=== codingkoopa7 is now known as codingkoopa | ||
LinuxNoob | hello all | 00:44 |
vorteckz | hey | 00:45 |
LinuxNoob | Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-profile-unavailable | 00:46 |
LinuxNoob | I am getting this whilst I try to connect to my Bluetooth headset to my Ubuntu | 00:46 |
LinuxNoob | any help would be appreciated | 00:46 |
LinuxNoob | tried reinstalling Pulseaudio and Bluez etc | 00:47 |
sarnold | LinuxNoob: this is a wild guess .. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluez/+bug/2045931 | 00:49 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2045931 in bluez (Ubuntu) "ps3 sixasis controller request pin to connect to bt" [Critical, Won't Fix] | 00:49 | |
LinuxNoob | sarnold: still getting the same error I am afraid | 00:54 |
LinuxNoob | :/ | 00:54 |
sarnold | :( | 00:54 |
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brancher | Hi! The mysql docs still show useradd over adduser... should I change ? useradd -M -N -g mysql -o -r -d datadir -s /bin/false -c "MySQL Server" -u 27 mysql | 08:27 |
ravage | the ubuntu package installs that user for you | 08:33 |
brancher | ravage there are people that do things manually for a reaon. | 08:45 |
brancher | reason. | 08:45 |
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realivanjx | what is the issue called if suddenly my screen is freezing and a few seconds later it goes black and then a few seconds later it goes back on again (still freezing) and so on. this happens rarely but i have to force shutdown my laptop when it happens. my laptop's processor is ryzen 3 2200g. ubuntu 23.10 | 11:32 |
oerheks | videodriver, videomemory,.. | 11:40 |
eqw | When install ubuntu it allows to see so called "Full installer output". Is it available as a textfile? | 11:49 |
oerheks | there is /var/log/dpkg log, and journalctrl | 11:54 |
ravage | The installer log is in /var/log/installer on the installed system | 11:55 |
ravage | During the live session it's /var/log | 11:56 |
eqw | well that's not exactly what i see in "Full installer output" window | 11:58 |
oerheks | you mean the gui ? | 12:01 |
eqw | tui | 12:02 |
ravage | curtin-install.log looks kind of exactly what the installer shows | 12:03 |
eqw | not on my system | 12:08 |
eqw | ubuntu server jammy | 12:08 |
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Your_Dog | Anyone know a clean way to remove logs on ubuntu? I just wanna do the barbaric way and rm -rf everything on var/logs | 12:40 |
oerheks | no need, to, logrotate does that for you,, but if you want to fancy them | 12:41 |
oerheks | https://betterstack.com/community/guides/logging/how-to-manage-log-files-with-logrotate-on-ubuntu-20-04/ | 12:41 |
oerheks | edit /etc/logrotate.conf and find # keep 4 weeks worth of backlogs | 12:42 |
oerheks | set to 1, is safe | 12:43 |
Your_Dog | oh | 12:43 |
Your_Dog | sweet, imma rotate it for 1 week then | 12:43 |
Your_Dog | to* | 12:44 |
oerheks | also /etc/logrotate.d/ gives some logging | 12:44 |
oerheks | configs& | 12:44 |
ogra_ | or just remove rsyslog altogether and stick with journald ... also removes redundancy | 12:48 |
ogra_ | (we're logging everything twice since the switch to systemd) | 12:48 |
oerheks | is there a guide for that? | 12:48 |
ogra_ | apt purge rsyslog ? | 12:49 |
oerheks | if that stops and removes the service too, great | 12:52 |
ogra_ | it does ... it wont remove logs lying around in /var/log though ... | 12:54 |
ogra_ | and you want to keep logrotate around still ... since there might be apps diretly writing their own logs (i.e. apache) that you still want rotated | 12:54 |
ogra_ | but things like syslog, kern.log, boot.log, auth.log etc are really just duplicating whats in the journal anyway ... | 12:57 |
oerheks | interesting, some parts i do no find in https://www.fosslinux.com/134983/customizing-or-disabling-system-logging-in-ubuntu.htm | 12:59 |
BluesKaj | Hi all | 13:10 |
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Guest5119 | hello | 15:24 |
Guest5119 | i'm new here | 15:24 |
Guest5119 | anyone up for a chat? | 15:47 |
tomreyn | Guest5119: hi there. this channel's purpose is ubuntu support (see /topic). there are other channels, some of which are for chat. | 15:48 |
Guest5119 | tomreyn, oh ok, is there a place on this server to ask about irc specifically? | 15:57 |
tomreyn | Guest5119: there's #libera on this irc network (consisting of multiples servers), which is primarily about the irc network, but you can often get help with using irc there, too. | 16:00 |
