
RjGEickMeyer, found a small issue in edubuntu.  in the weather application... it boils down to details there in, I live near Eugene, Oregon.  My City (nor any other 11 that share that name across the US) is not availible in the weather app, Similarly there is only 1 Eugene availible but I have no clue as to which of the 8 Eugene's in the world (all are in the US) that the app is bringing up.23:46
EickmeyerI have the same oss23:49
EickmeyerIssue. It has to do with Mozilla's IP locator. Not Edubuntu-specific.23:49
RjGPersonally, I have been using a plasma app in the ubuntustudio (KDE side) for Wunderground  which ther is a weather station that is across the street from the main  doors of the Jr. High... Wunderground23:50
EickmeyerRight, completely different location engine.23:51
RjGthe plasma widget I use has a color Icon and I put in a station from the wunderground weather map.  like an example is  there is one about 2 blocks from Denver Colorado's centenial airport which station is KCOENGLE15723:51
RjGthat was one of like 10+ in Denver alone. let alone how ever many there is across many cities in world.23:53
EickmeyerI use the same one in Studio, but the Seattle area. I cannot solve the weather issue in GNOME weather, it always wants me in Coeur d'Alene, ID. 23:53
RjGin gnome it tried to put me in France...23:54
EickmeyerDoes the same weather Ubuntu Desktop or Edubuntu.23:54
RjGI'm like yeah I'm near the 45th parralell but on the other side of the world...23:55
EickmeyerIt uses a completely different location method than the widget you mentioned. So, it's comparing apples to oranges. 23:55
EickmeyerBest that can be done is file a bug by typing 'ubuntu-bug gnome-weather' in the terminal. 23:56
EickmeyerI'm out running errands right now typing on mobile.23:56
RjGthe web page of the school I was talking about when you can at home to glance at is https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KORCOTTA6023:58

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