[08:28] What is wrong with my yaml: https://i.imgur.com/C3JjuAj.png [08:34] what's the error you're getting? [08:35] I'm taking a wild guess, but I'd say you need to to advance the `-` two spaces [08:40] which - [08:40] there are several [08:42] also, if you have routes, you don't want gateway4/6. that's what routes came to replace [08:42] okay. i removed the gateway4 [08:42] your yaml should look like this: https://0bin.xyz/LPWUFF3BH4B7JYUXBO7IWZQ47E [08:43] and I think i figured out the mistake. i need an "addresses:" between "nameservers:" and the ip of the nameserver [08:43] god this is awful. its like someone realyl wants me to not be able to configure networking [08:44] thank god you all are here/alive/awake at this hour [08:45] next time, you could use `cat /path/to/netplan/config | nc termbin.com 9999` so we can just copy stuff :) [08:46] because screenshots aren't very good for that. the command I gave you will return an URL that you can paste (assuming you have internet connection) [09:03] PeGaSuS: I bet that works really well when the network stack isn't routing [09:04] I'm using an KVMoIP adapter to be able to get you the screenshots I got you. otherwise I would be trying to retype the whole thing and introduce who knows what other errors