tomreyn | !alis | Guest5119 | 16:00 |
ubottu | Guest5119: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» | 16:00 |
Guest5119 | alis? | 16:00 |
Guest5119 | what? | 16:00 |
Guest5119 | ubottu, what is alis? how is it a "service"? is it a website? a bot? a program? | 16:02 |
tomreyn | Guest5119: i suggest you start in #libera for now. | 16:04 |
=== pushkarnk1 is now known as pushkarnk | ||
Ravisankar | hi | 16:10 |
Ravisankar | I created virtual machine using oracle vm box, and installed ubunut on it... but there is no user with sudo permision | 16:11 |
Ravisankar | could any help me here? | 16:11 |
tomreyn | Ravisankar: how did you install ubuntu there? | 16:13 |
Ravisankar | @tomreyn: using oracle virtual box | 16:13 |
tomreyn | Ravisankar: that's a virtualization software, not an ubuntu installation method | 16:14 |
Ravisankar | using ubuntu iso | 16:14 |
plastikman | If you used the wizard, then it would be vboxuser | 16:14 |
tomreyn | did you download and install an ubuntu iso? which one? | 16:15 |
plastikman | and AFAIK the default installed user will have sudo, but it will ask you the password when you enter it | 16:15 |
Ravisankar | ubuntu 22 lts | 16:15 |
tomreyn | !yy.mm | 16:16 |
ubottu | Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle | 16:16 |
tomreyn | there are ubuntu desktop, server, cloud images, and ubuntu core. | 16:16 |
Ravisankar | @plastikman: the user name is ravivm and password is also the same.. but this user does not have sudo privilege | 16:18 |
Ravisankar | @tomreyn: 22.04 | 16:18 |
plastikman | If this is a fresh install, just reinstall but dont use the vbox wizard | 16:19 |
plastikman | you can break in with a live cd and add your user to the sudoers group but not sure its really worth doing so | 16:19 |
tomreyn | recovery should also work for that | 16:20 |
Ravisankar | i want to install it on virtual desktop | 16:20 |
Ravisankar | @tomreyn: how to recover? | 16:21 |
tomreyn | !recovery | Ravisankar | 16:21 |
ubottu | Ravisankar: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 16:21 |
tomreyn | boot to recovery menu, then use the "root shell" (i think that's what it's called) option (should be the last in the list). then press enter to login to the root shell and run adduser ravivm sudo && exit | 16:23 |
Ravisankar | i can't boot to recovery menu... it is not showing... | 16:25 |
Ravisankar | i did holding shift key , esc key | 16:25 |
plastikman | Ravisankar: this is a fresh install right? Just reinstal inside virtualbox and dont use the unattended flag from the vbox wizard | 16:25 |
Ravisankar | it quickly goes to user login | 16:26 |
Ravisankar | if i try to install anything using software centre, it is asking for authentication as 'Administrator', but I have not set any password for the 'Administrator' | 16:28 |
tomreyn | it should be asking for your users' password | 16:29 |
tomreyn | you may have misread the message | 16:29 |
Ravisankar | i will reintsall it, thank you all for your support | 16:34 |
andros_ | I can connect to ipv6 on my 22.04 server. everything seems to work, ipv6 is enabled and I have an ipv6 address, but no ping6 works. when I do traceroute6 www.google.com I get: Cannot send data: Operation not permitted | 16:42 |
nubuntu | I need to customize a version of ubuntu to use at school. But in this new version there are 3 squashfs files (minimal, minimal.standard and minimal.standard.live) before I only modified the filesystem.squashfs. I'm not sure which one to modify the system now since it's so "divided". Would anyone have any documentation about this? | 16:49 |
tomreyn | andros_: it appears that your user or system is not allowed to send icmp packets (try sudo?) | 16:56 |
tomreyn | * icmpv6 | 16:56 |
andros_ | tomreyn: I have already tried it as root. the problem is also that connections do not work, for example with add-apt-repository. | 17:00 |
andros_ | tomreyn: There is only one thing that is strange, there are two ipv6 addresses assigned, one is the one given by the hoster, the other one I don't know: fe80::aaa1:59ff:fe48:fcaa | 17:16 |
rfm | andros_, that's not surprising since unlike v5 icmp is required to set up connections (for the mtu discovery.) The question is why icmp is blocked. Is this a real machine you installed yourserlf, or a image on some vps/cloud service? | 17:17 |
rfm | andros_, the fe80 addr is the link-local. it's very very common to have multiple ipv6 addresses | 17:18 |
andros_ | rfm: it is a dedicated server the inital setup was done by the hoster, it worked for years only with ipv4. I have upgraded it a fews months agot to 22.04 from 20.04. | 17:24 |
