generic (, jammy): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 3 kB / 21 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)00:32
RjGI believe that there is a PPA that can be used to move the Jammy kernel up to the current release version.00:34
Eickmeyer!info linux-image-generic-hwe00:35
ubottuPackage linux-image-generic-hwe does not exist in mantic00:35
EriC^^Voidwarper: 5.15.0 for 22.04 but with the hwe it runs 6.5.0-1800:35
Eickmeyer!info linux-image-generic-hwe jammy00:35
ubottuPackage linux-image-generic-hwe does not exist in jammy00:35
Eickmeyermeh, wrong order00:36
* Eickmeyer goes back to the darkness00:36
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jakobehi yall02:30
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darwini got error message 'Package seamonkey is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:10
darwinThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source' but couldn't find which package supposedly refers to it (apparently no seamonkey command is existent)06:10
=== bilal is now known as biilki
darwindidn't mean to do new line there (error message continued)06:10
dogebutbananatuca donka tuca donka06:11
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mandem0110!english | dogebutbanana06:11
ubottudogebutbanana: The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:11
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dogebutbananalan kufur etme burda06:11
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mandem0110darwin: think you need to build SeaMonkey from source :(06:12
darwinno, you don't--there's a PPA06:12
mandem0110PPA's aren't supported here...06:13
darwini see06:13
darwini'm not 100% sure it's a PPA06:14
alpinIs there any particular reason PPA's aren't supported here, besides the fact the code is not in the Ubuntu respository?06:14
darwinsince it didn't appear in /etc/apt/sources.list.d even on a PC that didn't have this error06:14
darwinit's bad grammar to use apostrophes on things that aren't possessive ('PPAs')06:15
mandem0110Grammar police....06:15
alpindarwin: I'm not here for your grammar lessons.  Now be polite, or I won't talk to you06:15
darwininstructions I followed are www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/ubuntuzilla?dist=all06:16
mandem0110Yeah that's *not* supported. Like I said, build from source.06:16
darwinsource is where the source code comes from.  You build from source code06:17
alpinIt's bad manners to call people out on minute grammar errors, that you think are wrong.  Concider all help from me to you ceased.06:17
mandem0110alpin: me too. :)06:17
darwinit's good manners to help people with grammar06:17
darwinsome people are grateful, and others don't want to follow it, but that's their decision either way06:18
* mandem0110 yawns06:18
alpinmandem0110: This guy doesn't know when to stop!06:18
darwinto call someone out normally refers to using their (nick)name (which I didn't do, but you did)06:19
alpindarwin: STOP being an annoying jerk, just because you can.  I didn't speak to you to berate you like you've berated me. Now SHUT IT and STOP talking to me, NOW!06:20
mandem0110darwin: can we help you with anything else? you got your answer about your unsupported PPA...06:20
darwinplease be polite: don't insult people.  I didn't berate you06:21
alpinThank God, the ungrateful jerk06:21
mandem0110alpin: welcome to IRC! :)06:21
alpinmandem0110, I'm not new to IRC, I just get tired of the BS06:22
alpinmandem0110, I thought the rules of netiquette were stronger in here06:22
mandem0110Well, you're breaking rules too. So.....06:22
* mandem0110 that's enough from me now (:06:23
alpinmandem0110:  Which rules?  Or would we rather let this drop?06:23
r1911i can't believe this is not #linux!06:44
mandem0110Well, you better believe it. :)06:44
r1911there's some weird chanops there06:45
mandem0110!offtopic | r191106:49
ubottur1911: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:49
r1911no, thank you07:36
r1911i salvaged an old laptop with ubuntu07:36
* enyc meows r1911 07:36
mandem0110r1911: can we help you with a support question?07:37
r1911mandem0110: no07:37
mandem0110Then /join #ubuntu-offtopic :)07:37
r1911mandem0110: no07:37
