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natewrenchhey ive been getting java hangups that ive had to uninstall java00:17
oerheksjava or openjdk?00:22
sarnoldsebast: most irc clients let you type a few characters of a nickname and then hit 'tab' to complete the rest00:23
natewrenchoerheks: uh openjdk-default or default-jre00:30
bray90820Welp looks like it was a CPUissue00:53
sarnoldugh, machine check exceptions, bad news :(00:57
sarnoldmaybe you can swap out memory or change the thermal points on your processor or something00:57
sarnoldbut mce is bad news :(00:57
bray90820I'll just Buy a new processor00:58
sarnoldthat may not address the problem if it's ram or motherboard or pci bridge or whatever01:00
sarnoldit'll take debugging :(01:00
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JoeLlamashat is the shortcut to clear the clipboard in ubuntu?  like CTRL what?04:20
JoeLlamalike if I copy/paste from the browser to featherpad how do I clear the clipboard as simply as possible using a shortcut??04:22
JoeLlamaamazing 1074 logged into #ubuntu04:23
JoeLlamabut I gor time (:04:24
JoeLlamaoops got04:24
JoeLlamaidle & afk for a bit04:24
thisisjaymehtaThere are apt packages that help do it04:27
thisisjaymehtanot sure about keyboard shortcut04:27
thisisjaymehtamaybe you can set keybord shortcut to run that command04:27
thisisjaymehta,b 1704:59
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RemyGood morning peeps,,07:18
JoeLlamathanks thisisjaymehta :)07:19
JoeLlamawhat is the shortcut to clear the clipboard in ubuntu?  like CTRL what?07:19
JoeLlamalike if I copy/paste from the browser to featherpad how do I clear the clipboard as simply as possible using a shortcut??07:19
manwhowouldbekinHi all. About 20 minutes my Ubuntu 23.10 system restarted 2 times in a row on its own. It has happened a few times in the past as well. How can I find out why that happens?07:30
mosfetanyone have iRedMail-1.6.8 running on 22.04?07:34
diogenessmanwhowouldbekin: run: journalctl --list-boots07:36
diogenessfind there the ID of your last boot and run: journalctl -b IDNUMBER -e07:37
manwhowouldbekin@diogeness, This is what I get https://pastebin.com/6pY8DvXW07:38
diogenessmanwhowouldbekin: is this a VM or WSL or something like that?07:42
manwhowouldbekin@diogeness, No. Baremetal desktop install.07:42
diogenessthere is a lot of rabbitmq-server.service calls and failures, maybe try and disable that service and see what happens.07:44
manwhowouldbekin@diogeness, Do you know if other services depend on it? Or is it probably something I used for development in the past (I might have)07:45
diogenessmanwhowouldbekin: i never had that service but you can do: systemctl status rabbitmq-server.service07:46
diogenessand get more info on that.07:46
manwhowouldbekin@diogeness, Thanks. Will check that.07:48
darwinwhat happened to installation-guide-amd64 package?09:33
lotuspsychjedarwin: for wich ubuntu release?10:05
lotuspsychje!info installation-guide-amd64 jammy10:06
ubottuPackage installation-guide-amd64 does not exist in jammy10:06
darwinit was in 20.04 so why not 22.04.  I know it doesn't exist.  I asked what happened to it10:07
lotuspsychjenot sure either why its out darwin10:07
lotuspsychjedarwin: maybe the #ubuntu-release crew might know more of that10:08
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manwhowouldbekinDoes anyone know what could be the cause of getting an error on all GPG key refresh operations on an Ubuntu 23.10? What can I do to troubleshoot and fix it? https://pastebin.com/giZhgTRq12:25
EriC^manwhowouldbekin: maybe dns problem? https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/399027/gpg-keyserver-receive-failed-server-indicated-a-failure13:01
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JanCmaybe -v/--verbose, or the debug options if that is enough, can give you more information13:06
JanC(gpg's manpage has all the debug options, but try verbose first)13:07
BluesKajHi all13:26
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RickyRat5005Not sure if this is too off topic, but I am wondering what is a good choice for IPTV Players17:00
Guest5921Hello, I have  a question about adding a repository in /etc/apt/sources.list in Jammy Jellyfish if anyon has a moment17:08
Guest5921nevermind, solved it17:25
zuzevhi @everyone18:52
jamiahx2hello, I'm having problems re-mounting an ecryptfs dir19:29
jamiahx2I successfully remounted it but with wrong umask19:30
jamiahx2umounted and tried mounting again, but I'm unable to19:30
johnfghi folks20:20
johnfgrunning 22.04, I often have it where my windows, which were maximized, start lapping over the Applications column on the left.20:21
johnfgI need to minimize, then maximize, and the behavior stops.  When it laps, it allows the icons to show through, but I don't want this, and don't know what causes it.20:22
