
landspiteHi everyone, I'm super green, but trying to build my own kernel and apply a patch to fix audio on my laptop. I am using mainline-crack 6.7.6 at the moment, and want to download the source, patch it and install and run my own built kernel. 02:09
landspiteIs there a recommended place to start this, my last experience building my own kernel was back in the 90's on slackware.02:09
landspiteI cloned git://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel-test/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/mainline-crack into cod/mainline/v6.7.6, but I was expecting to see debian/rules and what-not, but they are inside of scripts/package/debian, so I am thinking that the instructions i'm using from wiki.ubuntu.com are misaligned?02:11
landspiteah, I hadn't checked out the specific tag... worked it out02:42
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