=== antonispgs5 is now known as antonispgs === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === wiz is now known as wiz1 [04:13] is there a good explainer on how netboot netinstalls changed as of jammy? [04:13] https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html [04:19] hmm. jammy is no longer in https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/ [04:19] get the release iso [04:20] but if yoi need a daily for any reason: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/jammy/daily-live/current/ [04:20] I should probably pick up lunar while I'm at it [04:20] never installed a non LTS server [04:20] but have fun 🙂 [04:21] i guess i would even prefer noble over lunar [04:24] ravage: huh. that same url pattern doesn't work for lunar [04:24] lunar was after jammy right? [04:25] i dont think there are any official non-LTS server releases [04:25] could be wrong [04:26] okay.... looking at this.... so preseed is gone, totally dead and gone and not used any more, right? [04:26] https://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/lunar/ubuntu-23.04-live-server-amd64.iso [04:26] i was wrong [04:26] but 23.04 is EOL [04:26] so dont install it [04:27] preseed is no more [04:27] it is a horrible new autoinstall world now [04:29] autoinstall is several times less horrible than preseed was [04:29] dang. so debian's still using pressed but canonical is not [04:29] the documentation is horrible [04:29] mounting an iso file to do an install sounds like a step backward [04:30] you never know what is a cloud-init feature or specific to autoinstall [04:30] it all mixes together is a big mess [04:31] 24.04 will have a mini iso and also offer a netboot tarball [04:31] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/pending/ [04:31] as a design philosophy i feel like all autoinstall (or even preseed) should do is lay down the OS, leave the rest to configuration management [04:31] https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-mini-iso/daily-live/current/ [04:32] i think the noble mini iso also offer the install of jammy [04:32] but have not checked it in a while [04:33] it does [04:34] https://i.imgur.com/4qK9pTq.png [04:34] but the car can't go back too far [04:34] bbecause of the cable [04:34] oops, wrong channel, haha [04:34] wow the noble iso does not offer noble. thats funny [04:35] also it basically just downloads the whole ISO and mounts it. so you only save some time on booting it [04:46] hi [04:46] can i install ubuntu on laptop i5? [04:47] what is 'laptop i5' [04:47] sorrt [04:47] sorry [04:47] Asus tuf gaming [04:48] of course [04:48] why woudn't it [04:48] hi!! [04:49] when i try to download ubuntu, it has amd indication on iso imagine [04:49] amd indication? [04:50] and what is the problem? [04:50] amd is compatible with intel? [04:50] sure [04:50] ok thanks a lot [04:51] can i have an question still , i will install ubuntu first time [04:51] will ubuntu find drivers for my videocard after install? [04:51] or to download them [04:51] yes, it will all just work [04:52] it is geforce rtx 3050 =) [04:52] ok... [04:53] will be possible to play games on linux ?:( [04:53] i dont care how [04:53] emule etc. [04:53] lots of people play games on linux [04:53] !nvidia [04:53] Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers [04:54] i used last time ubuntu 15 years ago [04:54] its about the same [04:55] i will try to install it , hope it detects my wifi driver [04:55] becouse i gaven my cable for ethernet to friend [04:55] thanks a lot for support [04:57] rbox, a lot of poople play games on linux? with Steam or I can use Proton without Steam? [04:57] i'm sure thats somethign you can google [04:59] ok, thanks [05:00] i think that i can ran any games from steam on linux althought [05:00] aim a bit right? [05:00] i mean games for windows [05:02] you can not answer altghout [05:03] who? [05:04] a lot of years has passed, maybe there is real to install any game [05:05] in the past, some games have a launched binaries for linux, like a Unreal Tournament or Quake 3 Arena. [05:05] Now, we have a proton [05:05] for runs windows-games in linux [05:06] i hear first time for proton [05:06] how