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masberwhy the CEO of canonical praised appimage but then ubuntu uses snapcraft?09:33
oerheksappimage was initiated in 2004, so long ago09:35
masberold does not mean it does not work09:39
masberin some cases is a good thing09:39
masbermore mature09:39
masberare you saying snap has more features?09:39
oerhekssnaps certainly give more control, yes. why these questions?09:40
masberbecause I would like to explore these technologies and adopt them09:41
masberinstead of containers09:41
masberto encapsulate my apps and distribute them09:41
oerheksand there is #snappy for support09:42
masberok, I will explore snap as well, thank you09:43
oerhekshave fun!09:43
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dumbledoorWhenever some system package that I installed by apt breaks on my system, should my first step be to check the logs through journalctl?11:56
oerheksapt install -f # fixes many dependencie errors dumbledoor11:58
oerheksbut your initial question in #fedora .. ??11:59
dumbledoorOh you noticed. well I just want to know more about journalctl works. It's on Ubuntu as well right.12:01
dumbledoorHow can I check the logs for a particular package using journalctl?12:01
oerheksWhy? ask in your distro channel please12:04
dumbledoorYeah, you are right. Sorry.12:05
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
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AITrollHi, I have a ubuntu problem, please12:59
lotuspsychje!ask | AITroll13:01
ubottuAITroll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:01
BluesKajHi all13:34
=== Dhag0r is now known as Dhagor
masterkorpHello, has any of you get got a dual screen foldable usb display working on linux ?14:15
oerhekscare to share on what ubuntu? and what 'dual screen foldable usb display '?14:18
masterkorpThe screen is a Uperfect delta foldable screen14:19
masterkorpI have displaylink working on a usb dock with 2 screens14:20
leftyfbmasterkorp: ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; lsusb ) | nc termbin.com 999914:20
masterkorpnifty command, port 9999 is blocked here, but I will paste you those14:21
oerheks" Single cable doesn't seem to work and cant seem to power it with certain devices." https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1594796391/uperfect-delta-folding-portable-monitor/comments14:22
oerhekscable issue..14:23
masterkorpoerheks, I think i have tried14:23
oerheksfor windows they provide an update.. i find no linux users yet.14:25
masterkorpBut I use upstream displaylink14:47
leftyfbmasterkorp: sudo apt install pastebinit && ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; lsusb ) | pastebinit dpaste.com14:52
leftyfbmasterkorp: sudo apt install pastebinit && ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; lsusb ) | pastebinit -b dpaste.com14:53
masterkorpNo worries, I know how to pastebin, thank you14:53
masterkorpthe device is  345f:9132 YC USB Video14:54
leftyfbmasterkorp: please paste the pastebin URL from the output of the entire command14:54
oerheksonly usb-c can do it? anyway, no posts to find from linux users that fixed the 2nd screen.14:55
oerheksgood luck!14:55
leftyfbmasterkorp: if you just copy and paste the command I gave you into your terminal, it should give you a URL that you just paste here. No need to type anything manually14:57
oerheksavoiding to show he is not running ubuntu?14:57
masterkorpwhat is most annoying is that if I use both hdmi and usb display then I get the 3 displays in the system15:01
masterkorpbut the top screen keeps dark15:02
masterkorpI have to switch the sources15:02
leftyfbmasterkorp: let us know when you get that pastebin URL to post here and we'll be glad to help you15:03
dtomato1ah, hardware troubles ... gotta love those ... I would know... I just got a new printer! :-D15:04
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IdrogenoMorning, friends.  My "Super" key has stopped working for showing the activities pane after some recent updates, known?15:04
oerheksIdrogeno, on what hardware?15:08
Idrogenox86_64/amd ryzen15:09
oerhekstry the first 2 tricks.. https://devicetests.com/fixing-super-key-issue-ubuntu15:10
