Bashing-om | guiverc: In case you are wondering --- still there :P | 00:56 |
guiverc | i gathered that.... I'm not worried; my plan was to be elsewhere now, alas too busy focusing on screen & missed when I had to leave... will try again in mins anyway (thus expect me gone for ~90+ mins) | 00:57 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Podcast Ubuntu Portugal: E287 O Filho PrĂ³digo Torna a Casa @ | 01:07 | |
Bashing-om | UWN: Saturday's a wrap - saved and out - edit count at 24. | 01:25 |
guiverc | thanks Bashing-om (on added 'updated installation media') | 04:04 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: Oh I just filled in the blanks :P | 04:05 |
guiverc | I suggest removing "." in '"Ubuntu Jams Day event."' as you continue after the quote (I was always told a full-stop in/outside of sentence applies even outside of quotes.. that maybe aussie-english rules I don't know | 04:06 |
guiverc | (we were advised in HSC to just remove full-stops inside quotes & only use them in our own text to avoid losing marks; ie. punctionation outside of quotes being easier | 04:07 |
guiverc | (hsc = higher school certificate.. don't exist any more, but matriculation, or whatever the 'current' term is) | 04:07 |
Bashing-om | looking :D | 04:08 |
guiverc | i'm not reading properly.. gotta walk pup .. mostly reading your comments/replies.. | 04:09 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: You read that last right - removing that stray period. | 04:10 |
guiverc | the KDE Slimbook one.. you've added "Plasma 6"... should that be "KDE PLasma 6".... I recall somewhere in a talk (possibly KDE Project) being told to refer to KDE Plasma (not KDE, not Plasma) | 04:10 |
guiverc | you won't do it, but please don't copy/paste my KDE Plasma; my case is incorrect ^ | 04:12 |
* guiverc off for quick walk with pup | 04:12 | |
Bashing-om | Well in that case will make it KDE Plasma :P | 04:15 |
guiverc | thanks Bashing-om | 04:44 |
* guiverc going to edit (we've got nested <!-- & --> that aren't handled as nested) | 04:48 | |
* guiverc out | 04:50 | |
-ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: See AirPods Battery Level in Ubuntu @ | 17:43 | |
Bashing-om | UWN: Opening 828 - adding stats&reports . | 20:10 |
Bashing-om | UWN: Issue828 up for review and final edits: :D | 21:20 |
guiverc | thanks Bashing-om , will get to it (when I can) | 21:28 |
Bashing-om | guiverc: k - plenty of time yet - distractions so could be errors I failed to catch :( | 21:31 |
guiverc | ack | 21:31 |
guiverc | just noting here, but suggest s/22.04.4 products and flavors/Ubuntu 22.04.4 products and flavors/ (22.04.4 released) | 23:40 |
guiverc | s/meeting agenda amd Q&A/meeting agenda and Q&A/ (jams day) | 23:51 |
Bashing-om | Fat fingered ! | 23:51 |
guiverc | maybe also s/Inquires may be made to/Inquires may be made at/ (I think 'at' reads better, [ i'm ignoring the spelling of 'enquiries' :) ] | 23:52 |
guiverc | FLiSoL: suggest s/This post also serves the call for speakers/This post also serves as the call for speakers/ (addition of 'as' I suggest) | 23:54 |
Bashing-om | opening 828 for several edits :D | 23:56 |
* guiverc is still reading (and very slowly; I'm mostly elsewhere) | 23:57 |
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