many fish will the troll bait [05:07] ok iam gonna install today ubuntu [05:07] bye \ [05:11] Ximo, i the troll? [05:21] casper says can't open sr0 mo medium found [05:22] do I really ahve to mount an dee vee dee iso file to do a netboot ipxe netinstall of jammy? === remy_ is now known as Remy === marcopolo1_ is now known as marcopolo1 === sbine is now known as genuine [07:00] my server has a wlan chip. do I need to tell curt/subiquity to ignore wlan? [07:04] whats the general rule of thumb for packages available both as snap and as apt? i currently dont use snap and i like how i only need one command to update everything. but thats super important, i just wonder whats the best practice [07:09] fweht, there are a lot of considerations. one is snaps might be more up to date, for example firefox snaps are built by moz so the delay of having ubuntu devs build debs has goine away... [07:09] rfm: cool i see, then ill use snap! [07:09] what about flatpak? its supported by ubuntu as well, right? [07:11] fweht, also some snaps are more available, for example the abraunegg ppa for onedrive doewn't yet support mantic (no reason why they should!) but the snap works just fine [07:12] fweht, flatpak does work on ubuntu, but I've never used one. if an app I wanted to use came on flatpak but not snap or deb, I'd decide then... [07:12] rfm: thanks a lot for the infos! [07:13] ill just use snap [07:13] is this a problem of my installation or is copying / pasting from / into emacs not supported on ubuntu? [07:14] (i dont like emacs but i wanted to give it a try) [07:14] fweht, are you using a snap for emacs? snaps are "confined" so they usually can't get at files outside the home directory. [07:15] fweht, I use the repo/deb versions of emacs, they're new enough for me [07:15] rfm: haha no i havent installed snap yet but plan to use it for my next setup [07:16] what snaps are confined? does that mean i cant use e.g. the terminal inside vscode to do sudo stuff? [07:16] i really like vscode terminal :D [07:17] plan to use ubuntu 24.04 server with a minimal gui and snap, just for fun and see how far i get [07:17] is there a ubuntu channel that is dedicated to the installer environment? [07:18] fweht, don't understand what your problem is with emacs then. don't use vscode, but if it's a confined snap (there are "classic" unconfined snaps) then it just can't see things in the host root file system. [07:18] hi folks - installing 20.04 LTS on my PC, installation procedure goes smoothly, upon reboot i just see a blinking cursor; i changed tty, edited grub config to disable quiet splash, rebooted, i see all the lines with greek "Ok" - zero sign of errors - but still just green blinking cursor; not sure what to do next? [07:19] I'm trying to automate an ubuntu install with subiquity. but the install fails and in "autoinstall config did not create needed bootloader partition". I'm modeling after 'Simple server' from https://www.molnar-peter.hu/en/ubuntu-jammy-netinstall-pxe.html [07:19] their example used /dev/vda. and I'm installing to real hardware /dev/sda so I changed vda to sda [07:19] Homestly I'd prefer to be agnostic to the storage type available. some systems have nvme for instance [07:20] rfm: thanks, the emacs thing is really not important. i dont think ill use it much, its too far away from what im used to (vim or vscode) [07:22] busy purging nvidia drivers and trying again [07:28] Hi. I used this instructions (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_2019) 2 years ago to setup my current pc without any problems. Now I have tried the same instructions to setup a new pc but I keep getting an error. "Unable to install GRUB in /dev/nvme0n1. executing grub-install /dev/mnve0n1 failed. The hardware of the 2 pcs [07:28] are identicall. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? === W4sp is now known as info === info is now known as W4sp === wiz is now known as wiz1 [08:27] good day, how can i export an environment variable in ubuntu 22.04, so that it gets set when i log in with ssh? [08:27] i wrote it in ~/.profile but it does not get set [08:27] try ~/.bashrc [08:28] from "man ssh": [08:28] ~/.ssh/environment [08:28] Contains additional definitions for environment variables; see ENVIRONMENT, above. [08:29] what is ~/.profile for? [08:29] as opposed to ~/.bashrc and ~/.bash_profile [08:31] why do some need EXPORT and some don't? is there any reason to it [08:31] or any method, so that i can get familiar with that, because for me that doesn't make sense in the slightest [08:32] the ones prefixed with "bash" are only read by bash ... you might be using one of the gazillion other shells [08:32] (zsh, ksh, fish ... or if you are crazy enough dash) [08:32] ah, don't need to use EXPORT for ~/.ssh/environment [08:32] 50/50 [08:33] sometimes you need ot use EXPORT, sometimes not [08:34] so i guess when i want to set an environment variable for a user, regardless of if they log in normally or via ssh [08:34] i have to read ~/.ssh/environment in ~/.profile [08:35] or i will just write it in several places [08:35] apparently logging in via ssh is something very exotic [08:37] i will just write it to /etc/environment (which doesn't need export) === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [08:50] writing it in ~/.bashrc apparently helped [08:50] it will forever be a mystery for me [08:50] (needed export) [09:01] exit === MrA is now known as Ders [12:59] salut [13:03] just because a package exists in apt, it doesnt necessarily exist in snap right? [13:04] ls [13:05] sybariten, what's the problem ? the 'snap spoof' ? [13:07] ioria: well i want to install a chat client, and therefore i wanted to check beforehand which versions i would get with apt vs snap. So i could get the latest of the two [13:07] i see [13:07] but "snap info weechat" gave an error [13:08] sybariten: there is no snap version for weechat apparently [13:08] sybariten, maybw 'wechat' :þ [13:09] lol [13:09] merzu: oh okay [13:09] ioria: hehe completely different platform.... i have that one on my phone [13:11] ok [13:11] sybariten, what ver you need ? [13:12] ioria: bah, nothign specific i suppose, just wanted as new of a version as possible. [13:12] sybariten: if you need latest weechat installed from APT, you need to add a repo: https://weechat.org/download/debian/#ubuntu_jammy [13:12] sybariten, 23.10 matic is weechat | 4.0.5-1 [13:12] I tend to prioritize an easy install procedure over having the most bleeding edge version of a software, so i think i will just go with whatever apt offers to me [13:13] merzu: hm, how do these things work actually. I have never really understood the relation between ubuntu versions and sofware packages === wynn is now known as Guest8704 [13:15] if I do lsb_release -r it says Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS [13:15] Maybe this means that specific software is tested for this OS version, and no newer software will appear even if something is released? [13:16] sybariten: it means, that Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is two years old, and mostly all software are so that old also [13:16] merzu: ok. i will simply not get a two months old software into this OS install [13:16] Is there a way to specify limit apt options (under /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/) for a specific repo ? I have a repo that change name often, so I want to set "Acquire::AllowReleaseInfoChange" but only for that repo [13:17] sybariten: it is not about that some packages are unstable. I bilieve if you install weechat from differnt repo, you can't break your system. In the end, it is just a console app [13:19] sybariten, 24.04 will be here soon, and it will ship 4.1 ... maybe just wait a bit [13:20] ioria: not really a bit, probably 22.04 will be upgradable to 24.04 in the summer [13:20] merzu: euh, i thought the idea was specifically this: that packages could be non-compliant with a specific version of the os? [13:20] sybariten: no, it will be ok, since this is official weechat repo for 22.04 ubuntu, so they verified that it should be installed correctly [13:20] ALso, is 22.04 upgradable to , say, v23 already now? Is this a painful procedure? I talking about a headless VPS that i'm renting online [13:22] sybariten, you need to face and cope with possible issues [13:22] sybariten: if you need more recent