
=== bastif_ is now known as bastif
mirabiloshi, how do I tell Launchpad to refresh my PGP key?19:57
mirabilosit’s complaining it’s expired19:57
mirabilosI already pushed to keyserver.ubuntu.com (apparently that one’s desync from the normal keyserver network), but it still says expired19:58
mirabilosand reimporting says it’s already present19:58
sarnoldmirabilos: there's a bit in the "learn more about openpgp keys" help text on https://launchpad.net/~/+editpgpkeys that says it might be 30 minutes before the key can be imported; I suspect this means launchpad auto-refreshes changes every thirty minutes or so. maybe try again, it's been half an hour since you asked?20:32
mirabilosah okay, thanks21:10
mirabilosyes, that worked21:46
sarnoldyay :) not very satisfying, perhaps.. but thanks for reporting back :)21:48
mirabilosoh at least it helped ☻22:15
cjwatsonit's not Launchpad refreshing changes, FWIW - it's propagation within the internal keyserver network, which is ... annoying22:21
cjwatsonas in, keyserver.ubuntu.com is only eventually consistent22:21
sarnoldoh, is it more like launchpad just asks a keyserver at time of use, and if it got the right one, than you've got immediate success, and if it asked the wrong one, come back in half an hour?22:22
cjwatsonIt asks keyserver.ubuntu.com (well, keyserver.internal IIRC, but it's much the same thing), but that's itself only an eventually-consistent network22:32
sarnoldawesome, thanks ;)23:22

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