=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [17:38] Hey everyone, sorry if this is the wrong channel. I was wondering what were the steps to request a change in the default ubuntu kernel config? I'd like to have bpf added to CONFIG_LSM, as some software I'm working on requires it. Currently, to workaround this, I have to ask my users to fiddle with their GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX value, update grub, and [17:38] reboot, which is not ideal and introduces a lot of friction ^^'. [18:03] @roblabla, I would open a Launchpad bug here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux [18:04] roblabla, the correct way would be to open an LP ticket but that change won't happen. We don't want BPF enabled for everybody, too risky. [18:06] juergh Do you mean BPF LSM specifically? Because BPF is already enabled afaict. [18:09] yes BPF LSM. I think we keep it deliberately off for security reasons. One can always enable it via the commandline. [18:09] And if it's BPF LSM, can you explain what makes them so dangerous? I'm asking because Ubuntu is the only platform giving me trouble - Debian, SLES, ArchLinux, RHEL, Fedora all have it enabled by default. === JanC is now known as Guest4767 === JanC_ is now known as JanC