dtomatofunnily enough, printer works fantastic, but setting up was a right pain in the ass on *one* machine, where for some reason `ippfind` fails to work correctly :(  on another machine (both up to date and all) it works flawlessly ... I tried compiling latest version of cups and `ippfind` from there works just fine ... I can't seem to debug the issue15:10
IdrogenoTheres no fn key.  I've already tried that google result :)15:11
masterkorpleftyfb https://bpa.st/TBFN415:12
leftyfb!next | masterkorp15:12
ubottumasterkorp: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.15:12
leftyfbmasterkorp: you're running an unreleased and unsupported release of ubuntu. Please go to #ubuntu-next to help report bugs15:13
masterkorpMan, so much for no help15:13
masterkorpthank you for your effort still15:13
IdrogenoI'm using xorg and not wayland, so maybe theres something "broken" there?15:14
leftyfbmasterkorp: you're running a release that is still under development. The only reason you should be running it is to find and report bugs. There is no expectation of anything properly working15:14
Idrogeno@oerheks thanks for the direction.. This keyboard has a "gaming mode" button I've never touched or seen, and apparently it disabled my winkey.  Just happened to push the button around a restart.15:17
oerheksIdrogeno, nice spot!15:18
dtomatoIdrogeno: hah! I had a keyboard like that once, and I've had on occasion run into the case where I forgot to re-enabled that key :D15:19
IdrogenoI finally found the "keyboard input test" in ubuntu settings and saw it wasn't being registered at all, but the lack of an Fn key threw me off15:20
dtomatowhat kind of obscure key combination do you have to do to turn it on and off then if it doesn't have Fn key or some form of dedicated switch?15:20
IdrogenoIt has a "G" button in the top left15:21
Idrogenothats apparently a "gaming mode"15:22
dtomatoheh, well yeah, you don't want to tab out of the game and messing those headshots!15:24
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Guest95hello everyone16:56
iconoclast_herois there any sort of official guidance on how to add a new btrfs OS to the existing GRUB?17:02
iconoclast_herofor whatever reason, grub-update doesn't want to add anything including the windows partition that was originally there.17:02
iconoclast_herowhich is annoying, but i can't get it to see the OS i just put on a btrfs part.17:02
iconoclast_heroand the advice out there sucks.17:02
oerheksthat would be the OS-prober blocking17:04
oerheksblocked due to security reasons.17:05
oerheksno experience with btrfs, but this guide should work https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/102bjk7/a_great_howto_for_setting_up_timeshift_and/17:06
iconoclast_heromother f-cker.17:07
iconoclast_herothat was a simple fix.17:08
iconoclast_herothank you17:08
iconoclast_heroit's great that canonical put that information in the grub-update script they're using.17:08
oerhekshave fun!17:08
iconoclast_heroso that end users don't waste hours upon hours trying to figure out what the f-ck is going on.17:08
iconoclast_herothere's a better way for the btrfs though17:08
oerheksoh good to know, thanks.17:09
iconoclast_heroi can't find it17:10
iconoclast_heroso basically, i nvme0n1p10 is the new btrfs part...17:11
iconoclast_hero$ cd /media/; mkdir ./10; sudo mount /dev/nvme0n1p10 ./10; cd 10; ln -s @/boot /boot; ln -s @/etc /etc17:11
iconoclast_herothen sudo os-prober to make sure it will find it17:11
iconoclast_herothen you can sudo update-grub17:12
iconoclast_heroits also anoying that I can't export that grub variable so i can enable the os-prober temporarily17:12
iconoclast_herothat except that it doesn't work for the current OS which is probably moot.  once one bootsinto the other os, it would behoove one to also do it on the root of that brtrfs part as well.17:13
iconoclast_herook, time to see if it worked.17:15
=== tom_ is now known as paul424
semi am trying a usb live image for lubuntu, so far it doesn't work after grub... trying to figure out if it is a me problem, or a bios/hardware problem17:35
semit boots from USB into grub, but then when I select a bootline from grub, it hangs after "booting a command list"17:37
diogenesssem: how did you write the ISO to the USB drive?17:37
semon windows17:37
diogenessok as soon as you reach grub menu hit 'e'.17:38
semi found this which blames bios https://askubuntu.com/questions/1307514/live-usb-hangs-after-selecting-grub-menu-entry-new-pc17:38
