[08:12] bastiaan, why are you running completely unsupported kernels and not an official one? [08:22] nibbon_, it's linux-headers-generic-hwe-YY.MM. If you install the hwe kernel via linux-generic-hwe-YY.MM you'll always get the updated headers as well [08:26] klebers: I haven't seen linux-headers-generic-hwe-YY.MM as dependency of linux-generic-hwe-YY.MM; besides, I installed the latter but it didn't pull the headers [08:27] nibbon_, what's the exact package name and version you have installed? [08:27] ii linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04 amd64 Generic Linux kernel image [08:28] ah, you said linux-generic-hwe-YY.MM though [08:29] right, the 'image' meta package will only pull the required packages to boot, like the image, extra modules and firmware [08:30] the 'linux-generic*' will install the headers as well [08:31] okay [08:32] is there a meta package for non hwe image and headers? [08:36] for non-hwe is the 'linux-generic', which installs 'linux-image-generic' and 'linux-headers-generic' [08:40] klebers: gotcha, thanks! [08:41] yw! [10:35] juergh: because the official ones where less stable than the 6.1 mainline kernel (when I tried somewhere mid 2023) [10:35] juergh: tbh, I don't understand why I get a 6.2 hwe kernel by Ubuntu which is long EOL upstream [10:39] and I don't expect support on the ubuntu mainline kernels, but I expect they are not build for nothing, so if I find an issue while running them, it could be useful to share :) [10:47] I see 6.5 hwe is available now. I will try that one soon :) [15:28] so.. I have 6.6.17 mainline running in kubuntu 22.04 in libvirt/qemu/kvm .. lets see when it crashes :) [20:17] OK, this is breaking my brain. Why do we have both linux-headers-6.2.0-35-generic and linux-hwe-6.2-headers-6.2.0-35? [20:18] I'm working on a thing that has to find and uninstall certain kernel packages and I thought that there were only five packages that went to each kernel - linux-image, linux-headers, linux-modules, (optionally) linux-modules-extra, and (optionally) linux-tools. This addition confuses me somewhat. [20:30] arraybolt3, linux-headers-6.2.0-35-generic is/was the mantic kernel headers and linux-hwe-6.2-headers-6.2.0-35 is the hwe kernel headers for jammy. same kernel but different series. [20:31] and there's a lot more than just 5 packages: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux [21:32] juergh: Good to know, thank you!