
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Install desktop-provision/whitelabel.yaml for the new ubuntu-desktop-… @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/9b499d94fc0f74233b23ac26787c663d7eb3500e (by bluesabre)13:05
bluesabreSigns of life... desktop and minimal both successfully built today with with the new installer. We're waiting on a new build of the installer, expected Monday, to maybe have everything working on Tuesday!13:08
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-default-settings:: Release xubuntu-default-settings 24.04.0 @ https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/d4882c0fdf5e81dd2b800ea0247a8a7e5f57d492 (by bluesabre)13:10
JackFrostI'll discard the failure mail then.21:10

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