semalready did diogeness17:38
semnow I am getting "error: unknown filesystem" underneath 'booting a command list' so that's progress17:38
diogenesson the linux line remove quiet splash and replace it with noapic17:39
diogenessthen hit ctrl+x and see if you get any output.17:39
semthanks I'll try noapic. Maybe I should try another USB drive also17:40
semwhat is the diffrence between noapic and no1apic17:40
semdiogeness, now I get "error: attempt to read outside hd00, load the kernel first" or something like that -- it went back to grub17:41
diogenessyeah pretty much could be a BIOS issue.17:42
semok... maybe i can install windows and upgrade bios17:43
diogenessgood idea ^^^17:44
iconoclast_herohey so yeah, that got it to grub.17:50
iconoclast_heroit won't boot up, but i assume that if i get to a kernel panic that's not the fault of grub.17:50
semlooks like it IS installing now with a different USB drive -- it is just extremely slow18:04
seme.g. took a long time for any messages to show up on screen18:04
chico_To get to activities menu try double tapping the windows key18:18
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davehi everyone wasin a linux irc last night am was told to check out ubunto studioas i was getting stuck in other distros soits now on my laptop look nice clean works well no dout i wil be in and out of here when i get stuck bye for now18:35
oerheksthere is #ubuntustudio too, here on #libera18:36
oerhekshave fun!18:37
davethis is ubunto studio 22.4 i think had a good review18:38
chico_dave: This is ubuntu support18:39
davesorry all new to me18:40
davewont bother anyone18:40
chico_Are you using HexChat?18:40
oerhekschico_, that is oke, but for specific apps questions they are the 1st desk18:40
oerhekswe do any ubuntu flavor..18:40
davethank you18:40
Taylor46Hello, I've got a problem with installing the linux on a Ubuntu 23.04 system. I've added the required links to my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs/list https://dpaste.com/3BDDTQ3R9, but when I run sudo apt-get update, I get the following output https://dpaste.com/GZDAPUQGU. If anyone has any suggestions as to what the problem could be, that would be19:21
Taylor46Hello, I've got a problem with installing the linux kernel with debug symbols on a Ubuntu 23.04 system. I've added the required links to my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs/list https://dpaste.com/3BDDTQ3R9, but when I run sudo apt-get update, I get the following output https://dpaste.com/GZDAPUQGU. If anyone has any suggestions as to what the problem19:22
Taylor46could be, that would be great.19:22
Taylor46Whoops, didn't mean to double post. Apologies19:22
ravageinstall 23.1019:23
leftyfbTaylor46: Ubuntu 23.04 is End of Life and no longer supported19:24
ravageor the latest LTS release: 22.0419:24
leftyfbthat's always my preferred suggestion19:25
oerheksfor nerds who want to help testing, #next LTS will be released in april19:25
ubottuNoble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.19:25
Taylor46I don't think I'm able to update the system, since it's a managed PC. If there's an alternate solution that would be preferable19:27
leftyfbTaylor46: tell whoever manages it to update it19:28
VoidwarperI installed 22.04.2 LTS and if run the 6.5 kernel19:29
VoidwarperI want the 5.15 kernel, can I get 22.0419:29
VoidwarperAlso what is the hwe kernel19:30
leftyfbVoidwarper: yes, from ubuntu.com19:30
VoidwarperHow can I see which kernel this runs19:31
oerheksoops, wrong19:31
leftyfbVoidwarper: uname -a19:31
VoidwarperI mean before downloading it19:31
VoidwarperAlso does the net installer have support for wifi firmware? I want to get this as it's smaller19:32
leftyfbVoidwarper: why do you need a specific kernel?19:32
VoidwarperI have issues with newer kernels19:32
VoidwarperWith Intel iris igpu19:32
chico_uname -r19:33
leftyfbVoidwarper: there is no "net installer"19:33
VoidwarperI saw a net installer at alternate downloads19:34
leftyfbVoidwarper: are you saying 6.5 does or doesn't work with your GPU?19:34
VoidwarperIt causes artifacts like screen blanking for a sec19:34
leftyfbVoidwarper: which kernel on which distro did you try where you got there?19:35
VoidwarperI tried Ubuntu and others19:35
