=== kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo === kuraudo1 is now known as kuraudo [08:53] nice, thanks caribou [16:31] meena: ping [16:37] meena: PR 4820 is ready for review if you have time [16:38] It doesn't resolve the etc filepath issues - but it shouldn't make those any worse either [17:04] caribou: I just saw https://labs.scaleway.com/en/em-rv1/ and I assume these are provisioned with cloud-init, is that so? [17:34] holman: yeah, the etc stuff doesn't really matter; we can assume that people are patching that [18:21] holman: might be a while to get some proper tests and sensible results, because https://cathode.church/@meena/111999560977896182 [19:58] meena: gotcha sounds good [20:50] kiddo is asleep. before 21:00! yay! [20:50] unfortunately, she's sleeping on the floor… [21:11] can't wait to have FreeBSD running on LXD proper… [21:12] than ANYONE here can test these things [21:14] minimal: it says there, "Operating System Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine" — how hard could it possibly be to get FreeBSD running there? [22:24] i just realized, Scaleway recently retired their arm64 servers…