
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
znfIs it too late to make requests for the mini-iso installer, is it feature-frozen?02:49
znfor, how exactly are we supposed to use it when we don't have a DHCP server in the network?02:54
znfhttps://i.imgur.com/FfVxiIG.png 02:54
P-NutAfternoon all.04:18
P-NutI am preseeding a ubuntu installation and want to copy the whole CD to a /repo dir on the target.04:19
P-NutTo do this can I run a script with the command to do it? Or must I do it in the "d-i preseed/late_command string" command.04:19
yurtesenI couldn't find if this issue is under Ubuntu's radar. There is a serious bug in the openjdk-17_17.0.10+7-1~ package. Will there be an update released? 09:19
=== JanC is now known as Guest1154
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
rbasakyurtesen: it would help if you could provide details of the bug, starting with a bug report on Launchpad if one doesn't already exist.10:57
Walexyurtesen: also Ubuntu version, but also you could use 'openjdk-21'13:01
falzwhat cli command can i run to see output of what NTP servers ubuntu uses by default? `ntpq` doesnt seem to exist by default14:40
falztimedatectl seems to just show the same output, even with --monitor14:41
Odd_Blokefalz: `timedatectl timesync-status` might show what you want?14:42
Odd_BlokeOh, or perhaps `show-timesync` is better.14:43
falztimedatectl timesync-status14:43
falzFailed to query server: The name is not activatable - hmm perhaps this is my issue14:43
falztimedatectl show-timesync Failed to parse bus message: No route to host14:44
falznot seeing anywhere where it lists the servers its using (note I didndt tweak this)14:46
Odd_Bloke`show-timesync` gives me a ServerName, ServerAddress and FallbackNTPServers.14:49
falzmine just gives "Failed to parse bus message: No route to host"14:50
falzwhat host? who knows14:50
Odd_BlokeThat sounds like a more fundamental issue than just timesyncd config, but I'm out of my depth now, I'm afraid!14:57
falzyeah idk. ill reboot it and pray the linksys router fix fixes it15:11
falznope. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:15
=== cpete_ is now known as cpete
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yurtesenrbasak: This is the bug: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1062654   but I am not sure if it is as serious as I thought at first. It seems a restart of running app fixes the issue. Except the command line segmentation fault which is not such a big deal. This is mostly a problem if the package is updated thrhough unattended-updates. 20:15
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Debian bug 1062654 in openjdk-17-jre-headless "openjdk-17-jre-headless: Segfault in jspawnhelper" [Important, Closed]20:15
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