VoidwarperThe 6.1 LTS performed the best19:36
VoidwarperBut I want to try the 5.15 line19:36
chico_if the 5.15 kernel is installed you can boot into it thru the grub menu19:36
leftyfbVoidwarper: so you tried Ubuntu 22.04 with the latest 6.5 kernel that was just released last night?19:36
VoidwarperI am on 22.04.02 now with 6.519:37
chico_this is the output of uname -a on my system19:37
chico_Linux EVC141-6bk 6.5.0-18-generic #18~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Wed Feb  7 11:40:03 UTC 2 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:37
leftyfbVoidwarper: then you are wildly out of date19:37
VoidwarperWhat do you mean19:37
leftyfbVoidwarper: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade19:38
leftyfbrun that and reboot, then come back here19:38
VoidwarperThis won't help me, I tried the latest stable kernel as well19:38
VoidwarperAs the mainline19:38
leftyfbVoidwarper: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ; sudo apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0419:38
leftyfbrun that and reboot, then come back here19:38
VoidwarperWhat version is the generic hwe19:39
leftyfbVoidwarper: please run the commands19:39
leftyfbVoidwarper: reboot then come back here19:39
VoidwarperI am on 22.04.2 iso19:40
VoidwarperWhich I just got19:40
VoidwarperIt's up to date19:40
leftyfbit's not19:40
leftyfbok, install ubuntu, update all the packages, reboot and come back here19:40
oerheksif you updated, you would be on 22.04.5 now, with that 6.5 kernel?19:41
leftyfbwhich was released less than 24 hours ago19:42
oerhekslsb_release -a   .. oh right19:43
leftyfbVoidwarper: also, booting from the live iso is not a definitive method to test hardware19:44
VoidwarperI am on 22.04.419:45
VoidwarperJust installed19:46
leftyfbVoidwarper: please run the following:   ( uname -a ; cat /etc/os-release ; lspci | grep -i vga ; lsblk ) | nc termbin.com 999919:46
leftyfbthen paste the resulting URL here19:47
leftyfbVoidwarper: are you still getting artifacts?19:52
VoidwarperThis is the issue19:52
-ubottu:#ubuntu- bugzilla.opensuse.org bug 1220223 in openSUSE Tumbleweed "Screen flashing before and after GDM login on Iris Xe Graphics" [Normal, New]19:52
VoidwarperI had a video recorded on opensuse, the same happens on Ubuntu19:53
VoidwarperIt was slightly better on Debian which runs the 6.1 kernel, but still not perfect19:53
leftyfbVoidwarper: sudo apt install linux-image-generic &&  sudo apt remove linux-image-generic-hwe-22.0419:53
leftyfbyou could also try the oem kernel19:54
leftyfbsudo apt-get install linux-oem-22.04d19:54
VoidwarperI will try the generic you said and report19:55
leftyfbI would pick one or the other19:55
VoidwarperI did install the Linux image generic and remove the hwe19:56
VoidwarperUname -r says 6.5.0-21-generic after reboot19:57
leftyfbyou'll need to reboot into the 5.15 kernel19:57
VoidwarperAlso grub menu doesn't appear19:57
leftyfbVoidwarper: apt list installed linux-image* | nc termbin.com 999919:58
leftyfboh, sorry20:00
leftyfbVoidwarper: apt list --installed linux-image* | nc termbin.com 999920:00
leftyfbVoidwarper: sudo apt remove linux-image-6.5.0-18-generic linux-image-6.5.0-21-generic20:01
VoidwarperThe problem persists on 5.1520:04
VoidwarperI suspect the Intel microcode20:04
VoidwarperCan I remove it?20:04
leftyfbVoidwarper: the oem kernel is 6.120:05
VoidwarperOk will try the oem20:05
leftyfband is typically for cutting edge hardware20:05
leftyfbyou'll need to remove the 5.15 kernel after you install the oem kernel20:06
VoidwarperProblem persists, how can I remove Intel microcode without removing the kernel20:13
VoidwarperI think Debian worked better because of older Intel microcode20:13
VoidwarperBecause I tried the same kernel 6.1 here too and it didn't behave well20:14
VoidwarperI want to remove or rollback the firmware for i91520:14
=== wynn is now known as Guest5295
leftyfbVoidwarper: try: sudo apt install linux-firmware20:17
VoidwarperIt's installed20:17
VoidwarperI found a thread where a similar issue was fixed by downgrading Intel ucode20:17
VoidwarperIntel microcode basically20:18
VoidwarperDoes Ubuntu keep an archieve?20:18
VoidwarperI have version 3. 2023 11 1420:19
VoidwarperI want one from 202220:19
=== wynn is now known as Guest9484