rfm | andros_, I would suspect the hosting company has disabled ipv6, though I don't know if that results in the "operation not permitted" | 17:30 |
rfm | andros_, you could look in /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/sysctl.d/* for anything affecting ipv6 | 17:31 |
andros_ | rfm: Normally ipv6 is part of the product | 17:32 |
rfm | andros_, yes, and normally it works, so we don't have a normal situation here | 17:33 |
rfm | andros_, | 17:33 |
rfm | andros_, this will check for the most usual way of disabling it: "grep '' /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/*/disable_ipv6", if any values are 1 instead of 0 it's been disabled | 17:36 |
andros_ | rfm: I have found a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ that comes from the hoster with a configuration for "ipv6 settings (no autoconfiguration)" with net.ipv6.conf.default.autoconf=0 and net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf=0. But the ip addresses were apparently set up via networkd. | 17:37 |
manwhowouldbekin | Greetings all! Could someone help me out with this? Anything I do with GPG on Ubuntu 23.10 results in something like this https://pastebin.com/fkQzCmfu Any idea how I can fix this and actully update the keys? | 17:42 |
plastikman | andros_: do you have ufw or firewalld running? | 17:47 |
rfm | andros_, I've never tried running without autoconf but if the link-local address is there it's pretty clear the interface has been configured. But this is a sign your hosting outfit has done something special with ipv6, and maybe you should be checking with them. | 17:47 |
plastikman | s/firewalld/iptables/ | 17:47 |
rfm | plastikman, a firewall wouldn't result in the "operation not permitted" on the icmp send, it would just keep the packet from going anywhere... | 17:48 |
plastikman | You say you can connect on ipv6, i assume that means you can ssh to the host on ipv6? maybe you have egress rules the block it | 17:48 |
plastikman | rfm yes it will :) | 17:48 |
plastikman | iptables and nftables will return those errors, all of my RHEL machines return that with firewalld enabled. | 17:49 |
plastikman | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2466916 | 17:53 |
plastikman | You can see from that forum, UFW will produce those messages. I will bet that there is a UFW setting that is not allowing v6 connectivity | 17:54 |
andros_ | I have no firewall. I can't test to connect with ipv6 because I have no ipv6 at home. | 17:54 |
plastikman | sudo iptables -nL | 17:55 |
plastikman | and systemctl status ufw | 17:55 |
plastikman | if that system has CIS benchmarks applied (any server AT MINIMUM should) it will have UFW enabled | 17:57 |
andros_ | iptable rules are empty and UFW is not installed. | 18:01 |
fweht | is it recommended to start with the ubuntu server install for a minimal desktop install? or is server extremly different from desktop? | 18:05 |
plastikman | do you have a default route? ip -6 route show | 18:08 |
plastikman | then can you try to ping6 the default route? | 18:09 |
plastikman | fweht: sorry no idea. I wouls assume its related to the installer, the packages shuold not be diff. but i am not an expert | 18:19 |
fweht | thanks plastikman ! | 18:20 |
fweht | ill just try | 18:20 |
rfm | fweht, one big difference is starting with a server install will end up with net controlled by systemd-networkd instead of NetworkManager and administered by netplan instead of the gui settings... | 18:21 |
plastikman | nice, i did not know that. | 18:22 |
fweht | aah interesting thanks | 18:22 |
fweht | i dont need gui | 18:22 |
fweht | just nmcli | 18:22 |
rfm | fweht, nmcli is NetworkManager too | 18:23 |
plastikman | well nmcli is not sysremd-networkd | 18:23 |
fweht | yes true | 18:23 |
andros_ | plastikman: Yes there is a default route for ipv6. But I can not ping6 it.Timeout. | 18:34 |
fweht | rfm but i guess there is some cli tool for systemd-network as well? | 18:43 |
ioria | networkctl | 18:44 |
plastikman | andros_: that means that your gateway is wrong or not reachable | 18:46 |
andros_ | plastikman: But the gateway is fe80::1 as suggested in the Hetzner docs. | 18:48 |
oerheks | can you pastbin your network setup? | 18:48 |
andros_ | oerheks: https://pastebin.com/jbVv6avg | 18:53 |
plastikman | ip a s; ip -6 route show; ip -6 rule show all | 18:58 |
plastikman | since ipconfig is depricated should use the "new" tools :) | 18:58 |
