=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^ [00:29] Sup? [00:29] Anyone from canada? [00:32] Thanks Bashing-om I'll look into it sometime, not sure exactly what the best setup is but I've got more ideas now :) [00:35] sem: In the event of isues with grub in the primary one can boot a secondary from bios :) [00:43] Hello, I was directed here to report what I think might be a systemd bug in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (I got here from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing_bugs_manually_at_Launchpad.net ). [00:43] I'm seeing exactly what this gist describes: https://gist.github.com/raggi/1f8d0b9f45c5b62e7131b03e6e2ffe68 [00:43] Summary: [00:43] 1. Configure a machine with a DHCPv4 lease on a network with a DHCPv4 server. [00:43] 2. Place machine under unusual load sufficient to cause a timeout on netlink requests. [00:43] 3. Observe the interface failing with the following logs: [00:43] systemd-networkd[139370]: eth0: Could not set DHCPv4 address: Connection timed out [00:43] systemd-networkd[139370]: eth0: Failed [00:43] Expected behavior [00:43] The DHCPv4 client should retry the lease refresh when the issue is a timeout, eventually succeeding in these scenarios. [00:43] Actual behavior [00:43] Permanent loss of connectivity on the affected interface. [00:43] Can anyone offer advice or hints on next steps? [00:57] hey webchat58, did you try submitting a bug on launchpad already as well? That might be helpful for the developers esp if you can link to the gist and submit your logs [01:08] hi sem, I wasn't sure if it was a bug. I'm happy to go file a launchpad bug - I can get logs and I have a reasonable description/investigation of the issue. [01:09] Yeah I think that would be very helpful, especially if you can reproduce it at will [01:10] It's a bit tough to reproduce on demand, but when it does happen the circumstances seem consistent. [01:10] Anyway, thanks, I'll go look at launchpad. [01:10] You might try to get more information about any workarounds that fix it temporarily. [01:11] Ok, I've got a couple of ideas that I've tried. [01:11] Best of luck let us know what you find webchat58 and thanks for reporting [01:11] Cheers === Xlusive_ is now known as Xlusive === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [02:21] back in the day I used to use mplayer compiled from sources to do video playback. What's a good player these days? [02:22] mplayer still exists [02:26] rbox: still just as good? any point in building from sources? This used to be a requirement to get decent video playback. [02:26] theres no point in building anyting from source === carlos is now known as hal9k2010 [02:31] I'm using Ubuntu 22.04. For some reason I can load websites that have an IPv4 and IPv6 record when I use LAN but can only load those that have an IPv6 when I use WiFi. How can should I go about fixing this? [02:34] cobraeriko: did you check the Network settings to see if IPv4 is properly configured for the WiFi connection? [02:35] JanC No how do I do that? [02:37] if you are on a standard Ubuntu Desktop system (with Gnome) you can go to the settings in the system menu at the top right [02:46] Ok. I did so, made sure IPv4 automatic connection was selected. Now this "required" window pops up asking me for "authentication." Should it be PEAP, TLS, LEAP, Tunneled TLS or FAST? === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [03:21] is there a place where I can browse the packages available for a particular release? [03:21] packages.ubuntu.com [03:25] XD browser crashed - lol [03:29] thnx, got what I needed. [03:31] is there a similar list for the ubuntu-pro customers? === foo_ is now known as foo === scottpedia is now known as LiaoTao === LiaoTao is now known as scottpedia === jfsimon1981 is now known as jfs === jfs is now known as jfsimon [09:19] youtube === peacefulman2 is now known as peacefulman === tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn [12:00] is launchpad offline or is that just me [12:01] https://status.canonical.com/ [12:01] correct [12:01] https://status.snapcraft.io/ [12:02] some 35 minutes now [12:02] oerheks, thanks again :) [12:25] Hi, I need to install python2 on Ubuntu 23.10 -- preferably locally somehow because I don't actually *want* to pollute my system with it :/ Anyone knows how? [12:29] doosboox: In that case, your best case might be running it in an a container or some other sandboxing solution [12:29] !info python2.7 mantic [12:29] Package python2.7 does not exist in mantic [12:30] oh, not available.. jammy was the latest