oerhekssure they are to be found on launchpad20:20
oerheksbut i think such action might wreck your install? it is not just the microcode, also kernel patches..;20:21
VoidwarperI am on oem kernel, I found a thread using iucode-tool to downgrade to an older Intel microcode20:22
sarnoldVoidwarper: there's a snapshot service that might be helpful https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-snapshots-on-azure-ensuring-predictability-and-consistency-in-cloud-deployments20:22
sarnold(don't worry about all the azure stuff all over that blogpost)20:23
VoidwarperThat's nice. Just have to figure the timestamp20:23
sarnoldhopefully that's only a few reboots ;)20:24
oerheksyou might better try GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=“quiet splash i915.enable_psr=0”20:24
oerheksfrom https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404771/screen-flicker-after-fresh-install-of-ubuntu-22-04  and   confirmed at https://forum.manjaro.org/t/what-going-on-with-intels-iris-xe-graphics/113171/920:25
=== calcmandan is now known as thgilsrooc
jcduttonHas anyone else had problems install ubuntu from the 22.04 iso, booting from USB stick?   If I select custom partitions the installer just crashes with a long error log.   Has anyone actually tested the customer partitions option.21:49
oerhekson what type of hardware? UEFI or legacy mbr?21:52
oerheksother OS installed? like windows with their hybernate/fstboot?21:52
jcduttonoerheks, it is on UEFI.  If it helps, debian minimal installer installs fine.21:58
oerheksdo you use the 1st 24.04 iso, or recent 24.04.4 ?21:58
jcduttonoerheks, it was this image: ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso21:59
leftyfboerheks: %s/24/22/g21:59
oerheksoops, typo21:59
jcduttonoerheks, my custom partition is quite simple. 256MB for fat32 EFI, 1G for /BOOT ext2, and the rest of the disk encrypted with a btrfs filesystems22:03
jcduttonoerheks, exactly the same partition table installs fine with debian. debian-12.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso22:04
oerheksi find this post, https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2488588&p=14150479#post1415047922:09
jcduttonoerheks, ok, so the ubuntu installer basically fails if you try btrfs ?22:12
oerheksnot sure that statement is true, 1st line ".. but it does not have installer template scripts like the Desktop Edition. "22:13
oerheksleftyfb, ^^ ??22:13
jcduttonoerheks, what is the template bit do?  I am doing a customer partition, so why is a template needed?22:14
jcduttonIt would be ok if it came back and said something like "not a supported partition combination, letting me adjust it until it is happy, but it instead crashes the installer.22:15
oerheksyou might want to reask in #ubuntu-server22:17
oerheksi have no clue there22:17
jcduttonoerheks, I have looked at another forum thread: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2491181       Ubuntu staff who respond seem to have a really bad attitude22:26
sarnoldforums tend to foster that, even worse than irc22:29
jeremy31jcdutton: staff emeritus are retired staff members22:30
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bray90820What does this error meanusb 1-5 device descriptor read 64 error 11022:46
bray90820usb 1-5 device descriptor read 64 error 11022:46
jeremy31bray90820: It could be a power issue on USB bus22:47
bray90820Even when nothing is plugged into said USB ports?22:47
jeremy31bray90820: Might be a faulty device?22:49
bray90820I hope not22:49
jeremy31bray90820: some webcams and most bluetooth devices use the USB bus22:49
JanChope it's not the internal USB hub that is broken...22:49
JanCit could in theory also be a driver issue, but that's quite uncommon with USB nowadays22:50
bray90820This error happens even when nothing is plugged into the USB ports22:50
bray90820It happened after I replaced one of my fans22:50
JanChope you didn't break anything then22:51
jeremy31bray90820: Post URL from terminal for>  lsusb|nc termbin.com 999922:51
bray90820There are currently USB devices plugged in just FYI22:51
jcduttonbray90820, USB messages like that can be caused by radio interference.22:52
bray90820Can you send the code again without pinging me22:52
jeremy31lsusb|nc termbin.com 999922:52