Ubuntu, why have you installed LTS version. [13:22] merzu: i dont quite understand that question [13:23] 22.04 will be upgradable with the 24..04.1 release [13:23] there was a period, not a q mark [13:23] for a VPS, stick to LTS [13:23] oerheks: you'r right, at the first point release, as usually [13:23] fresh install then, better [13:24] I just go with whatever is conidered sane, stable, easy, good practice [13:24] but i donẗ wanna be sitting on a too old version if its advisable not to [13:25] sybariten: then you should be fine at your current system, just wait when it will propose you to upgrade [13:25] sybariten, the point is: some apps have ppa, flatpak, appimage etc. etc ver available ;others don't [13:25] or go wild, and use the -d option [13:25] merzu: thumbs_up.gif === sc is now known as l_src [13:53] hi [14:13] Hi all [15:14] Hello, after the upgrade from Ubuntu 22.04.3 to 22.04.4 I get the message 'CPU32 failed to report alive state' on booting. CPU32 is also reported as offline under lscpu. The CPU is an AMD EPYC 9334, 32 cores/64 threads. How can I report this? [15:17] !launchpad [15:17] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [15:18] webchat23,^ [15:21] Thanks! [15:37] im trying to install ubuntu via packer with cloud-config, but getting "proceed with autoinstall?" "add autoinstall to your kernel parameters to get rid of this warning" in the middle of the installation process, i have booted the installation with "autoinstall ds=nocloud;" shouldnt this do it? [15:37] webchat23, what's your kernel ? uname -r [15:37] 6.5.0-21-generic [15:47] webchat23, can you try 'cpuhp.parallel=off' as kernel parameter ? [15:48] where would I enter this? [15:50] webchat23, in grub : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters [15:56] ok, I'll try that [16:14] hi [16:20] I tried to reboot with 'cpuhp.parallel=off' but the problem remained. I also tried to boot in the older kernel 6.2.0-26-generic. Here the error message is a bit different ('smpboot: do_boot_cpu failed(-1) to walkeup CPU#32') but still CPU32 remains offline === usr is now known as Guest659 === sotaoverride is now known as Guest2515 [18:10] Hey, I am new to linux. just installed my first ubuntu. [18:11] So far I am having a great time learning my ways around linux [18:12] !yay [18:12] Glad you made it! :-) [18:13] hi jonnjaidi have fun! [18:14] thank you oerheks [18:16] Have a nice Ubuntu, and please Ubuntu carefulL! [18:16] *carefully! [18:53] when will we be able to install kde 6 on ubuntu? [18:56] kicolobo, maybe with kubuntu 24.10 ? [18:56] not with the LTS version. [19:01] Can I get update to stop doing whatever it is doing that slows and kills chrome. When I see it I just go to terminal and update there. (2nd question: can I combine sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrand and Y into one command?) [19:02] sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade -y [19:02] Just a flashing symbol on the panel to tell me there is an update is all I require. [19:02] Can I get update to stop doing whatever it is doing that slows and kills chrome .. yes, hit stop on the update gui. [19:02] OK thanks plasticman I didnt know how to do the y [19:03] I dont want the update gui "window" to applear because that window and its associater whatever IS what slows and kills chrome. It sucks the cyclesright outof it. So sad. [19:04] hi oerheks [19:04] how much memory do you have? [19:04] RAM 8G [19:04] not sure why chrome would be affected y downloading [19:05] it isnt WHILE downloading. It is when that bugger dialog box appears. Oh is is dl'ing in the background? [19:05] updates are good, m'kay? [19:06] chrome has been dippy since 20.04 but now ubuntu handles it much better so I dont have to push the off button. [19:06] (I dont change anything and sometimes hexchat makes me morgan and sometimes seer. [19:07] As soon as I see that there is one oerheks I go to update with apt. [19:07] anyway I had my say. [19:07] thanks [19:09] Hey guys, I just installed Kubuntu 22.04.4 again like 30 minutes ago, installed an app, made a .desktop file, and ran: update-desktop-database i got the error The databases in ... could not be updated, and I can't find any information on the error online, can someone help? [19:11] what app did you install, and how? [19:12] and how does your .desktop file look like, where stored, and how do you run update-desktop-database? [19:14] Quaz823, and that cmd has a '--verbose' option , i suggest to use [19:14] thank you, I will [19:14] or use sudo? [19:15] anyway, too little info to give answer [19:17] usually a MIME type problem [19:18] who can tell ? if one needs to create a desktop file... [20:20] I know this is not an idle chat room, but i dont see the point of desktop icons. I just use universal search to open waht i need. Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android. seems the fastest way to me === ghostbusters2 is now known as ghostbuster [20:20] but i have no idea how to make a desktop icon on ubuntu, maybe there is a #kde room where you can ask? [20:22] I honestly don't think there is a point to desktop icons, I have like 60 on my windows pc, but I've never actually clicked them, I always use the search [20:26] A few steps to making a desktop icon [20:27] Step 1. Make a file called myapp.desktop [20:28] Step 2. open myapp.desktop with a text editor [20:29] The .desktop file will have aprox 10 lines [20:29] Line 1. #!/usr/bin/env xdg-open [20:29] Line 2. I leave blank [20:29] Line 3. [Desktop Entry] [20:30] Line 4. Version=1.0 [20:30] Line 5. Type=Application [20:31] Line 6. Terminal=false [20:32] Line 7. Exec=myapp [20:32] change myapp on Line 7 to the app you want to launch [20:32] Line 8. Icon=myicon [20:33] change myicon on Line 8 to the path of the icon you want to use for your .desktop file [20:34] chico_: in case you're using a GPT/LLM to provide support: please don't. [20:35] otherwise, this would make a good blog post or pastebin post which you could refer to from here. === gschanuel2 is now known as gschanuel [21:17] https://pastebin.com/5dABAU4V Create a .desktop file in Ubuntu. [21:39] plastikman: search only works when you know what something is called :) [21:39] getting python crashes in the middle of an autoinstall when trying to create a partionin scheme, python errors by the looks of things, is this a known error when using lvms via autoinstall? [21:40] its copied from the installation i did by hand prior [21:42] tell us more about what ubuntu version, lvms via autoinstall and the script you used, also the errors? [21:43] if it's a "known bug" you should be able to find it on launchpad [21:45] oerheks: https://pastebin.com/UMaLetac , 22.04.4-live [21:47] zphinx: hello, friendly reminder that that password should now be considered public knowledge [21:47] I was just about to say: maybe next time redact the password [21:48] sarnold: yeah its fine, its a fire and forget one [21:49] still a good habit [21:49] what errors do you get? [21:50] let me grab the crash file and upload it somewhere [21:51] zphinx: excellent :) [21:52] also i would assume a password using with mkpasswd -m sha-512 -s would be fine? [21:53] zphinx, all i can think of, is using daily builds https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/jammy/daily-live/current/ [21:53] sofar that script looks sound [21:53] zphinx: ah yes that sounds very fine indeed [21:54] oh password thing, yes, ugly.. [22:00] hm, anyone know where i can upload text bigger then 512kb ? [22:05] https://paste.ee/ 1 mb [22:06] or 5 with free account [22:06] https://nattfluga.se/documents/1709330032.433724880.unknown.crash https://nattfluga.se/documents/1709330032.433724880.unknown.meta [22:11] zphinx, try the daily builds https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/jammy/daily-live/current/ [22:11] not sure what python3.10 verion it gives [22:11] or subiquity snap [22:12] could i update the snap in early-commands? [22:13] snap refresh [22:17] if you want to script this, you need an api key? https://ubuntu.com/core/docs/refresh-control [22:18] snap refresh did not work [22:18] oerheks: you're looking at ubuntu core docs -- are those the docs you really intend to be looking at? [22:19] oops sarnold [22:20] sudo snap refresh perhaps? [22:26] same error with the daily build === Patrick_ is now known as NAT69 === NAT69 is now known as hjgfhj