
=== pavel_odintsov__ is now known as pavel_odintsov
ginggsvorlon: thanks, I'll take a look at apt-xapian-index18:15
vorlonginggs: cheers. any thoughts on further systematic testing we should do to check for other runtime problems before we have to stumble across them?  I'm not sure if apt-xapian-index would've been picked up by a rebuild e.g.18:35
vladimirpjbicha: Hi, just wanted to double-check - are we rolling back Java 21 default by syncing 0.75+exp1?19:19
vpa1977jbicha: my mistake - same changes as ubuntu1 just a bit more architectures19:27
tsimonq2noble-changes looks to be asleep, could someone please wake it up?23:04
vorlonbdmurray: ^^ I don't remember, do you have any administrative access to the list to check on it, or should this be a straight RT?23:07
vorlontsimonq2: is it asleep on both mail delivery and web archive or just web archive? (I'm not subscribed so don't know about mail delivery firsthad)23:11
bdmurrayThe -changes lists are setup by IS during archive opening and I don't think they give anyone access.23:13

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