https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python2.7 [12:31] manual method, preferrably in a container, like alcor suggests .. [12:31] https://hackprojects.wordpress.com/tutorials/opencv-python-tutorials/how-to-install-python-2-7-13-on-ubuntu/ [12:49] Not sure a container is a viable solution for me. I’ll have a look at it. But is there a way to install it in a virtualenv or similar? [12:52] venv .. https://tecadmin.net/create-python-virtual-environment-ubuntu/ [12:52] but i would do that in a container/vm === attah_ is now known as attah [12:54] huh. I thought venv and virtualenv was the same thing. Always used the latter [12:55] not all python2 deps are available, it seems. libreadline-gplv2-dev has no installation candidate [12:56] yes, 2.7 is old, use 22.04 LTS if you *need* to [12:57] I’m running bazel and the package pkg_tar needs python2. The package is deprecated, but as far as I can tell there’s no replacement yet [12:58] their site gives a solution, docker https://bazel.build/install/docker-container [13:00] oerheks: I guess that's an okay temporary solution, until the update the container image :P [13:01] thanks for your help, everyone [13:01] have fun! [13:07] Hi all === ctraven is now known as sotaoverride === xrandr__ is now known as xrandr [14:57] does anyone know where the username and password is stored for remote sharing on ubuntu 22.04? I checked /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow. Couldn't find it there. [14:58] keyring, i guess [14:58] or plain in a config file [15:02] it's not keyring, any idea what config files I should be looking for? [15:04] ~/. ssh/authorized_keys === dongcarl1 is now known as dongcarl [15:04] oops, wrong [15:05] 22.04 - Remote Desktop Sharing authentication password changes every reboot [15:10] actually my bad, it is keyring [15:10] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1456202/where-smb-client-password-saved [15:10] thanks === pick is now known as pickanick [15:58] any cyber smokers up for cool chat on skype? [16:06] Jantz, that is offtopic [16:09] ubuntu in skype?? [16:11] no support in skype. [16:17] Jantz, do you have any specific ubuntu support question ... else, random questions and discussions can take place in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss [16:39] flat stones, round stones [17:24] hello [17:24] UWU [17:24] ? [17:24] :-) [17:25] HI [17:25] :D [17:25] :) [17:26] do you have an ubuntu related support issue? [17:29] oi === ericus1 is now known as ericus [17:42] привет? === realies9 is now known as realies === lynndotpy7 is now known as lynndotpy === mgedmin_ is now known as mgedmin === tortilla is now known as tortillasandwich === cisme is now known as 040AAD994 [19:50] Has anyone been abel to get kerberos working wiht tickets longer than 4 hours when connected to an AD environment, ive set my krb5.conf and gpo for longer tickets but showing a klist with the default principal im only seeing a 4 hour expiration and renewal time [19:54] old, but might fix it >> https://serverfault.com/questions/132123/how-to-change-the-kerberos-default-ticket-lifetime [19:55] By default, all Kerberos Tickets have a 10 hour lifetime [19:55] ' [19:55] ??? [19:56] not aparently on my system its been 4 hours seeming no matter what i do on the domain controller [19:58] you might want to reask in #ubuntu-server .. [19:59] ya will do thanks [20:35] hi [20:37] :-) [20:37] :) [20:38] :-D [20:38] :D [20:38] Õ¿Õ [20:40] 🤪 [20:40] === rickard0112 is now known as rickard011 [23:06] I have somehow broken my ubuntu 20.04 apt... I am getting this GPG error:  https://bpa.st/raw/YRUIQ [23:07] Anyone know how to undo this?  Not being able to `apt update` is a bit of a problem o_O [23:07] russw: remove the 3rd party repository [23:09] russw: or try curl -sSL "https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1A127079A92F09ED" | sudo gpg --dearmor --output /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kitware.gpg --yes [23:09] nto even sure what that kitware was for... `sudo rm ./sources.list.d/kitware.list` did it [23:09] russw: you should figure that out [23:09] definitely [23:11] russw: probably cmake [23:11] aha... yes, that is what it was.  Had a failed install there.  Reverted to cmake via asdf instead. [23:12] thanks, cbreak [23:12] there's cmake in normal apt repos [23:12] too old for the project I needed it for === JanC is now known as Guest4767 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [23:13] (no idea why, but it failed a build check) [23:13] I think I compile cmake from source when the repo one is too old [23:13] but that hasn't happened in some time...