
JackFrostFWIW, someone thought 'Drone' was offensive too at one point.  I don't buy that "just because someone does" bit myself.01:34
elim actually more sympathetic to complaints about drone than ass for complicated reasons02:31
elbut, still not enough to actually act on it02:31
JackFrost!info thefuck02:32
ubottuthefuck (3.29-0.3, mantic): spelling corrector of console commands. In component universe, is optional. Built by thefuck. Size 57 kB / 310 kB02:32
JackFrostel: Sure, fair enough.02:32
sarnoldyou just can't stand bagpipes, eh?02:33
EickmeyerThat's called a chanter.02:34
JackFrostI've listened to metal bagpipes, mate.02:34
JackFrostI've even held bagpipes!02:34
EickmeyerThat's so metal.02:35
JackFrostFor those wondering though, less 2 and more 3 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/drone02:35
el(complicated reasons being that in its current use as an enforcer of authority it could be alienating to a decent subset of underprivileged populations who have trauma based on conflict zones, and also those with paranoid conditions)02:37
JackFrostYep, sure.02:38
elwhich i think is a more compelling thing than "backsides, sex and poop are nono thoughts"02:39
JackFrostI wouldn't mind using the altnick more, even.02:39
JackFrostYeah, just didn't think it was so popular amonst others.02:40
elit's not as descriptive. i personally like that drone is descriptive enough even if i understand criticisms of it02:40
sarnoldel: ah, yeah, that makes sense02:41
EickmeyerThe nick, honestly, could be read as "DonkeyTractionHero". 🙄03:19
sarnolddonkeys are legendary for their traction03:20
EickmeyerCould pull a house off its foundation.03:20
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