
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
arraybolt3Is there any chance someone can DM a user named "AssTractionHero" (present in both #ubuntu and #kubuntu) and ask them to change their nick?18:35
Eickmeyerarraybolt3: Since nicknames are network-wide, and since it's not breaking any network rules, there's nothing we can do.20:26
arraybolt3In the past other ops have requested individuals to change their network-wide nick because they were in a room which that nick violated a rule of.20:46
arraybolt3If they don't want to change their nick, can't they simply leave the room?20:46
EickmeyerIt's not a considerably offensive nick. If it was, we'd be more concerned.20:49
arraybolt3I think the fact that someone is reporting it to you should be evidence that it's offensive enough for someone to notice and want it rectified.20:50
EickmeyerI've got one person vs two other people telling me it's not offensive enough.20:51
arraybolt3I guess that's valid.20:51
arraybolt3In that case I'll drop it. But do keep in mind some of your users may be more sensitive than you think :)20:51
elif "ass" is a problem then there's at least one package that fails the same test21:12
el"assword" is a password manager and is definitely being cheeky with the name21:13
el(yes that pun was intended)21:13
MenzadorWe can't just yeet arbitrary strings at things (aka Scunthorpe problem)21:22
eli frequently recount that due to my last name i was unable to abide by TOS (which explicitly stated a legal name requirement) when signing up for email accounts when I was in highschool/college because of scunthorpe reasons.21:25

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