
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
handsome_fengHi, forwarding an issue for someone else: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/2049032, If the developer of snap-store-desktop saw this, could you  respond to it when you have time? Thanks. :)09:18
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2049032 in snap-store-desktop "Backport patch to avoid traffic spikes to mirror infrastructure" [Undecided, New]09:18
=== bastif_ is now known as bastif
bastifI found an issue in my package in Conflicts that renders 2 versions not installable in parallel. I have fix for that. How to get it merged given that I would cherry-pick that fix to the current version in noble and that there are way to many changes in the package to consider updating to the latest version from Debian (where it is not uploaded it)10:18
bastifs/not uploaded it/not uploaded yet/10:18
bastifThe package is in multiverse and actually comes from Debian non-free where I maintain it.10:19
bastifby "2 versions not installable in parallel" I mean "2 packages in parallel"10:22
ginggsbastif: open a bug in launchpad, attach a debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors10:42
bastifDone, shall I also subscribe "ubuntu-release" as stated here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess10:51
vorlonthat doesn't sound like a feature, it sounds like a bugfix10:52
ginggsbastif: bug number?10:53
ginggsbastif: i agree with v.orlon, this a bugfix, no FFe required11:26
bastifcan you explain what that implies?11:29
bastifFFe = freature freeze exception?11:29
fheimes@ahasenack: I virtually use (and with that test ;-) multipath all the time, since this is very important on s390x; I can't say much about the patch you mentioned (even if it seem to look reasonable); one concern is that subiquity (or depending components ...) might be somehow affected?!11:51
ginggsbastif: FFe = Feature Freeze exception.  it's a bugfix, so no need to follow FreezeExceptionProcess, and no need to subscribe ubuntu-release12:02
bastifginggs: Ok, thanks for the clarification.12:05
dbungertcommented on https://code.launchpad.net/~mitchdz/ubuntu/+source/multipath-tools/+git/multipath-tools/+merge/454916 - clearly there is an installer angle to this, it would be best to understand that before dropping that part of the delta13:22
mitchdzdbungert: yeah I’m adding that back in and having that as a fun activity for OO merge cycle. Will update the git commit body explaining an investigation to drop it should be performed.14:16
dbungertmitchdz: thanks!14:18
dbungertif I had to guess at the outcome, I wonder if friendly names affects the links present in /dev/disk and that some of them may actually be used at the install time.  Just speculation though.14:19
ahasenackI also wonder if there was a typo in the original commit message15:41
ahasenackit says...15:41
ahasenack"... instead of generating it in every installer"15:41
ahasenackinstaller? Maybe installation?15:41
dbungertmay not be a typo15:41
dbungertthink of this as upstreaming a fix rather than carrying it in the installer15:42
dbungertat the time x_nox would have been thinking about both Ubiquity and Subiquity15:42
dbungertat any rate, if we're not dropping it here I think there is no urgency, but a better understanding of the history would help15:43
ahasenackthis merge needs a good cleanup, and mitchdz is doing that15:44
ahasenackmitchdz: we can still add the restart fix, btw15:44
mitchdzYeah I just put the MP to work-in-progress to make that clear there is changes coming15:46
mitchdzand also the debian package does use friendly names in /etc/multipath.conf15:46
ahasenackthey do? Didn't they reject that change?15:48
mitchdzThey _did_, but if you read the MR you can see Chris noticed it is in there anyways and wondered if it should be removed https://salsa.debian.org/linux-blocks-team/multipath-tools/-/merge_requests/415:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 4 in linux-blocks-team/multipath-tools "Install friendly names multipath.conf by default" [Closed]15:49
mitchdzwell, this is in d-i so should only show up when you use the debian installer15:51
ahasenackright, I saw the mention of it being in the debian installer, or being there if the d-i was used15:51
nubuntutry install today daily and welcome screen "preparing xubuntu" and stuck16:30
ahasenack@pilot in18:15
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Feature Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: ahasenack
ahasenackdbungert: did you see the update on #2052739?18:18
dbungertbdrung: ^18:23
ahasenackops :)18:24
dbungertdb vs bd :)18:24
ahasenackmirror mirror18:25
ahasenackjuliank: I think this looks better now, are you happy with it? https://code.launchpad.net/~ghadi-rahme/ubuntu/+source/ppa-purge/+git/ppa-purge/+merge/46039420:50
ahasenackcaveats is that it will act even on already-disabled ppas, but that sounds minor20:50
Eickmeyerdbungert: Working on gathering the logs for cloud-init for bug 2055077 and trying to get a fresh iso. Unfortunately, cdimage.u.c is being rather sad right now21:13