andros_ | plastikman: https://pastebin.com/n6yLtacj | 19:00 |
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plastikman | where is the documentation from your hosing provider? | 19:22 |
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plastikman | are you doing the setup in netplan? | 19:26 |
plastikman | https://docs.hetzner.com/cloud/servers/primary-ips/primary-ip-configuration/ | 19:26 |
andros_ | plastikman: this is my netplan config https://pastebin.com/rVNVSsx7 | 19:28 |
plastikman | that does not match the documenttion that is provided tho | 19:29 |
plastikman | https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/network/net-config-debian-ubuntu/#main-ip-address | 19:33 |
andros_ | plastikman: But it looks generally correct to me. It should also work, right? After all, it is also from the hoster. | 19:35 |
plastikman | not sure about the gateway6 part | 19:35 |
plastikman | actually | 19:36 |
plastikman | the gateway6 is the problem | 19:36 |
andros_ | plastikman: I change it now to the netplan config suggested | 19:38 |
plastikman | restart netplan and lets see | 19:39 |
plastikman | i think its netplan apply | 19:42 |
oerheks | +1 | 19:42 |
andros_ | "netplan apply" But I still can't ping6 fe80::1 | 19:43 |
andros_ | plastikman: now the server has problems to resolve addresses "Temporary failure resolving | 19:46 |
rfm | andros_, when you changed away from gateway6, did you lose the nameservers: entries? | 19:52 |
andros_ | rfm: I had it confogured without nameserver entries as in the docs. But now I have added the nameserver entries from the old config but still no name resolution. | 19:54 |
plastikman | andros_: dig google.com @ | 19:55 |
andros_ | plastikman: this works | 19:56 |
plastikman | what is in /etc/resolv.conf | 19:57 |
andros_ | nameserver | 19:58 |
andros_ | options edns0 trust-ad | 19:58 |
andros_ | search . | 19:58 |
plastikman | dig google.com @ | 19:58 |
plastikman | does that work? | 19:58 |
andros_ | plastikman: There was a warning when I netplan apply WARNING:root:Cannot call Open vSwitch: ovsdb-server.service is not running. | 19:59 |
andros_ | plastikman: yes this works too. | 19:59 |
andros_ | plastikman: wait a second there is no answer section so it doen't work | 20:00 |
andros_ | plastikman: It doen't give the ip address. | 20:00 |
plastikman | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/netplan.io/+bug/2041727 | 20:00 |
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2041727 in netplan.io (Ubuntu) "'netplan apply' produces ovsdb-server.service WARNING even when openvswitch-switch not installed" [Low, Triaged] | 20:00 | |
plastikman | seems that is a "normal" bug the ovs issue | 20:01 |
rfm | "resolvectl status" will say what the stub resolver is forwarding to (the stub resolver is what's listening on | 20:02 |
plastikman | systemctl restart systemd-resolved | 20:02 |
andros_ | plastikman: no change after restarting systemd-resolved. | 20:05 |
andros_ | rfm: "resolvectl status" https://pastebin.com/4s0vXmqz | 20:06 |
plastikman | Try removing the ipv6 DNS entries from the netplan then netplan apply again | 20:07 |
plastikman | since it seems to be a routing issue | 20:08 |
rfm | andros_, ok, the nameservers in netplan are not getting applied, not even the ipv4 ones . I suspect an indentation problem in the netplan config file. maybe pastebin it so we can eyeball it? | 20:09 |
andros_ | plastikman: Done. No change, same problem, no change in resolv.conf | 20:10 |
andros_ | rfm: netplan: https://pastebin.com/KNNw8FEa | 20:11 |
rfm | andros_, well that at least looks ok (unless there's a tab instead of spaces, but netplan's yaml parser usually catches that) | 20:14 |
andros_ | oh no, I forgot to change the networkcard name! Now it works! | 20:14 |
rfm | andros_, oh yeah, should have spotted it. how much now works, just dns or does ipv6 now work? | 20:15 |
andros_ | Name resolution works. But still the problem with ping6 fe80::1 | 20:15 |
rfm | that's sort of good, if fixing the nameservers solved the ping problem it would have been incredibly mysterious | 20:18 |
maszlo | Greetings. I am looking to see if anyone has any pointers for how to directly output to the screen on ubuntu. I have a kiosk system that has ways to change the page shown. I just want to have it display what it has from a settings file. something simple that can be displayed for 3 seconds would be ideal | 20:38 |
maszlo | I am trying to read the man pages for xdotool, but have not found what I need just yet | 20:39 |
