
=== victor is now known as Guest698
=== victor is now known as victor__
=== victor__ is now known as TippleZeta
=== TippleZeta is now known as TrippleZeta
=== TrippleZeta is now known as TippleZeta
=== TippleZeta is now known as TrippleZeta
=== victor is now known as Guest2534
=== Guest2534 is now known as TippleZeta
=== TippleZeta is now known as TrippleZeta
=== victor is now known as Guest8603
=== victor is now known as Guest4311
=== victor is now known as Guest1114
=== Guest1114 is now known as sc
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Well at least we can hope for plasma 6 via backport strategy. This way it's stable by default but people can experiment with 6 too07:04
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== sc is now known as l_src
BluesKajHi all14:13
=== sony is now known as sony_
=== sony_ is now known as sony__
=== sony__ is now known as sony
yossarianukhi - is it likely we'll see a Plasma 6 ppa for 24.04 ?16:11
=== Quaz37 is now known as Quaz823
Quaz823Hey guys, I just installed kubuntu again like 30 minutes ago, installed an app, made a .desktop file, and ran: `update-desktop-database` i got the error `The databases in ... could not be updated`, and I can't find any information on the error online, can someone help?19:06
arraybolt3Quaz823: Not sure, can you share the exact error?19:17
arraybolt3actually, nevermind, I just reproduced it.19:18
arraybolt3Quaz823: Try running it with sudo.19:19
oerheksplease do not crosspost... oh19:21
oerhekshe refuses to give more info19:21

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