
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
TomTomhmm since a couple of days I have problems with pipewire/wireplumber. wireplumber is using up 100% and sometimes also the plasma audio widget hangs and locks the whole taskbar. then setting the volume does not work, inc/dec is triggered but jumps back in the UI to the original value. I have no idea to which this is connected. Could be the external screen (USBC) with speakers or the bluetooth headphones too...10:12
TomTomany idea about this. I've found bug reports which sound similar but it seems a fixes version is not released yet.10:12
IrcsomeBot<u79272653817> Hi, what's the path of panels apps?I want configure it via console( delete or add them ) : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/d8b49434/file_72814.jpg10:47
=== ali is now known as blockbet
=== madmax_ is now known as madmax
BluesKajHi all13:58
skramerHi. I have an USB-printer connected to an old desktop and used to print via WLAN connection (IPP protocol). Now I noticed that printing from my laptop does not work anymore. Files on USB-stick directly at the desktop does work, though. Any idea where I could look at? Thanks in advance.15:15
=== aleks is now known as Guest6727
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=== aleks is now known as Guest3004
=== Guest3004 is now known as linuxalex
linuxalexHi, i have a question....17:23
linuxalexI want to install a new Kubuntu on my laptop (i currently have Kubuntu 23.10). I really need a clean install (because I have a loot of useless software). What is better to install: Kubuntu LTS (22.04), Kubuntu 23.10 (latest finished version) or Kubuntu 24.04 (beta)? Please help (it's my mainly used computer, i use it for work and school. Please give me your opinions. Thanks in advance 😄17:26
oerheksthat is up to you, LTS or 23.10 ..17:32
linuxalexthx for the anwser oerheks 😄17:43
linuxalexi wasn't really sure, if i want to go with the 24.04 beta... but i will definitly update to it, when we get the official release17:44
linuxalexi think i will get 23.10 (because i don't really need the LTS version jet)... i'm currently not using any nVdidia Cuda or other staff, that has restrictions on the version for drivers, the the next LTS version is almost there17:46
linuxalexso in a short time, I will have a Cuda compatible os17:47
=== heber is now known as Heber

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