
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjei filed bug #2055285 against hexchat, see if anyone can reproduce that12:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2055285 in hexchat (Ubuntu) "Switching channels does not bring the cursor along" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205528512:00
lotuspsychjeseems like happening with hexchat maximized + channel tabs at bottom12:06
=== pikapika is now known as militantorc
lotuspsychjei just had bug #2055292 doing regular updates14:24
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Bug 2055292 in tracker-miners (Ubuntu) "tracker-extract-3 crashed with SIGSYS in epoll_wait()" [Undecided, Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205529214:24
donofrioeek did apt-get update and now it is broken ;( https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/614a04abfa54 16:34
tomreyndonofrio: your kernel is very old, i assume this is an older WSL 1 version? try upgrading to WSL 2.16:41
donofrioit is wsl2, upgraded last week when w11 was pushed to my workstation16:42
donofriohow do I resolve this passwd lock?16:43
tomreyni see. there are much newer kernel versions available for it, though, and wsl2 is supposed to be run with those microsoft maintained updated kernel versions, from what i can tell. yours is from 201616:44
oerhekswsl upgraded last week , but you run noble for 3 months.. reinstall noble?16:44
donofriohow is kernel related to passwd?16:44
oerheks4.4 ...?16:44
tomreynthe kernel provides file system drivers, for example16:44
leftyfbdonofrio: I'm running 20.04 in WSL from maybe 2+ years ago and I'm on 5.10. There's no way you're running the latest with 4.416:44
donofrioI've been running wsl for like 8 years now, I've not updated kernel much before and it has never been an issue in the past and doubt it is with this issue but I'm game to how do I update to the newest kernel (could help with dbus stablity so I'm open to the notion)16:46
leftyfbdonofrio: https://www.makeuseof.com/update-rollback-wsl-windows/#:~:text=In%20Command%20Prompt%2C%20type%20wsl,version%20again%20and%20pressing%20Enter.    first result on google for "wsl update kernel"16:47
donofrioI ran the wsl --update that is how I went from wsl1 to wsl216:49
tomreynyour kernel does not match the versions listed there, though16:50
donofriothe kernel update is a cab file not a msi?16:54
tomreyni do not know how microsoft distributes it17:02
donofrio_it seems it is the "sudo systemd-sysusers" that is the root of the issue17:03
donofrio_I get the same passwd locked red message when I try that...17:03
oerheksmaybe some other update app or terminal opened?17:04
leftyfbI just ran wsl --update and my 20.04 WSL is now running the 5.15 kernel17:13
donofrio_mine just says "the most recent version of window ssubsystem for linux is already installed"17:18
donofrio_ah now going to linux version 2.1.317:20
donofrio_had to do wsl --update --pre-release17:20
donofrio_guessing because I've been running cloud 24.04 for months now17:20
donofrio_still running 4.4.0-22621-Microsoft ;(17:23
donofrio_ugh going to try to compile my own ;(17:25
donofrio_compiling 6.1.x17:26
elhoirwsl.... shit18:37
elhoiruse Ubuntu out-of-the-box! :)18:38
donofrioI do build notes at https://www.tinyurl.com/donofrioworkremmina202319:31
donofrioWEll I cannot compile without getting this issue resolved, how do I troubleshoot a message that states "Failed to take /etc/passwd lock: Invalid argument"19:45
sarnolddoes systemd work on wsl?21:22
sarnoldbut now i haven't got a clue why the upgrade wouldn't work well ;)21:57
ravageI mean that's what Microsoft pays Lennart for :P22:08
ravageI'm surprised it still runs on Linux22:09

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