
bluesabreJackFrost: As far as you're aware, are there any package updates here we definitely don't want? https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-seed/issues/7014:51
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 70 in Xubuntu/xubuntu-seed "24.04: Consider stable version package updates" [Open]14:51
bluesabreI need to test, release, and package updates for lightdm-gtk-greeter, lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings, menulibre, and mugshot this week... and can pick up some of that packaging work as well.14:59
bluesabreknome, JackFrost: On the Ubuntu Flavors matrix channel, they're floating adding sub-categories for each of the flavors on the Ubuntu Discourse https://discourse.ubuntu.com/. Not sure if we want this or could leverage it, but something to consider.15:11
bluesabreThere's also talk of Canonical hosting a new Matrix bridge, in case we want to consider the move to Matrix but keep IRC around. Related: https://github.com/Xubuntu/xubuntu-development/issues/1815:14
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 18 in Xubuntu/xubuntu-development "Consider move from IRC to Matrix" [Open]15:14
JackFrosthttps://gitlab.xfce.org/panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin/-/merge_requests/26 seems maybe something we'd want.16:23
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Merge 26 in panel-plugins/xfce4-weather-plugin "Migration to Sunrise API 3.0 (Sunrise JSON format)" [Opened]16:23
JackFrostbluesabre: genmon is the one that springs to mind.16:24
JackFrostI'm even behind in 4.19 releases, bit going on right now.  Can't get to anything today.16:25
JackFrost...But that's because gir packaging changed and I didn't want to deal with it.  Tomorrow may be no good as well...  Next long-weekend is for sure out, and some days inbetween aren't good...Welp. :P16:31
bluesabreI see the gir thing now (trying to package libxfce4util). I don't suppose you have any examples ?18:48
JackFrostNope, I just haven't done/looked into it yet.20:24

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