bpromptjohnfg:  hmmm sounds like an issue in the window manager, I use LXQT, and my window manager is Kwin, I don't get any of that, but sounds like some issue with the "compositor" or how the window manager is handling the compositing, I'd check in the manager for any options if any20:38
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johnfgbprompt: will do.  thanks!21:13
johnfgbprompt: So I'm running Gnome Shell.  Would I simply check in Settings?21:17
johnfgI'm not seeing anything there that would change things of what I mentioned.21:19
ShadowLabswhats the best way to get smb shares mounted with kerberos auth, would a keytab work with a service account in an AD ?21:24
oerhekshttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-kerberos-workstation-auth for a start21:25
oerheksend below that row, samba21:26
oerhekshave fun!21:26
ShadowLabsthanks appreciate it21:27
oerheksOn a Windows machine, you can use ktpass.exe.  On Ubuntu Linux, you can use ktutil. for keytab21:27
geek_need some help - have a triple boot BIOS (not UEFI) machine... reinstalled Ubuntu 22.04, got it working, tweaked and added all my data... saw it was using Wayland... tried to play videos using default media player, VLC, and SMplayer - all (immediately closed) - booting into linux mint they all played fine... SO... i tried changeing from open source Neaveau driver to nvidia - some error was shown ? it didnt compete - machine is borked22:04
geek_(technical term) and wont boot... i tried going into Ubuntu recovery mode to sudo apt-get purge nvidia (NO help) - then i read to go into /etc/gdm3/custom.conf and comment out the # of WaylandEnable-false -- didnt work... now i am caught in a boot loop  WHAT can i try next ?  THANKS22:04
oerheksno, at login, change wayland to xorg22:05
oerheksselect name, then you can change session22:05
geek_i CANT login, machine is borked caught in boot loop22:06
geek_i think this happened (started) after trying to change from open source vid drive to nvidia driver22:07
oerheks"Advanced options for Ubuntu" from the Grub boot menu. Next, you will see the list of available Ubuntu versions with Kernel versions. Choose the "Recovery mode"22:08
oerheksthen make it rw, and unstall nvidia? but i thought installing nvidia forced session to xorg automaticly22:08
geek_i DID that - got into recovery mode and tried sudo apt-get purge nvidia and commenting OUT the # as above... nothing helps yet...22:09
oerheksthen reinstall?22:09
geek_WHAT ! i just spent hours reinstalling fresh and then tweaking (20 things to do after installing Ubuntu ) then installed my fav. programs, the recover data...22:10
geek_dont understand make ir rw, and uninstall nvidia ?22:11
oerheksafter removind nvidia, simply sudo apt install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau # would fix, no?22:11
oerheksmaking it rw, writable, see that guide22:12
geek_in recovery mode i am root... what am i trying to make read/write ?? i will try the sudo apt install xserver..... etc22:13
oerheksin recovery mode, it is not mounted rw. try ' touch something > error, RO = read only22:14
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geek_THANKS oerheks... working on it22:16
oerhekshave fun!22:17
BilgeI just upgraded Pg 13 -> 16 and now, for some reason, it takes 13+ seconds just to do an inner join??? WTF is going on?22:46
cbreakdo databases these days have indices?22:48
cbreakmaybe they're different in the new version and the database needs to be upgraded or something like that.22:48
geek_oerheks -- i got thru Ubuntu splash screen (bunch of text with GREEN OK) now just numbers (timestamps) 10 rows, timestamps incrementing all same ata9 COMRESET failed (errno=-32)22:49
BilgeI just had to perform an analayse and now it's fine xd22:52
highratejust to refresh, when installing mysql on ubuntu, a root password prompt appears setting root password after the apt-get?23:20
highrateor does it just install without setting up a root password?23:23
BilgeIs it really not possible to pick the neighboring column when min() selects a specific row for that value?23:32
bitbingeUbuntu's update installing app notifies me for ubuntu pro updates that I can't install. Can I get rid of that misfeature?23:51
oerheksyes, get pro for free23:52
bitbingeAnd if I don't want anything that has to do with pro?23:53
jeremy31ignore the notifications23:54
oerheksyes, like we ignore trolls on weekend support .. misfeature lolz23:57
ubottuUbuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq23:57
geek_oerheks -- all i am getting now is a flashing cursor after Ubuntu splash (tried both ways of /etc/gdm3/custom.conf "#" wayland false or true... what now PLS ?23:57
geek_how can i see whats going on ?23:58
oerhekswhat did you do, comment out? #23:59
oerheksi would not have touched that file.. not in the url i gave you23:59

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