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2055077 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceEc2:583 Calling 'None' failed" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205507721:13
dbungertEickmeyer: thanks.  I have a prototype fix, will be doing a ppa build soon of livecd-rootfs changes, but I think there are multiple bugs here so these logs still help.21:14
blackboxswThanks Eickmeyer I finally got edubuntu locally and can see that cloud-init is disabled by generator timeframe. as well.21:16
Eickmeyerblackboxsw: Ok, so I guess you don't need my logs then?21:17
blackboxswwhich would lead to the bootstrap trying to redetect all datasoruces in this case21:17
blackboxswEickmeyer: ok I think not for my request. The issue I'm seeing is differences in the Ubuntu iso vs edubuntu and there is no /var/lib/cloud/seed/user-data or meta-data file which would have triggered cloud-init to detect a datasource quickly with no instance configuration and move on. in this case on edubuntu, cloud-init is fully disabled on boot.21:18
blackboxswThis leads to no /usr/lib/cloud-init/ds-identify being run in systemd generator timeframe, so cloud-init's python runtime will attempt a costly redetection of any viable datasource21:19
blackboxswEickmeyer: dbungert ok think I have enough to work with there. That cloud-init 'None' symptom is a separate bug that we can track cloud-init side. but from an image standpoint I think we need to ensure we either query cloud-init for disabled state from subiquity, and/or ensure edubuntu images leave seed files in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud/*21:20
dbungertblackboxsw: good, that matches my plan21:21
Eickmeyerblackboxsw: Agreed. Surprising that was like that to begin with as, from my perspective, Edubuntu is built from Ubuntu Desktop's minimal seed.21:22
dbungertdesktop is configured like that already, I'm updating all flavors to match (edu, cinnamon, xubuntu, budgie, studio) and oem21:22
Eickmeyerdbungert: Excellent. That's the way it should be otherwise explosions happen. XD21:22
juliankahasenack: ship it21:24
blackboxswdbungert: great thanks! the image seed files is probably the lowest impact to align all flavors on that front.  longer term,  I think subiquity may need to attempt to check if 'disabled' in cloud-init extended_status and avoid trying to invoke stages.Init() in that case (as the side-effect of stages.Init being called on a disabled system is to actually try to rediscover datasources)21:26
Eickmeyerjuliank: Hi! Had a bit of a doozy earlier in bug 2055720. Lost universe during an upgrade.21:27
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Bug 2055720 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Edubuntu upgrade removed universe repo mantic -> noble" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/205572021:27
EickmeyerSuspecting dep822.21:28
juliankenr0n: ^ u-r-u deb822 issue from Eickmeyer21:28
juliankThis is *mostly* Nick's playground :D21:29
ahasenackjuliank: that package is odd, it claims do be native (debian/source/format), but has -0ubuntuN suffix21:29
ahasenackI suspect we stopped maintaining the upstream bzr branch for it a while ago?21:29
juliankahasenack: I don't really care but it's possible21:30
juliankahasenack: bunch of those packages exist, I'll not argue with them :)21:30
ahasenackreleasing package ppa-purge version 0.2.8+bzr63 <-- 8 years ago (that's the version we have in d/changelog, minus the ubuntu suffix)21:31
ahasenackrabbit hole detected21:31
juliankIt will go away one day anyhow21:45
sergiodjdoko: hi, we're going to need to pin llvm-17 when building postgresql-16. the package is FTBFSing with llvm-18 and there's no fix available yet. failures and logs (courtesy of athos): https://launchpad.net/~athos-ribeiro/+archive/ubuntu/pgsql-llvm18/+packages21:53
billchenchinaHope someone can have a look at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/snap-store-desktop/+bug/204903221:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2049032 in snap-store-desktop "Backport patch to avoid traffic spikes to mirror infrastructure" [Undecided, New]21:55
ahasenackso bin:software-properties-gtk is in main. It has this recommends:21:55
ahasenackgnome-session-bin | xfce4-session | mate-session-manager21:55
ahasenackof those, only gnome-session-bin is in main, the others are in universe. That is ok?21:56
ahasenackcomponent mismatches doesn't catch that, or doesn't care?21:56
blackboxswEickmeyer: dbungert I dumped https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-provision/+bug/2055077/comments/6 for thoughts on the edubuntu desktop issue. I could put up a subiquity PR if desired, but image fix approach is probably fastest and it's best to avoid snowflakes and different behaviors in different ubuntu flavors anyway so we don't have corner-cases to deal with regarding provisioning21:57
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2055077 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceEc2:583 Calling 'None' failed" [Undecided, In Progress]21:57
billchenchinaCan someone help assign the snap-store-desktop bug?22:01

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