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rfm | maszlo, ages ago I used "zenity" for something like that. I see it's still in the repos. Would probably look bad if the settings are more than a couple of lines. You could always launch "cat" in a terminal (don't use more or less, they have shell escapes) | 20:55 |
maszlo | I will take a look at that. since i dont have a full desktop stack i would be happy with even something that looks like HDMI1 overlay | 20:58 |
topcat001 | If you already have a browser then you can copy the file.ext to file.ext.txt and then the browser can show it using a file:///path/file.txt url. | 21:03 |
maszlo | The challenge I made is added an IR receiver to the device to have the kiosk only be interacted with the D pad from a TV remote. Essentially Left, Right and Down all change a settings file, then UP reloads the page with the settings. | 21:06 |
maszlo | i was hoping that I could just have the simple details of the config file "Left Blue" or "Right Yellow" display on the screen and then disappear after 3-5 seconds | 21:07 |
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se | comandante | 21:25 |
oerheks | !yay | 21:32 |
ubottu | Glad you made it! :-) | 21:32 |
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=== linuxfan is now known as theseb | ||
theseb | Can someone help me debug why I can ssh to server with public key? I put public key in server's .ssh/authorized_hosts... I'm doing ssh -i <private key> server_name -vvv ; Here is the verbose ssh -vvv output https://pastebin.com/b1NZsexA | 21:57 |
theseb | s/can/cannot | 21:57 |
CosmicDJ | theseb: it's authorized_keys, not authorized_hosts | 22:00 |
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson | ||
theseb | CosmicDJ: yes...thank you...i had it right on server with authorized_keys | 22:02 |
oerheks | and if you do, make sure permissions are set right, and the folder in your path | 22:02 |
oerheks | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys | 22:02 |
oscar_ | hello | 22:42 |
chico_ | hello oscar_ | 22:44 |
oscar_ | chico_, are you spanish? | 22:45 |
chico_ | No, I'm native american, people assume I am which is how I got the nickname | 22:46 |
oscar_ | hehehe, ok ok | 22:46 |
oscar_ | this is the ubuntu official support, but in what this channel can help me? | 22:48 |
chico_ | what issue are you having? | 22:48 |
oerheks | :-) | 22:48 |
oscar_ | now nothing, only is a question, you help in everythink? | 22:50 |
chico_ | oscar_ what is the question? | 22:51 |
oerheks | we are limited to support our own repos, basicly | 22:51 |
oscar_ | ok oerheks, sorry, is my first time in this chat/server | 22:52 |
oscar_ | sorry for my poor english too | 22:52 |
oerheks | no problem, just ask. | 22:52 |
oscar_ | oerheks, oh, thanks, its only curiositu | 22:53 |
oscar_ | curiosity | 22:54 |
oscar_ | well, i a few explaining the theme... only one question. I have ubuntu LTS, I have a Bluray drive, i can put de VLC with no menus option activate and the movies can play. But if the movie have a java menú? | 22:56 |
oscar_ | or is not supported java-blurays movies? | 22:58 |
oerheks | install libbluray-bdj libbluray-bin and openjdk, it could work, not sure on what BR version, maybe 1.0 only? | 22:59 |
oerheks | old answer https://askubuntu.com/questions/1225255/java-runtime-kubuntu-18-04-lts-to-get-blu-ray-menu-in-vlc | 22:59 |
oerheks | or this answer MakeKMKV https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2022/08/watch-bluray-discs-in-vlc-on-ubuntu-with-makemkv | 23:00 |
oerheks | that points to https://launchpad.net/~heyarje/+archive/ubuntu/makemkv-beta/+index | 23:00 |
oerheks | !ppa | 23:01 |
ubottu | A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge | 23:01 |
oerheks | use at your own risk, though it does not smell like a fake bitcoinwallet | 23:01 |
oscar_ | but makemkv is a open software? | 23:02 |
oerheks | yes | 23:02 |
oscar_ | perfect | 23:02 |
oerheks | but the license does not allow us to include in the iso, if we wanted to | 23:02 |
oscar_ | makemkv is a program for copy the disc, ¿no?, i only need to play it with the bluray drive. | 23:04 |
oerheks | obviously it can play too? | 23:05 |
oerheks | it should handle java menu .. | 23:05 |
oscar_ | ah ok ok | 23:05 |
oscar_ | thankyou to every one for the help | 23:07 |
jeremy31 | makemkv is a pain | 23:08 |
oerheks | jeremy31, i know, but this ppa build seems to work | 23:11 |
oerheks | *if* one needs that, the 1st solution would work for blueray 1.0 AFAIK | 23:12 |
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