bray90820jeremy31: You got that?22:54
jeremy31bray90820: that shows a USB video device, a couple mice and an Asus AURA LED controller, and an ethernet device on USB22:54
bray90820Well I have a video card 1 mouse 1 keyboard and an ethernet port built into the motherboard22:55
bray90820I also have a scanner connected22:56
bray90820Oh I also have a USB3 hub and a USB3 KVM22:56
JanCif this error is on the internal USB hub (the one on the motherboard) then maybe also check if the wires that go to the USB sockets in various places in the computer case are properly connected?22:57
jeremy31Can you switch what port the KVM is on?22:57
JanCmaybe you touched one of them while changing the fan...22:57
bray90820You mean like front USB ports?22:57
jeremy31bray90820: Maybe22:58
JanCyeah, for example (depends on the case where they are)22:58
bray90820Well I actually have the front USB ports disconnected currently22:58
jeremy31A lot of devices are on bus 00122:58
bray90820Nothing is connected to those headders22:58
rhombusI am using ufw and it does not appear to be working at all. As in, I have a default DENY policy, and I've added one rule for ssh (port 22), ufw status shows that rule and that it is active, and connections to ports other than 22 are getting through.22:58
JanCokay, that probably rules that out then22:59
bray90820So it's probablly the back USB ports?22:59
JanCthose ports are usually directly on the motherboard, so it can't be a loose wire23:00
bray90820It happens even when no USB devices are connected23:00
JanCthat's why I was thinking it's with (one of) the USB hub(s) on the motherboard23:01
bray90820Here is an image of the grub errors if you wanna have a look23:02
JanCthat's not a grub error  :)23:03
JanCand it says an USB device is connected23:03
bray90820I didn't mean it was a grub error i meant the errors show up after grub23:04
bray90820Should I disconenct every USB device and get  a new image?23:04
JanCthere might be an internal device connected to USB23:04
jeremy31It almost has to be an issue with an internal hub23:04
bray90820So the board is bad?23:04
JanCyou can try without anything connected to it23:05
jeremy31bray90820: URL for>  sudo dmesg|grep -i usb|nc termbin.com 999923:05
rhombusI am also using lxd, which is known to "manage"/interfere with firewalls, in case that's relevant.23:05
bray90820jeremy31: https://termbin.com/rrse23:06
jeremy31I have no idea what the AURA LED Controller is, but it could be the problem23:09
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JanCyou might want to check visibly if all physical USB ports look okay (nothing damaged/broken or jammed in one of them that could cause a short for example :) )23:10
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bray90820Actually It could very well be the LD23:11
bray90820I'm gonna try something I'll be right back23:12
JanCalso, unplug/replug all devices 1 by 1 while watching "journalctl -f" could be useful to identify what device is "1-5"23:12
JanCrhombus: you should be able to use nft or iptables to see what firewall rules are actually loaded into the kernel23:16
JanCIIRC some stuff like routing/forwarding happens before the "normal" firewall rules that ufw sets?23:19
JanCmaybe this is useful... https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/network_bridge_firewalld/ ?23:22
bray90820So I umplugged every USB device and the LED and this is what I get23:29
oerhekssounds like a hw issue, check for a bios update?23:36
bray90820oerheks: Talking to me?23:37
rhombusJanC, I discovered that a recent upgrade of lxd mangled the rules in iptables and basically ufw wasn't having any effect anymore.23:48
rhombusJanC, I've resolved the problem by disabling the firewall in lxd according to the instructions here https://documentation.ubuntu.com/lxd/en/latest/howto/network_bridge_firewalld/23:49
rhombusJanC, ha, I just saw that you linked that too :)23:50
rhombusJanC, I didn't consider this because it had been working without needing to explicitly disable it in lxd, but the upgrade did something to change that.23:50
rhombusThanks for the tip all the same!23:51
jcduttonbray90820, it looks more like a RAM chip problem.  Those MCE errors are probably more the cause23:56

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